good and bad in all


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este

I was always taught that you get alot more done with a whisper than a yell. People, in general, shut you out when you yell. But when spoken softly and with respect usually you get alot more done.

I was a waitress in USA. If a customer asked me for something nicely I get it faster. If they yelled it seemed that they recived their request alot slower. And maybe got their food spit in of dropped on the floor, but served always with a smile.mind you I NEVER did the spitting of dropping but some opf my cook/ waitress friends were glad to do it for me.

Be nice it goes alot farther thatn yelling. Especially in DR. Make perople feel a little important and they will treat you much better.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
miguel said:
I did not missed the point, as you and "smart" told me, if you read LuvtheDR, it was mentioned on his post that some people where yelling at people at the front desk because they were not given clean towels. I might be old but not "witless" yet.


You are right Miguel. It WAS the customer yelling at the front desk clerk.

Ps: :ermm: LuvtheDR is a she! (but how were you to know??)


Jan 2, 2002
chuckuindy said:
By the way Anna, did you ever yell at your kids? I bet you did and I bet today they are responsible adults.


Opps I missed your added message Charlie. I have three kids which are now adults. Yes from time to time being a hot tempered Italian :rolleyes: I did yell but you know what it never did work. I could get them to do things by explaining the reasons why they couldn't do this and that. I remember once when my son was around 16 he came home and I can't remember why I did it but in anger I started to complain in a very loud voice. He just looked at me and said in a very calm voice, Mom did you have a bad day? And walked away.
I felt like crap for yelling because it wasn't what I was saying but the way it came out.

And to this day I get more from being sweet and nice :rolleyes: than acting like a maniac.
Oh and that does for all areas of my life not just with my kids.
Last edited:


Mar 8, 2004
I stand corrected

LuvtheDR said:
You are right Miguel. It WAS the customer yelling at the front desk clerk.

Ps: :ermm: LuvtheDR is a she! (but how were you to know??)

people were so rude to the Front Desk Staff it was unbelievable! They were yelling at them because they did not have new towels in their room!

Again you are right, Miguel. Sorry, my old tired eyes deceived me.

Lets all live in peace and harmony. From now on I will live by the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt, ?speak softly and carry a big stick?. Thanks for your reply Anna, from now on I will just put my grandkids in time out.


simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
That was nice

Well being Honest to every one here.

Some of you, know that not matter where you are going always you will find good and bad people, by the Tourist side and by the hotel worker side, as what I experieced working and also visitting some hotels.

Let me start when I was working at the Hotel Resort, I saw many kind of tourist from the good untill the worse one. The good ones realized that they were in one 3 world country and that is normal to have mosquitos in the island also that rain is normal in the DR. This kind of client is the one that you feel like talking to that person also explaing about interesting places that this person should visit and look at our geography usually this client is interested to lear about Dominican culture, normaly you start a friendship with that person and keep in touch, I remenber that I met a family from Manitoba, Winnipeg they were amazing people, I kept in touch to those people via email I can say with proud that I was not expecting nothing from those people just the friendship, I did explaing that my girlfriend is Canadian wich one I got to know her before work at the hotel field, I promised to that family if one day I go to Canada I will visit them. They always said that they will teach me hockey if I teach them how to play baseball, anyways after one week when I came to Canada I called them to say hi! They were surprise about her that I was here one of the kids who is 14 years old come to Toronto to visit his uncle we had a great time.

Other guest, was a guy 26 years old he work for a gym in Canada, he was in Punta Cana for 3 weeks he was very nice and honest since I meet this guy, first than every thing he came to the Hotel having his clothes in 2 garbage bags I told him, its not my business to know but did you come from Canada like that. he told me that some body toke his lugage and money. Then I help him with the price of the hotel and were to find a cheap lugage that he can afford to pay with credit card anyway I kept his email until I came to Canada we some times go out here in Canada and always he get for me a free pass to go to his Gym.

The Bad side of some tourist.

Some of them think that still we have slave in the Dominican Rep, also some client think that the reason that they paid a lot of money for the vacation they think that they bought the employees also because is raining you have to do some thing for that. They get cranky and think that this is employees responsability the weather because they came from so far to play golf or whatever.

Many compleins about getting sick from the food, of course you will get sick if they act some times that they have to finish all the food from the hotel in one week the same thing with the drink even worse if they go to the casino and loss all the money then they said "This is the worse hotel I ever being"

I got some client that try to leave the Hotel with out paid some bills that I had to call the security then the police. Also problem with some client that want to bring prostitutes to the Hotel and some woman trying to bring sankies.

