Give up Beef, Milk and now Coffee ?

chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
All you polluters out there driving your big SUVs (Of course that's needed for survival in DR), the elites told us cow farts and pastures for livestock are destroying the planet - so beef, milk, ice cream & cheese must go.
We all know a EV battery car (which actually pollutes more than an ICE vehicle) is in your future by law, damn it !

But now the WEF, World Economic Forum), (which was established for no reason by a crazy German) - now tell us that coffee is one of the hugest contributors to's destroying the planet - So all 24,000 tons produced annually in DR should stop ( FYI DR is the 27th largest coffee producer nation on the globe)

I drink two cups everyday with Baileys as my creamer, a small guilty pleasure. ( I really don't feel guilty ;) ) - in fact I'm doing it right now in my boxers :LOL:
I drive a large SUV (no Terrios for me) and & although near $5/gal gas in DR limits my Sunday driving - I'm never getting a TESLA.....not ever.
And I drive to Playa Grande today to avoid the election shouting, of course that will go on all night as election bottle of rum are passed around.

I won't stop eating Churrasco, nor consuming large amounts of President Swiss cheese or French Brie, and I like ice cream daily and so do my 5 dogs.

But give up coffee ? - that's not even possible - yeah we may die from phony Climate Change in 500 years - but I would die lot faster if I ever gave up coffee.
Seems to me what is destroying the planet is SEX - to many useless empty heads being born - Give up Sex ? Maybe that's easier than coffee. Think of all the Global Warming being created by Jet Blue flights full of desperate horny old men looking for Cheap Thrills


Are any other of your DR residents addicted to coffee like me ?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I could live without it, I only drink one cup of espresso in the morning. Mr AE drinks it all day up until bedtime. This week he had to go for 2 stress tests, no caffeine for 12 hours prior. Cardiologist is over an hour away, he left at 7 am. Before he left, he filled a thermos with espresso so he could drink it the second he got into the car to drive back home. He’s definitely not interested in hearing about global warming. 😊
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Jun 26, 2012
Not a D.R. resident... yet, but a coffee lover nonetheless: on my first cup as I peck these words on the keyboard.
Next: 2nd cup between 5 and 6 PM EST.
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chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
I could live without it, I only drink one cup of espresso in the morning. Mr AE drinks it all day up until bedtime. This week he had to go for 2 stress tests, no caffeine for 12 hours prior. Cardiologist is over an hour away, he left at 7 am. Before he left, he filled a thermos with espresso so he could drink it the second he got into the car to drive back home. He’s definitely not interested in hearing about global warming. 😊
I used to work with a big guy who drank coffee non stop all day even on hot days. I bet he drank 20-30 cups a day.
Far more than I could ever drink.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The DR can become the most green country on the planet and it will do absolutely nothing to stop global warming, global cooling, climate change, reduction of the ozone layer, increasing pollutants in the air, etc.

Most of these “callings” come from a certain subset of the US population. Quite frankly, the US is so big and consumes so much that things like everyone stops driving an SUV can have some sort of effect in terms of reducing the addition of pollutants that may or may not be influencing in climate change, etc.

The DR? Nah…

As far as drinking coffee, it should be reminded that no one drank coffee in the DR until the 1700’s. The tradition (and still is big) was to drink hot cocoa, not anything coffee, especially for breakfast. It was the French that introduced the coffee trees to the western part of the island and from there the trees and the habit of drinking coffee spread islandwide. So, originally the DR wasn’t contributing to “global warming” et al.
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Jun 10, 2008
I agree with you on something, nice... For me, 1-2 cups in the morning (cannot think properly otherwise), once after lunch so that I don't fall asleep and possibly once more around 5 pm... On weekends much less...
This is similar to my coffee routine
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Apr 11, 2004
I learned one thing about coffee many years ago. Never drink a double espresso with Sambuca anytime close to bed time..........But I love it in the afternoon...........

chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
I learned one thing about coffee many years ago. Never drink a double espresso with Sambuca anytime close to bed time..........But I love it in the afternoon...........
That sounds lethal!

chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
The DR can become the most green country on the planet and it will do absolutely nothing to stop global warming, global cooling, climate change, reduction of the ozone layer, increasing pollutants in the air, etc.

Most of these “callings” come from a certain subset of the US population. Quite frankly, the US is so big and consumes so much that things like everyone stops driving an SUV can have some sort of effect in terms of reducing the addition of pollutants that may or may not be influencing in climate change, etc.

