Hatuey Expelled From PRD

Apr 26, 2002
Oye Bochinche (our resident Hatuey guy),

What happens now? Is he invited back into the party after the PPH leaves office? Does he form his own party? Does he merge with the PRSC? Inquiring minds want to know.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
Yes, indeed.

(And what ever happened to Felipa G?mez? Is she still locked in the PRD headquarters guarding the party's assets? Is that still the party's HQ? I never got any follow-up on that story...)


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Did Hatuey got expelled for his little speech at the cemetery?

Of course, I totally disagree with him, he was pushing for re-election to now be band again, of course since the PLD is power now. I think that the only people that should prohibit re-election are the people that made it legal again, ie. PRD. Or at least they can wait for the PLD to have a chance at re-election like Hippo did, and then we can talk about prohibiting such act.

But back to my original question, was Hatuey expelled after his speech? He cried (I think it was a fake cry) and all during that speech!


May 3, 2000
By the chronological order of events, this could have been Vicente Sanchez Baret's reaction to Hatuey's visit to the tomb of Jose Francisco Pe?a Gomez and his celebration of the defeat of reelection. In that speech he also addressed that he would talk to Fernandez about removing reelection from the Constitution.

As things stand at present, Hipolito Mejia is banned from running again -- the Constitution states that you have only one chance at reelection, if you fail, you are banned from running again.

Furthermore, by changing the constitution, the PPH faction of the PRD did a favor for Leonel Fernandez who now can opt for two terms. The constitutional change only allows two terms, and then that's it, like in the US.
Apr 26, 2002
Hatuey now says that "nobody can remove him from the PRD". So I guess that's how he's going to play it. The PRD is now wide-open.

I'm not sure any of this will come to a head until legislative elections in two years.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Wow, so is this the beginning of the end for the PRD?

Remember earlier in the year and the end of last year how the PRD virtually became two separate parties, one supporting the re-election and the other against it. Now they got this Hatuey de Camp deal going on. He claims that he still belongs to the PRD and the PRD claims that he has been expelled. Either the PRD party will split by the next election if these problem keep poping up or the PRD will simply dissolve ( I hope they do)! If all of this would had played during the 2000 election, the Dominicans could have saved themeselves the exascerbated problems of the past 4 years. ( I say exascerbated because these problems would not have been as bad if Hippo did not over borrowed and over hired when he started his term).

So what do many of you think? This is the beginning of the end for the PRD?


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Nal0whs said:
Remember earlier in the year and the end of last year how the PRD virtually became two separate parties, one supporting the re-election and the other against it. Now they got this Hatuey de Camp deal going on. He claims that he still belongs to the PRD and the PRD claims that he has been expelled. Either the PRD party will split by the next election if these problem keep poping up or the PRD will simply dissolve ( I hope they do)! If all of this would had played during the 2000 election, the Dominicans could have saved themeselves the exascerbated problems of the past 4 years. ( I say exascerbated because these problems would not have been as bad if Hippo did not over borrowed and over hired when he started his term).

So what do many of you think? This is the beginning of the end for the PRD?

I wish!

Did you see the map showing which provinces the PRD won in?

To all of those who doubt the slow "invasion" of this country by our neigbors. Is that proof enough? Does anyone still think the PRD does not have a Haitianization agenda?

Maybe people will start to wake-up and see the writing on the wall, next step is to vote the PRD out of congress, then maybe we can have 2 productive years of reform from Leonel.


New member
May 19, 2004
Jane J. said:
Yes, indeed.

(And what ever happened to Felipa G?mez? Is she still locked in the PRD headquarters guarding the party's assets? Is that still the party's HQ? I never got any follow-up on that story...)

She was in there for many weeks, but no longer. The occupation ceased to be newsworthy, I think.

frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004

Far be it for me to try to 'defend' the PRD, or the PRSC even. The two parties that have made it their life purpose to raid the country's treasury for their political/personal interests. However, they are needed in the democratic process to balance things out as we certainly do not want PLD domination, as appealing as they seem right now after the PRD/PPH debacle of the last 4 years.

The PRD will recompose over time and Hippo will keep his share (he did get over 1,200,000 votes!) along with whatever is left of his gang of goons, the usual opportunists (Fello, Alburquerque, Milagros, etc.) and Hatuey will be part of the party as he should be. He has a much more legitimate right to be there than many newcomers, including Hippo, and turned out that he has kept the memory and principles of Pe?a Gomez at heart and has much more legitimacy than the entire bunch that is trying to throw him out. The PRD will keep exercising their legislative majority power for the next two years, at least (hopefully 'e pa fuera que van' will return in 2006 and a better, balanced congressional representation will be elected) and making life difficult for Leonel.

Hopefully this nation has learned its lesson and will keep being much more careful and selective about the 'leaders' to be elected. I have no doubt that Leonel will do as good a job as possible under the circumstances and the DR should consider itself lucky to have him at this juncture. He is a conscientious, responsible, intelligent, honest and, most of all, decent man who will undoubtedly help us get back up on our feet.


Jun 19, 2003
Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Oye Bochinche (our resident Hatuey guy),

What happens now? Is he invited back into the party after the PPH leaves office? Does he form his own party? Does he merge with the PRSC? Inquiring minds want to know.

.....i've decided to retire from politics until hatuey decides to return to his rightful position.

........................but let me just say.....he will not form his own party, he will not merge with the prsc.....and like it or not he'll be the one doing the inviting (of the ex pph people - pph now being almost defunct).


New member
Dec 18, 2003
bochinche said:
.....i've decided to retire from politics until hatuey decides to return to his rightful position.

........................but let me just say.....he will not form his own party, he will not merge with the prsc.....and like it or not he'll be the one doing the inviting (of the ex pph people - pph now being almost defunct).

It will be hard to "invite" someone that will be doing time in a cell right next to cara de Pina General Noriega... :D


Jun 19, 2003
Narcosis said:
It will be hard to "invite" someone that will be doing time in a cell right next to cara de Pina General Noriega... :D

...last note before full retirement....

....unfortunately, with the exception of my mate guido (and he might just get away with it as well), i find it hard to believe that anyone of them will be going to jail anytime in the near future.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
bochinche said:
...last note before full retirement....

....unfortunately, with the exception of my mate guido (and he might just get away with it as well), i find it hard to believe that anyone of them will be going to jail anytime in the near future.

If it were up to the Dominican judicial system, that would be possible, but you will be infor a surprise and especially your "mate"!