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Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
Yes I know that, but I get more for my dollar in other places. I just came back from Honduras. The expats there seem to be more successful and happier. The streets were cleaner and no loud music. Also they have a u.s. military base there (I'm prior service)which means a stable job.50k down there will have me living like a king.

Last year Honduras was the country with the highest rate of murder worldwide.
2011 it had 92 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.
El Salvador could surpass this with 4930 murders in the first nine months of this year.(UNODC)
Gangs fighting and an incompetent government are the cause.
With all it's problems the DR fortunately is not at this level yet.

Use a translate program if you want to read the article.


New member
Nov 3, 2015
I joined this forum recently, OP's observation, although written as a rant is quite accurate. She is brave to express it which might upset some older members of forum.
The thing that struck me the most is not constant moaning how bad things are(thats human nature and more likely just an escape vent) but generally dismissive attitude towards locals.
You will not write something like that about other racial group, say blacks, back home in your country, will you?

I know people will defend their conduct saying its online forum and honest opinion is better than PC lies. I am not saying one should sensor their opinion or lie about things
but be sensitive about how you say it, and not appear as closet racist.
I hope locals reading the forum posts do not hold a grudge against foreigners.

Apologies if I rubbed anybody wrong way, all forum members have been very kind to me, have nothing to complain about.


Jan 1, 2002
I joined this forum recently, OP's observation, although written as a rant is quite accurate. She is brave to express it which might upset some older members of forum.
The thing that struck me the most is not constant moaning how bad things are(thats human nature and more likely just an escape vent) but generally dismissive attitude towards locals.
You will not write something like that about other racial group, say blacks, back home in your country, will you?

I know people will defend their conduct saying its online forum and honest opinion is better than PC lies. I am not saying one should sensor their opinion or lie about things
but be sensitive about how you say it, and not appear as closet racist.
I hope locals reading the forum posts do not hold a grudge against foreigners.

Apologies if I rubbed anybody wrong way, all forum members have been very kind to me, have nothing to complain about.

Thank you for your input. It is nice to see a new member voice their opinion about their experience a newbie.
I have enjoyed reading about your upcoming trip. You got some very good advice. I am looking forward to your trip report about your adventures.


Jan 12, 2010
I personally thought the ooriginal posting from Tracym had some very good points although expressed in a rather different way ..I have often wondered why contributers here who find so many difficulties in living here actually continue to live here . The only reasonable answer seems to be that instead of getting away for a while or permanently, some contributors appear to release their tensions by writing negatively on DR1 . So many writers, including myself ,have written that it is best just to go with the flow and accept the fact that the DR is a very poor country and the culture is different. Like others , I find the climate perfect for my arthritis and I find the frustrations much less than the pleasures .


Feb 3, 2009
I joined this forum recently, OP's observation, although written as a rant is quite accurate. She is brave to express it which might upset some older members of forum.
The thing that struck me the most is not constant moaning how bad things are(thats human nature and more likely just an escape vent) but generally dismissive attitude towards locals.
You will not write something like that about other racial group, say blacks, back home in your country, will you?

I know people will defend their conduct saying its online forum and honest opinion is better than PC lies. I am not saying one should sensor their opinion or lie about things
but be sensitive about how you say it, and not appear as closet racist.
I hope locals reading the forum posts do not hold a grudge against foreigners.

Apologies if I rubbed anybody wrong way, all forum members have been very kind to me, have nothing to complain about.

Valid observations I think. That being other than the comment that people do not have similar attitudes for certain groups back home or elsewhere. I think people do have just as strong opinions where due, I think that the concentration of it may seem unfair as it is after all DR1, and not Everywhere else1.
I know where you are coming from, but unfortunately opinion and attitude is pretty much always well justified. Unfortunately the government, and the people within it have more than earned their reputation among 'the rest' of us.

Sadly the positive stories offered up on here are usually limited to threads like, 'There are some good Dominicans out there', and go on to tell of a story where someone had the opportunity to rob them, and didn't. Or they were stopped by the police and no attempt was made to extort money from them. Genuinely that is as good as it gets.

So valid concerns yes, but as you get to know the place more, you will become aware that they are well justified.

I look forward to your trip reports, and hopefully you will have met some great people and had great experiences to share with all.


Jan 1, 2002
Tracym stirred up a swarm of bees.
As was observed in different posts, she (a) could have made the post a bit easier to read; (b) might have revealed her own lack of
education and age; (c) pointed out that most of us know and care little about.
We generally prefer to rant about things that irk: poor public services of every stripe; a noticeable lack of public safety; a mind-boggling
disregard for others on the roads (often including themselves among the "others")....
And then we comment on our own experiences regarding the poster's rant. Isn't that so?

Well, Tracym, in a country that could be so wonderful is so many ways, it is painful to see incompetence, corruption, greed and plain
old stupidity ruin things. And in spite of all that, it is still a nice place to live and love (real love, not just sex)....

I have said many a time, "It takes years to be able to refer to Dominicans without an unkind adjective preceding the noun."

And Yeah! Where is CCCC??