The DR? Nah…

As far as drinking coffee, it should be reminded that no one drank coffee in the DR until the 1700’s. The tradition (and still is big) was to drink hot cocoa, not anything coffee, especially for breakfast. It was the French that introduced the coffee trees to the western part of the island and from there the trees and the habit of drinking coffee spread islandwide. So, originally the DR wasn’t contributing to “global warming” et al.
1700s - heck that was before the industrial revolution even and way before Al Gore.
I bet getting around DR in that era was by donkey.
I have heard coffee bushes called trees elsewhere, but technically I think they are shrubs.
Cocoa is nice - but it doesn't start your engines in the morning.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
I really have never drank or liked coffee. Now I love the smell of coffee, but I have never developed a taste for it. Funny growing up in a household of coffee drinkers, then marrying into one. Maybe it is just me but as I get older caffeine affects me differently.
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
1700s - heck that was before the industrial revolution even and way before Al Gore.
I bet getting around DR in that era was by donkey.
I have heard coffee bushes called trees elsewhere, but technically I think they are shrubs.
Cocoa is nice - but it doesn't start your engines in the morning.
There used (or it might still be there) a coffee tree grove behind the house of one of my great grandmother. Used to pass through it as a kid on my way yo me grandmother’s house which was next door, but very apart due to the size of the property. I have no idea what type of coffee it produced. Whatever it was, I think it was used for domestic consumption as I have no recollection the coffee beans were ever sold to anyone. My great grandmother that lived there died a few years ago, but before she died I once heard her say to my uncle that many nights she could hear the Haitians as they tresspassed into her property by entering from behind, near the coffee grove. They would steal some of the chicks and eggs, and she knew they were Haitians because she would hear them talk to each other in their language, Did they took some of the coffee beans too? Who knows!

My grandmother’s house was abandoned and condemned for many years, but whenever they would check there were Haitian squatters that lived in that house. They would be kicked out and the house closed again only to check the house a few months later and see the Haitian squatters living there again. My uncle ordered the house to be destroyed and the squatters haven’t return since. In the DR even if they never pay a single cent, after a few years living in a property squatters have a legal right to claim ownership!


Jul 29, 2013
All you polluters out there driving your big SUVs (Of course that's needed for survival in DR), the elites told us cow farts and pastures for livestock are destroying the planet - so beef, milk, ice cream & cheese must go.
We all know a EV battery car (which actually pollutes more than an ICE vehicle) is in your future by law, damn it !

But now the WEF, World Economic Forum), (which was established for no reason by a crazy German) - now tell us that coffee is one of the hugest contributors to's destroying the planet - So all 24,000 tons produced annually in DR should stop ( FYI DR is the 27th largest coffee producer nation on the globe)

But give up coffee ? - that's not even possible - yeah we may die from phony Climate Change in 500 years - but I would die lot faster if I ever gave up coffee.
There is a government war going on the states against beef, making it so unprofitable; ranchers are quitting.
The stores are actually having supply issues on ground beef around here.
And we all know Klaus Schwab, and the WEF won't be giving up their private jets anytime soon.:rolleyes:
That crap organization should just build their own space city, like the movie Elysium.
Let's just hope the DR government is wise enough to ignore their profit driven agenda, that's one thing I love about the DR; is generally does their own thing
by avoiding world politics.
And I love Santo Domingo cafe, fortunately for me; it's now sold on Amazon.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
There is a government war going on the states against beef, making it so unprofitable; ranchers are quitting.
The stores are actually having supply issues on ground beef around here.
And we all know Klaus Schwab, and the WEF won't be giving up their private jets anytime soon.:rolleyes:
That crap organization should just build their own space city, like the movie Elysium.
Let's just hope the DR government is wise enough to ignore their profit driven agenda, that's one thing I love about the DR; is generally does their own thing
by avoiding world politics.
And I love Santo Domingo cafe, fortunately for me; it's now sold on Amazon.
Try their Cafe Santo Domingo Caracolillo

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Active member
Mar 7, 2004
Let's just hope the DR government is wise enough to ignore their profit driven agenda, that's one thing I love about the DR; is generally does their own thing
by avoiding world politics.
The opposite is true.
Posted in other threads the links to the profile page of vice president Raquel Peña on the WEF site and president Abinadar speaking on a session in Davos.
The administration fully supports the WEF agenda.
Latest example is the new license plates, before we experienced the covid tyranny (lockdowns, curefew, travel restrictions, mrna shots).
Not to forget Hipolito who send soldiers to Irak just because being told to do without having a clue which is the opposite of avoiding world politics.
On the contrary, the D.R. will be among the first to implement the international health certificate mandatory for travel, known passanger id, digital currency, social scores, social media censorship, 15 min. cities (which are easy to implement with the already perfect placement of toll stations and the new plates are an important detail) etc.