Client that after get a huge bill in phone calls then they said that they did not make it but after some investigation then the hotel find out the client was calling some of his friends.

Ok I think this is enought about this side.

Now about hotel worker,

This is my question, if one animation guy say to you "I love you" in 3 day of you stay at the Hotel, would you believe that ? thats one of the bad part wich one is a different thread. Most of the problem that we read here in DR1 about hotel worker stuff just guess what department are those guy working.
"Animation" some are good guys I know but most are problem. I never heard about maid lady giving problem or the garden guys and some other guys.

Also that the security guys some of them are jerks.

This is all I was living and seing for 2 years there is more but would be for next time.......


brian richards said:
Well while we were Holidaying in the DR, we became friendly with quite a few of the resort workers. One was a sweeper who had holes in his trousers and shoes falling off his feet. So I gave him a pair of my chinos trousers and my leather sandels, only wore them both once, the night before. Then I realised that I forgot to check the pockets, and I had left 1700 pesos in the back pocket. When I spoke to him again I told him what I had done, I expected him to say there wasnt anything in the pockets. He didnt he told me to wait there he would go and get it for me and he would give it back, we told him to keep it.

Then there is this other resort worker, good looking guy, not going to say who he is. But we became friendly with him. He told us how he was saving hard to come to the UK to get married, my good lady gave him a ?20 note telling him to spend it on arrival to the uk on getting something to eat. We was told that he probably tells everybody that story to get money. Well we have just heard he is in the UK, Getting married. So all though you have to have your wits about you its not all of them telling you a yarn to get your money. We are going to try and find him in the UK just to make sure he is ok.

But I tell you what did upset us is the way most of the tourists treated the resort workers, no please, no thank you, we want, with a we have paid for you to wait on us attitude. How about some respect for the people who go out of their way to ensure you have a supurb vacation. Mind you it wasnt all tourists.

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
Hey chuky,

You dont know how is it feel to have a client saying to you their favorite word
"This is ridiculous" in many ocation I went back office to take a breath. also they get fustrated when the dont get the room next to their friend.

I still dont know if 2 couples are traveling together why they want to be next door, to dont have privacy.

and this is the thing just to my room have not towels they can kick out from work the maid who clean your room. its so easy to get the phone dial 0 and say can you please send 5 towels or whatever.

Other problem is "I got two bed in my room I was not expecting that my wife is mad" is easy relax just call and say hey there is any single room here not so far from where I am because I dont want to spend long time moving.

Problem number 1 "The Room is not Ready"

Client "Whaaaaaaaaat how come my room is not ready, I paid a lot of money for this vacation and my room is not ready this is ridiculous, I cant believe it
this is not the first time I am in a all inclusive hotel.,."

Answer from the front desk "Srs, they are inpecting your room making sure that every thing is perfect we are sorry for that we invite you to go to the go to the lobby bar and start enjoying your vacation and just wait for 20 minute then come back to pick up your room keys.

chuckuindy said:
people were so rude to the Front Desk Staff it was unbelievable! They were yelling at them because they did not have new towels in their room!

Again you are right, Miguel. Sorry, my old tired eyes deceived me.

Lets all live in peace and harmony. From now on I will live by the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt, ?speak softly and carry a big stick?. Thanks for your reply Anna, from now on I will just put my grandkids in time out.



New member
Apr 4, 2004
simpson Homer said:
Some of them think that still we have slave in the Dominican Rep, also some client think that the reason that they paid a lot of money for the vacation they think that they bought the employees also because is raining you have to do some thing for that. They get cranky and think that this is employees responsability the weather because they came from so far to play golf or whatever.

Many compleins about getting sick from the food, of course you will get sick if they act some times that they have to finish all the food from the hotel in one week the same thing with the drink even worse if they go to the casino and loss all the money then they said "This is the worse hotel I ever being"


I agree with you 100% Homer! People seem to think that everything should be perfect while on vacation - and they have every right to hope everything goes according to plan. But the problems begin when things do not go right! Some people are quick to place blame. Well....the only person that can be blamed for rain is Mother Nature!! Not the resort, it's workers, the country, or the tour rep! I lost 3 days out of my week vacation due to rain, and yeah, that was crappy, but it was nobody's fault! Come to think of it.....this whole "Towel Incident" occured on the 2nd full day of rain. (Not that I'm making excuses for them...) Some people would be mad that it rained and take out their anger at anyone - and some people (like myself) would be upset that it is raining, but realize that weather is beyond the control of anyone and just thank God that I'm not back home where it was -40!


