Haiti’s political crisis needs to be tackled by the international community, says expert


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019
International affairs specialist Iván Gatón warns that the Dominican Republic must lobby to create an awareness at the international level on the worsening of Haiti’s political crisis. Gatón is of opinion that there are not the domestic forces in Haiti to resolve the situation. He advocated the involvement of the international community.

Ivan Gaton, an economist and foreign relations expert, warned on Monday, 8 February 2021, that the solution to Haitian political problems will have to come from abroad. When interviewed for the TV program El Día. He emphasized: “The Haitian problem has no solution in Haiti. There is no ruling elite capable of articulating a project that can take Haiti forward; that will have to come from the international community. Haiti’s problem will have to be solved from outside.”

He called on the Dominican Republic to make the international community aware of Haiti’s crisis. “We have to raise the alert. We have to raise a level of awareness in the...

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Agreed. The Haitian problem has no solution.

Certainly none that the International Community will bring to bear.
Wrong ‼️
The solution is for the International Community to get out.
And wait for the people of Haiti themselves to solve their problems without outside meddling.


Jul 10, 2004
Wrong ‼️
The solution is for the International Community to get out.
And wait for the people of Haiti themselves to solve their problems without outside meddling.
Wait? Can you wait forever and ever? That is how long it would take. And that is a long, long time.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Wait? Can you wait forever and ever? That is how long it would take. And that is a long, long time.
I have stated before that my only regret is that I will not live long enough to see those who write Haiti off completely get mud in their 👁️
when it turns around.
Buenos Dias Windeguy.
I love the look of debating Haiti in the morning‼️
Jan 9, 2004
Please keep in mind that these forms are primarily for discussion, not debate.

Debate format can appear to be unnecessarily confrontational in a discussion environment.

Perhaps a review of the rules for posting on DR1 should be done, particularly rule #3 which specifically addresses whether debate is allowed;


3. While debate and discussion is fine, we will delete any post that is rude, insulting, contains a personal attack or is inflammatory.

It is important to have rules, but more important to have consistent enforcement of those rules by the moderation team.

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Jul 10, 2004
Please keep in mind that these forms are primarily for discussion, not debate.

Debate format can appear to be unnecessarily confrontational in a discussion environment.
Then I will state a fact: Nobody alive today, nor their children's children will see Haiti as anything other than a failed state.
It is about the only thing I can predict about the future with any certainty at all.

As for the kidnapped in Haiti, there was no significant news today about that situation.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Then I will state a fact: Nobody alive today, nor their children's children will see Haiti as anything other than a failed state.
It is about the only thing I can predict about the future with any certainty at all.
As the basis of discussion your statement is not a fact.
It is your opinion and a prediction of the future.
And I do not agree.

Fact: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

"First, get your facts straight. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Second, decide to live with the facts. Third, resolve to surmount them." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

1. Those who feel my posts are not in line with DR1 posting guidelines are free to hit the report button.
2. Those who disagree with me can put me on ignore.

Many more need avail themselves of #2 than of #1.
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Jul 10, 2004
As the basis of discussion your statement is not a fact.
It is your opinion and a prediction of the future.
And I do not agree.

Fact: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

"First, get your facts straight. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Second, decide to live with the facts. Third, resolve to surmount them." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

1. Those who feel my posts are not in line with DR1 posting guidelines are free to hit the report button.
2. Those who disagree with me can put me on ignore.

Many more need avail themselves of #2 than of #1.
Prove me wrong.
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Jun 28, 2003
Then I will state a fact: Nobody alive today, nor their children's children will see Haiti as anything other than a failed state.
It is about the only thing I can predict about the future with any certainty at all.

As for the kidnapped in Haiti, there was no significant news today about that situation.
Winde, I think you said 3 generation here into the future? And you "can predict the future with certainty".
Can I get in on that deal and will'll go partners. We'll call it "Crystal Balls are Us".
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
From today's Listin diario

Las Mundiales jueves, 25 de febrero de 2021​

Varios muertos, incluido un director de cárcel, tras fuga de presos en Haití​

Puerto Príncipe, Haití

Varias personas, incluido el director de una prisión, murieron el jueves a balazos en los suburbios de la capital haitiana, Puerto Príncipe, en una fuga de numerosos presos, informó la policía.
"El inspector de división Paul Hector Joseph, que estaba a cargo de la prisión civil de Croix des Bouquets, fue asesinado en la prisión", dijo a la AFP Gary Desrosiers, portavoz de la Policía Nacional de Haití.
"Varios detenidos escaparon", dijo, sin poder precisar su número.
Al menos seis personas fueron asesinadas a balazos en las calles cercanas a la prisión, dijo un fotógrafo de la AFP. No se pudo determinar sus identidades.
Al mediodía, vecinos del establecimiento penitenciario ubicado en el centro de la ciudad declararon haber escuchado ráfagas de disparos.
Fotos y videos de hombres que escapaban de la prisión circularon rápidamente en las redes sociales.
Comerciantes de ropa de segunda mano que trabajan en un mercado adyacente a la prisión dijeron a un fotógrafo de AFP que se vieron obligados a entregar sus productos a los detenidos que acababan de escapar.
Una vasta fuerza policial se movilizó alrededor de la cárcel, cuyo control retomaron por la tarde.
En 2014, más de 300 reclusos ya habían logrado escapar de esta prisión de alta seguridad, construida con fondos de Canadá e inaugurada en 2012.
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Sep 27, 2017
And for those that do not speak the Spanish language, Post # 17 states the following;

Several dead, including a prison director, after prisoner escapes in Haiti

AFP Port au Prince, Haiti Several people, including the director of a prison, were shot to death on Thursday in the suburbs of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, in an escape of numerous prisoners, police said. "Divisional Inspector Paul Hector Joseph, who was in charge of the Croix des Bouquets civil prison, was killed in prison," Gary Desrosiers, spokesman for the Haitian National Police, told AFP. "Several detainees escaped," he said, unable to specify their number. At least six people were shot to death in the streets near the prison, an AFP photographer said. Their identities could not be determined. At noon, residents of the prison located in the center of the city declared that they had heard bursts of gunfire. Photos and videos of men escaping from prison quickly circulated on social media. Second-hand clothing merchants working in a market adjacent to the prison told an AFP photographer that they were forced to hand over their goods to detainees who had just escaped. A vast police force mobilized around the jail, whose control they resumed in the afternoon. By 2014, more than 300 inmates had already escaped from this high-security prison, built with Canadian funds and opened in 2012.

Varios muertos, incluido un director de cárcel, tras fuga de presos en Haití | Listín Diario (listindiario.com)
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Jul 10, 2004
Winde, I think you said 3 generation here into the future? And you "can predict the future with certainty".
Can I get in on that deal and will'll go partners. We'll call it "Crystal Balls are Us".
Sorry, No. This is the one and only one thing in the entire world that I can predict with confidence. Haiti is failed and without any hope of recovery at least three generations into the future.

Otherwise, I have no idea what will happen in the rest of the world or who the next winner of a baseball game will be, etc.


Sep 2, 2008
Then I will state a fact: Nobody alive today, nor their children's children will see Haiti as anything other than a failed state.
It is about the only thing I can predict about the future with any certainty at all.
Add to that prediction that the pressure for the DR to pick up the tab will ramp up in the coming months, specially now with a Democratic administration in place.