The late Lindsay posted about this and how sad it was.
I remember she told a story of a Haitian mother she encountered who was c-sectioned vertically from her pubic bone to nearly her solar plexus, and horizontally from hip to hip …. in the DR.
Imagine that hell being better than what was available to her in Haiti.
There is an entire thread about an expat woman’s birthing nightmare at HOMS, the doctors were pushing on her belly to force the baby out. Those are just two of many stories.
The vast majority of Dominican women have birth by ceasarian action -- it is so much easier for the docs to schedule them that way. I think it was about 2/3 when I was there. Saves the women the pain-- although it probably depends of the economic status of the women. The hospital that I covered was public - full of interns and docs in training. I suspect that most women who had any $$ would avoid it.
I heard stories from more than one source that gynecologist in the DR simply tie the tubes of women who come in for their 3rd or 4th birth when the women are young and poor. That would certainly account for how few women now are having only 2 or 3 children. In the generation before, there were plenty of families with five or more.
All the DR really needs to do is let out the rumor on the border that Dominican doctors will tie their tubes - that would certainly decrease the number of women willing to come over!
There might be a risk for doctors and nurses to go to the other side of the border -although as Nan said - the border areas are pretty safe. And I suspect that the community would protect any medical personnel who were helping them.
The fact that the DR government is STILL dealing with this issue -15 years after I did the story - indicates that they have done nothing to stem the tide of Haitians mothers coming in. It is true that doctors on the border have a hard time turning any away - I spoke to folks in Dajabon and Pedernales about this. Also true that Haitians don't have access to any sort of medical care on their side - well -not quite - there IS a hospital in Belledaire and a little clinic in Anse a Pitres that was run by a Cuban when I was there.
The President of the DR is asking for "International help" on this issue? When he knows full well that EVERY country has border issues if it is more prosperous than its neighboring one? Instead of actually trying to DO something about it?
It is Very Useful for the political stability in the DR for them to have the "Haitian issue" to deal with - so the Dominicans continue to think of themselves as "better off" (which, of course, they are) and NOT turn on the elite in the DR who keep the poor people so horribly educated. I have been to Dominican schools that had dirt floors.
Most won't bother to read this "blog post" of mine.
And can carry on with their one liners.
Be Well.