Mar 8, 2004

I was reading this article on dog training today and it said:
?If you are charged by a dog, don't yell or scream, but immediately offer an article of clothing, gym bag, purse or other item for the animal to tug on.?

Next time I get hacked off because there are no towels, I am just going to take all of my clothing off and throw them at the desk clerk. How is that Anna?


Disclaimer: this is not a personal attack.
Chuckuindy is represented by the law firm of Dowie, Cheatman, and Howe


New member
Apr 4, 2004
chuckuindy said:
?speak softly and carry a big stick?.
Hmmm.....this statement coupled with
Next time I get hacked off because there are no towels, I am just going to take all of my clothing off and throw them at the desk clerk.
Causes some concern! :p personal offence!!


Jan 14, 2002
brian richards said:
And as for the pig ignorant tourists, they should remember you may have paid for a holiday, BUT YOU ARE STILL A GUEST OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC and should act like one.
I know no one else is going to say this but you sound likt the PIG IGNORANT tourist by the way you throw your money around.

I live in the DR, never disrespected any Dominican and enjoy them. They think you are a turkey although you think you are sharp as a knife.

You may have paid for your holiday 2x!:)


Jan 14, 2002
Anna Coniglio said:
Calm down Charlie your age is showing. Yes I remember when we didn't have to pump our own gas and we still have them here in Guelph. But I don't remember any yelling going on. I always say thank you and please as do most people even when they make mistake.
What if the towels were not dry or available when the room was being cleaned and after cleaning 500 other room you forget to return to those two rooms. Wow what tragidy. And by the way I'll tell you something no matter who is in the wrong the person yelling to get their point across is always looked down on NOT the person being yelled at. Keep that one in mind.

I look at the person yelling and think blankblank you blanking idiot.

This is a nice thread so don't spoil it with your high and mighty attitude.
Anna, everyone has the right to feel the way they feel. Who are you to tell them different?

On a side note. I went to Aruba for a 4 day weekend with my wife. When I got there they said they didn't have the room I was supposed to have. They said I had to go another hotel tonight and come back the next day. Now I know for you and the Brit Brian or whatever money bags name is that would have been fine for you but it sure as hell wasn't fine for me. I am NOT going to be inconvienenced by some doodie for brains hotel that either over booked or gave MY room to someone else. I was there for 4 days to decompress not to move from Hotel to Hotel to Hotel for reasons not the fault of me.

I stood in the lobby talking as loud as possible and let them know I wasn't going to stand for that kind of crap. I told them I would stay there and not move and talk as loud as I can so when people came down to dinner they would see what type of a crap operation they ran.

Needless to say I got a room facing the ocean that happened to have a basket of fruit in it with a card to another supposed guest thanking them for staying with them. I enjoyed the room, ate the fruit and screw any dopey hotel staff that thought that they were going to put ME THROUGH HELL ON MY VACATION. If you don't like my story you know what you can do also:)

I tip for good service, I am bothered when I get horrible service and will NEVER return to a place that I find the service insulting. So if you want to keep lousey workers because some people with more money than apparently brains thinks that is fine, you will wonder at some point what happened to the business you once had and the profits you once had as well.

Put me down on Charlies side of the fence on this arguement although I am not the obnoxious guest that makes a scene if they get the drink wrong or if I didn't have enough towels. Just NEVER make like I am stupid and am EXPECTED to take insulting crap service and like it. I just won't.



Mar 8, 2004
Role model

Escott said:
Anna, everyone has the right to feel the way they feel. Who are you to tell them different?

Put me down on Charlies side of the fence on this arguement although I am not the obnoxious guest that makes a scene if they get the drink wrong or if I didn't have enough towels. Just NEVER make like I am stupid and am EXPECTED to take insulting crap service and like it. I just won't.


Now thats what I call a role model. Thanks Scott!


New member
Jun 1, 2004
His name is Brian and not money bags. He was just saying there is good and bad in all. And even if there is a complaint to make there is a right way and wrong way to deal with it, same as there is a right way and a wrong way to treat people, manners cost nothing. The reason he didnt worry about the money was he had a budget for spending on holiday, and as you know, there isnt a lot to spend it on, but we didnt, and we did go AI. The resort staff did go out of their way to ensure we had a great time and so he showed his appreciation. Anyway you should be able to make your own mind up about him when you meet him and his family at his wedding which you have been invited to by chester4. He certainly wouldn`t have a little pop or make a snide remark about you.

Escott said:
Anna, everyone has the right to feel the way they feel. Who are you to tell them different?