Jul 9, 2010
It amazes me that so many of you speak about all that is happening in the Dr and how it is not cheap or safe, you talk about the people and their government like you have a right....I have been watching you all talk out your asses like yoy again have a right a...if you are so miserable go home lol..people like you need to shake your heads...some are si miserable every thing they say is negative wow go home...I find out hard to believe you negative people haven't been a victim yet, but could c why so many exists become victims....you sick people leave your country running from yourselves get to the dr and keep up your sick behaviours and wonder why all these exists are dieing lol ...misty odd the exists are great I am sure but some of you should be bank I'm your country facing the **** you did. .u all hide behind your computer's and judge so many lol...ur is quite disturbing really...I feel sorry for countries like the Dr and the Philippines they have to deal with all the Other countries rejects....u all ran there for a reason and if you were honest you should know you are no better lol...I look forward to all the bull cheap responses .....oh and cccccccccu ass lol YOU need to get a life and so judging others like you have the right lol....at times I read these comment and believe they belong I the clown bin....please so your crap, ur gets old lol...no offencE to those who are not like this...it just makes me laugh hours you believe you have a say or that it even matters lol. Didnt stay New thread I know I should havE so save your unwanted comments .. u all sound like old bitter people who got shared because you fell for the same assumptions others have when planning a relationship there our a life you failed at.. my mom's always said you take yourself with you wherever you go. ..and for the record if u all are so miserable go home...for cccccc I have our my kids first and have professionals that have suggested this move for us and think you need to talk with one as well...just thinking out loud . :)

Sent from my SM-G386W using Tapatalk

WOW somebody touched a nerve!! All you ___holes out there should be ashamed of yourselves for jumping on a newbie. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 4, 2012
When you see young children left to grow up on the sidewalks you tend to wonder about who and what are theese kind of people. Let the young lady clean up her country so they can be human. If she thinks we are worse than home grown Dominicans take a close look at your fellow neibhors young lady.


Jul 4, 2012
When you see young children left to grow up on the sidewalks you tend to wonder about who and what are theese kind of people. Let the young lady clean up her country so they can be human. If she thinks we are worse than home grown Dominicans take a close look at your fellow neibhors young lady.

I would also like to ask her why their are almost 2 Million Dominicans in the U.S. and more risking their lives to leave in small boats . At least the Gringos come here with money to enhance the country and talking bad about it, is not like asslating and killing the Gringos! How many Gringos are incarcerated for killing Dominicans !


New member
Jun 23, 2015
Thanks for all you're input, considered positive or negative. Either way I will be there for one of many visits before my final decision to move their . I was hoping some of you may have some suggestions on where to go, for two 40 yr old ladies, looking not for love but nature. I have heard the resorts offer tours, but want to make sure we get to see some surrounding areas of Puerto plata, waterfalls just beautiful nature lol...

thanks in advance :cheeky:

My suggestion would be Costa Rica.

If I am not mistaken the OP is considering moving here with her kids, one of whom is disabled. I am not sure this is a good place to do that, without massive financial resources in place.
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Oct 29, 2010
Thanks for all you're input, considered positive or negative. Either way I will be there for one of many visits before my final decision to move their . I was hoping some of you may have some suggestions on where to go, for two 40 yr old ladies, looking not for love but nature. I have heard the resorts offer tours, but want to make sure we get to see some surrounding areas of Puerto plata, waterfalls just beautiful nature lol...

thanks in advance :cheeky:

I would suggest a trip inland to the Jarabacoa/Costanza area may suit you. It's a couple of hours away, but should offer the beautiful nature you are looking for.


Feb 3, 2009
My suggestion would be Costa Rica.

If I am not mistaken the OP is considering moving here with her kids, one of whom is disabled. I am not sure this is a good place to do that, without massive financial resources in place.

Considering moving to a country with a disabled child that has no understanding, acceptance nor empathy for disability of any kind is surely the silliest and most clueless thing I have heard in a while. Not only making your own life hard, but really making things 10 times more difficult than they should ever need to be for the child.


Sep 27, 2006
i think acceptance and empathy for disabilities are found here. facilities and treatments may be a different thing. but it depends on disability, of course. i know an american family here with a disabled child, they do very well as they can afford constant personal care but they have no need for any specific medicine, treatments or processes. they are happy and so is the child.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
i think acceptance and empathy for disabilities are found here. facilities and treatments may be a different thing. but it depends on disability, of course. i know an american family here with a disabled child, they do very well as they can afford constant personal care but they have no need for any specific medicine, treatments or processes. they are happy and so is the child.

they can afford Constant Personal Care!!!!
a very big difference to the usual disabled DR Citizen.
you see only a few disabled DR citizens around town.
not that they would not exist, hellNo,
but they are hidden by the family,
to siege their time til the time has come.
myself i find acceptance level of disabled humans in the DR to be on a extreme low level.
if you have the money to afford a full home care,
then you build your private castle for the child, a customized little fake world for the child,
but once leaving the house to walk a street or to visit a average school,
the walls of that castle crush down in no time.
who can afford the own built Castle and pay a top rate private school, suitable for the disabled child,
will be fine. but that would be fine everywhere on the globe.
the average Jane and Joe Family, nooo freakin' way.



Sep 27, 2006
24/7 care in DR is very cheap. yeah, out of reach for an average dominican. for for an average gringo it is doable.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
24/7 care in DR is very cheap. yeah, out of reach for an average dominican. for for an average gringo it is doable.

good point.
but keep in mind that this 24/7 care may require to be done by staff speaking other languages than just spanish.
of course it also depends on the specific need's of each disabled child.
available monthly income is the key.



Sep 27, 2006
i agree. it can work depending on the disability and financial resources.

this is a subject for entirely new thread, likely.
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