Going to Cuba?


New member
May 18, 2002
Also, the Cuban people have been exposed to capitalism, the lure is there. Castro in effect has a police state and anyone who complains is imprisioned.
Do you know that there are hotels, resorts and restuarants for tourists only. no Cubans can go there.
In the DR I have met many Canadians which have visited Cuba, some in love it. The more intelligent ones speak of Cuba being a police state where they cannot go everywhere they want.
I don't understand why so may people blame the Cuban American for the embargo??


Jan 14, 2002
Although there are a lot of countries that Cuba can do business with that doesn't mean that the embargo isn't doing what it is supposed to do.

Just look at the DR and think about what would happen if they weren't able to both trade with the US or get tourists from the US. It would be a more sorry state of affairs than it already is.

I think that the embargo is just and should stay in place. However that doesn't mean that I don't want to see Cuba which I do and probably will.

When you compare China to Cuba and say that we trade with them and give them most favorable status you fail to remember the Cuban missle crisis. China supports our enemies but has never brought us to the brink of war and Cuba has. Also trading with China has more importance to US than trading with Cuba from a business standpoint. Cuba has nothing to offer that can't be had from somewhere else.

Hey Castro threw out Americans and took our property. He only wants us back for our dollars and we shouldn't give them to him without reparations, human rights and reform in that order.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
TERRY said:

Tony if you and the other Cuban Americans could just put aside your hatred,and start a meaningful dialouge with Fidel, Cuba would again be free.
Regards Terry.

If you had members of your family murdered by someone would you want to engage in a "Meaningful Dialogue" with that person? I don't! Do you think that talking with Fidel will win freedom in Cuba? Carter opened up dialogue with Fidel in the 70's. What did that accomplish? Nothing except the Mariel Boatlift. You sound like Neville Chamberlin did back in 1938.

Tony C.


New member
Jan 12, 2002

First, I really would be interested in your opinion as to why lifting the blockade would hasten Castro's downfall. Not a rhetorical remark I am making, but am truly interested. There are so many Cuban's that excel at certain sports, it would be nice if they could freely enter the US.

I realize more than ANY of you that many do so now, but if you knew the hassles and those left behind, you would understand my message.

As for the blockade, personally I wish Kennedy had listened to some of his "Hawkish" advisors and commenced a surgical airstrike. History has since shown that Khrushchev may have screamed and postured, but would not at that time been capable of fighting the US.

Some of you may think "But we still would have had a nuclear war," hardly, though he was a hardliner and boisterous, Khrushchev was no fool, he did not wish to destroy the World to prove a point regarding his "project"

Of course this is all from research and historical notes, but most theories seem to sustain the others

Janice, way out of her field


New member
Feb 1, 2002
And who do you sound like Tony?,Yasser Arafat or Ariel Sharon,unless someone starts dialogue you end up in an impossible situation.
Carter tried to negotiate once,(didn't he just return to Cuba?)the embargo has been in place for how long 35 years?.

Regards Terry.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
TERRY said:
And who do you sound like Tony?,Yasser Arafat or Ariel Sharon,unless someone starts dialogue you end up in an impossible situation.
Carter tried to negotiate once,(didn't he just return to Cuba?)the embargo has been in place for how long 35 years?.

Regards Terry.

I fail to see the anology with the Israeli/palestinian conflict and Cuba.
Let me tell you a story about the guy that you want to dialogue with.
When they were executing people after the revolution for not agreeing with them Fidel was present to see that the job was done right. The vast majority that were executed were non-combatants. The guards would tell the prisoners to kneel down for Fidel when arrived. Those who refused were shot in the knees to force them to the ground. Then after letting them writhe in pain for awhile they would shoot them in the stomach for slow and painful death. How do I know this? One of those guys shot in the knees was my uncle!
So you go ahead and dialogue with Fidel!
Personally I don't believe that lifting the embargo will hasten Fidel's downfall. All it will do is add more money to his offshore bank accounts for him and his cronies.

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002
While I disagree about the embargo, I will agree that there is little chance of a meaningful dialogue with Fidel. The only change in his power will probably be when he dies. His heir apparent, brother Raul is too weak to maintain the powerhold that Fidel has...kind of like Ramfis failing to hold power when rujillo was assasinated. The question is who will have the ability to lead.


New member
Feb 1, 2002
I am sure a 1000 Palastinians could tell horrors stories equal to the one you have just told as could a 1000 Jews, and there stories go back more than just 30 or 40 years.
Embargos and violence has changed nothing,history is full of similar examples.The buck has to stop somewhere Tony.
Regards Terry.


New member
Jan 12, 2002
Cause and effect


Numerous scholars have spent their lives discussing the "Cuban problem," almost everyone that has any interest in politics or history has an opinion, mine: Cuba pd' off the US and neither side will back down from what is now a personal issue.

The embargo benefits no one, Castro's regime benefits no one (Except himself), maybe it's time for another agency or country to step in and resolve a conflict for the US rather than the other way around?

Janice believing in miracles