On a side note. I went to Aruba for a 4 day weekend with my wife. When I got there they said they didn't have the room I was supposed to have. They said I had to go another hotel tonight and come back the next day. Now I know for you and the Brit Brian or whatever money bags name is that would have been fine for you but it sure as hell wasn't fine for me. I am NOT going to be inconvienenced by some doodie for brains hotel that either over booked or gave MY room to someone else. I was there for 4 days to decompress not to move from Hotel to Hotel to Hotel for reasons not the fault of me.

I stood in the lobby talking as loud as possible and let them know I wasn't going to stand for that kind of crap. I told them I would stay there and not move and talk as loud as I can so when people came down to dinner they would see what type of a crap operation they ran.

Needless to say I got a room facing the ocean that happened to have a basket of fruit in it with a card to another supposed guest thanking them for staying with them. I enjoyed the room, ate the fruit and screw any dopey hotel staff that thought that they were going to put ME THROUGH HELL ON MY VACATION. If you don't like my story you know what you can do also:)

I tip for good service, I am bothered when I get horrible service and will NEVER return to a place that I find the service insulting. So if you want to keep lousey workers because some people with more money than apparently brains thinks that is fine, you will wonder at some point what happened to the business you once had and the profits you once had as well.

Put me down on Charlies side of the fence on this arguement although I am not the obnoxious guest that makes a scene if they get the drink wrong or if I didn't have enough towels. Just NEVER make like I am stupid and am EXPECTED to take insulting crap service and like it. I just won't.



New member
Jun 1, 2004
Doodoo said:
His name is Brian and not money bags. He was just saying there is good and bad in all. And even if there is a complaint to make there is a right way and wrong way to deal with it, same as there is a right way and a wrong way to treat people, manners cost nothing. The reason he didnt worry about the money was he had a budget for spending on holiday, and as you know, there isnt a lot to spend it on, but we didnt, and we did go AI. The resort staff did go out of their way to ensure we had a great time and so he showed his appreciation. Anyway you should be able to make your own mind up about him when you meet him and his family at his wedding which you have been invited to by chester4. He certainly wouldn`t have a little pop or make a snide remark about you.

PS We are getting married in October at Breezes. We are flying the family out for this and he is planning to hire the band for the evening on the 25th Oct, we have been told you DR1`s are going to hold gatherings there, you may if you wish use our bit of a bash to have a meeting, it would be nice to meet some of the DR1`s, and to just party the night away.

brian richards

New member
Jan 2, 2004
Yes Charlie, I remember the guy who used to fill up your car at the garage, I also remember, getting your shopping bags filled, a good service, but I also remember a time when men opened doors for ladies and gave their seats up on buses for a lady or an elderly person. (I think these men paid for a seat)When people didnt see a neighbour for a couple of days, they would knock to see if they where ok. I also remember times when you could walk down the street without seeing graffitti, and it was safe to leave your bike up against a fence, while you played. A time when your parents could allow you out to play, without the fear of knowing that you could fall prey to some evil pervert. Also a time when children where taught manners and how to use them, of which stayed with them for life. Certainly times have changed, and certainly not for the better. I often wonder when I see people behaving the way they do, infront of their children, what state will the world be in say in another 15 years. No manners being taught, no self respect, no pride, just a world full of A**** holes, now that really makes me look forward to being an OAP.


Mar 8, 2004
brian richards said:
Yes Charlie, I remember the guy who used to fill up your car at the garage, I also remember, getting your shopping bags filled, a good service, but I also remember a time when men opened doors for ladies and gave their seats up on buses for a lady or an elderly person. (I think these men paid for a seat)When people didnt see a neighbour for a couple of days, they would knock to see if they where ok. I also remember times when you could walk down the street without seeing graffitti, and it was safe to leave your bike up against a fence, while you played. A time when your parents could allow you out to play, without the fear of knowing that you could fall prey to some evil pervert. Also a time when children where taught manners and how to use them, of which stayed with them for life. Certainly times have changed, and certainly not for the better. I often wonder when I see people behaving the way they do, infront of their children, what state will the world be in say in another 15 years. No manners being taught, no self respect, no pride, just a world full of A**** holes, now that really makes me look forward to being an OAP.

Well Brian, you old fart, I do agree with you on most points. However, yelling relieves a lot of pent up sexual frustration for me. I saw in the member?s gallery that you have a sweet young lady to help you control you emotions. Mine is 2,600 miles away. I know that is no excuse. Anyway I like the idea of taking my clothes off when I get upset.



