Having a Surname changed


New member
Oct 7, 2004
I would greatly appreciate any kind of information on getting a surname changed in the Dominican Republic.

My dilemma is that I share a different last name with my parents. The same goes for my brother who was also born in Santo Domingo.
The problem lies in the different ?translation? of our surname into English/Spanish or rather, into the Western text because I am of Chinese decent.
We were given different surnames based on pronunciation (how you would say it in Chinese) but the Cantonese and Mandarin way of pronouncing are different, hence the different spelling of our surnames. Mine being Yee and my parents being Yu.

Coincidently, my parents also share the same last name in Chinese, although they?re not blood relatives. Which makes this story even more confusing seeing that in the Dominican Republic there is the custom of having your mother AND your father?s last name.

It?s extremely difficult for me convey exactly just how mixed up everything is, I would need to show my hospital birth certificate, the birth declaration from the Junta Central and other documents in order for one to understand, so please forgive me if I sound very vague with my problem.

I want to know if anyone here knows any lawyers who have experience in the area of name changing or anyone who has had a name change to refer me to a lawyer.
To be honest, I had a lawyer working on my case but all I heard were excuses and seeing absolutely no progress, I would like to find a competent lawyer who can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.


Jan 1, 2002
There is a process

But you need to get a lawyer to file the papers.

You need to get a lawyer to write the letters to the President and the other people that will request a change of name. This would have to be done in maybe five copies or more. Not really difficult, as I see the announcements almost every week in the papers.

I am sure that this will be easy, once you get a lawyer doing the paperwork.



New member
Oct 7, 2004
Thanks Hillbilly...

I don't have much contacts in the D.R. and the few that i have, have not been too helpful in terms of helping me find a lawyer.

So please, does anyone have any recommendations for me? Anyone with a telephone number or address of any lawyers in Santo Domingo? I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.