good and bad in all


Jan 14, 2002
Doodoo said:
Good morning Scott,
Yes, I am the future Mrs. money bags, as you put it. We were trying to get across the point that some of the guests to the resort Breezes were very rude to the staff. Come on..............slavery is a thing of the past. The Dominican people are not our slaves when we are on holiday. You know, I did notice that although the staff were by many, being treated like s***, it did not stop these people from coming back at them with a heart warming smile. I was bought up by my parents with a strict regime of respect for others.
As for the sweeper, we were told that the Dominican people will take anything that is offered to them. We gave the sweeper the money because...........When we approached him and told him what we had done, we honestly expected him to deny having the money. He did actually say that he would get the money and return it to us. It was because of his honesty that we gave the money to him. We were rewarded by his ear to ear smile. Both Brian and myself like to think of ourselves as being good people. We would give our last breath to anyone who needed it. Many of the tourist at Breezes knew us as the English with the big hearts. It's just the way we are.
The handle: Doodoo. This is a nick name that I have been called since I was little, I'm afraid it just stuck with me for all these years.
Brian and I obviously do not always agree on everything I will always try to correct him and explain things if I think he is wrong. As for others having a pop at him..........yes I would defend him 100%
There is more way to get a point across. I guess I objected to the use of "Pig Tourists" to describe the other people there.

Anytime you get what 600 people in a resort you won't make every one of them happy no matter what you do. You will always have disgruntled unhappy people in a group that size. I am guessing at the size because I don't know how big Breezes is but I think that could be 300 rooms and would be close. It doesn't matter if the staff is perfect you will always find bad ones or unhappy ones in a group that size. To generalize people as "Pig Tourists" is uncalled for in my opinion.

I still hold open car doors for women and try to treat people with respect. I was brought up that way also. Ole Chester told my you guys were nice folks and I will be happy to make your aquaintence a day or two after your joyous occassion as I don't think I will make it back to the DR till a day or two after. Congrats again.



New member
Jun 1, 2004
Escott said:
There is more way to get a point across. I guess I objected to the use of "Pig Tourists" to describe the other people there.

I still hold open car doors for women and try to treat people with respect. I was brought up that way also. Ole Chester told my you guys were nice folks and I will be happy to make your aquaintence a day or two after your joyous occassion as I don't think I will make it back to the DR till a day or two after. Congrats again.


Thank you for your kind wishes reguarding our wedding. We both wish also to meet you too. Chester has told us about you also. If you remember back a few months ago you were actually helping us with a business venture for when we move to the Dominican, via E-mails.
I guess that maybe we have just been lucky with any vacation that we have taken, we have never experienced any bad services, or maybe we are just too laid back to let it bother us. We have a lot of troubles here in England, every day life is a bore, work is a pain in the a***. Obviously everyone has a temper at some time. When we take a vacation, we tend to take every day as it comes, good or bad. We like to relax and go with the flow, life is too short. Enjoy it while you can, by the way pig ignorant is an expression used over here for people that are constantly moaning and are abusive, and rude. it wasnt meant offensively and was aimed at anybody that the cap fits, another expression. (if the cap fits wear it).
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