New member
Oct 4, 2003
You know, my mother always taught me to treat people with respect, no matter who or 'what" they were to me. That lesson has served me well no matter where I have travelled or who I have had to deal with. It is just the right thing to do.99 times out of a hundred, I have been treated with the same respect that I accorded to the other person (there are exceptions, though they are rare). The key, to my mind, is to act the same way whether you are asking for something or when you are not.



Jan 14, 2002
Doodoo said:
His name is Brian and not money bags. He was just saying there is good and bad in all. And even if there is a complaint to make there is a right way and wrong way to deal with it, same as there is a right way and a wrong way to treat people, manners cost nothing. The reason he didnt worry about the money was he had a budget for spending on holiday, and as you know, there isnt a lot to spend it on, but we didnt, and we did go AI. The resort staff did go out of their way to ensure we had a great time and so he showed his appreciation. Anyway you should be able to make your own mind up about him when you meet him and his family at his wedding which you have been invited to by chester4. He certainly wouldn`t have a little pop or make a snide remark about you.
Hey DooDoo... You take things personally on a message board? It was only my opinion which differed from his. I had a difficult time with him calling the others like him there PIG TOURISTS.

I think I expressed my views in a reasonable manner and if Money Bags sounded bad to you that was my reaction to his spending manners just as his were to people that complained was PIG TOURISTS. Are you the future Mrs. Money Bags?

Do you think you would say it was snide of him or a pop to call people he didn't agree with PIG Tourists? If you didn't I did. I even found it objectionable.

If you think it was really a Pop or a snide remark to call him Money Bags? He gave away 1700 pesos to a guy that sweeps. That is probably 2.1 weeks pay for him or more. I think I was less snide than he was in his post.

No offense but I have a hard time taking someone with the handle Doodoo serious. That isn't meant as a snide remark either.

I hope if you are his future wife I hope that you stick up for him for the rest of your life even if he is wrong in the way he goes about doing or saying things. That would be a trait I would call LOYAL and I would admire that. He would be a lucky man.



Jan 14, 2002
Doodoo said:
PS We are getting married in October at Breezes. We are flying the family out for this and he is planning to hire the band for the evening on the 25th Oct, we have been told you DR1`s are going to hold gatherings there, you may if you wish use our bit of a bash to have a meeting, it would be nice to meet some of the DR1`s, and to just party the night away.
I didn't see this when I posted to you. Congrats on the future and may the wind always be at your back. I will be in the states for most of October because of family obligations and a High School reunion but I will try and make it back before you guys return to give you my best wishes.



New member
Jun 1, 2004
Escott said:
Hey DooDoo... You take things personally on a message board? It was only my opinion which differed from his. I had a difficult time with him calling the others like him there PIG TOURISTS.

I think I expressed my views in a reasonable manner and if Money Bags sounded bad to you that was my reaction to his spending manners just as his were to people that complained was PIG TOURISTS. Are you the future Mrs. Money Bags?

Do you think you would say it was snide of him or a pop to call people he didn't agree with PIG Tourists? If you didn't I did. I even found it objectionable.

If you think it was really a Pop or a snide remark to call him Money Bags? He gave away 1700 pesos to a guy that sweeps. That is probably 2.1 weeks pay for him or more. I think I was less snide than he was in his post.

No offense but I have a hard time taking someone with the handle Doodoo serious. That isn't meant as a snide remark either.

I hope if you are his future wife I hope that you stick up for him for the rest of your life even if he is wrong in the way he goes about doing or saying things. That would be a trait I would call LOYAL and I would admire that. He would be a lucky man.

Good morning Scott,
Yes, I am the future Mrs. money bags, as you put it. We were trying to get across the point that some of the guests to the resort Breezes were very rude to the staff. Come on..............slavery is a thing of the past. The Dominican people are not our slaves when we are on holiday. You know, I did notice that although the staff were by many, being treated like s***, it did not stop these people from coming back at them with a heart warming smile. I was bought up by my parents with a strict regime of respect for others.
As for the sweeper, we were told that the Dominican people will take anything that is offered to them. We gave the sweeper the money because...........When we approached him and told him what we had done, we honestly expected him to deny having the money. He did actually say that he would get the money and return it to us. It was because of his honesty that we gave the money to him. We were rewarded by his ear to ear smile. Both Brian and myself like to think of ourselves as being good people. We would give our last breath to anyone who needed it. Many of the tourist at Breezes knew us as the English with the big hearts. It's just the way we are.
The handle: Doodoo. This is a nick name that I have been called since I was little, I'm afraid it just stuck with me for all these years.
Brian and I obviously do not always agree on everything I will always try to correct him and explain things if I think he is wrong. As for others having a pop at him..........yes I would defend him 100%