Far be it for me to try to 'defend' the PRD, or the PRSC even. The two parties that have made it their life purpose to raid the country's treasury for their political/personal interests. However, they are needed in the democratic process to balance things out as we certainly do not want PLD domination, as appealing as they seem right now after the PRD/PPH debacle of the last 4 years.
The PRD will recompose over time and Hippo will keep his share (he did get over 1,200,000 votes!) along with whatever is left of his gang of goons, the usual opportunists (Fello, Alburquerque, Milagros, etc.) and Hatuey will be part of the party as he should be. He has a much more legitimate right to be there than many newcomers, including Hippo, and turned out that he has kept the memory and principles of Pe?a Gomez at heart and has much more legitimacy than the entire bunch that is trying to throw him out. The PRD will keep exercising their legislative majority power for the next two years, at least (hopefully 'e pa fuera que van' will return in 2006 and a better, balanced congressional representation will be elected) and making life difficult for Leonel.
Hopefully this nation has learned its lesson and will keep being much more careful and selective about the 'leaders' to be elected. I have no doubt that Leonel will do as good a job as possible under the circumstances and the DR should consider itself lucky to have him at this juncture. He is a conscientious, responsible, intelligent, honest and, most of all, decent man who will undoubtedly help us get back up on our feet.