Help The Schools Via Fundacion Patria


Jan 17, 2002
In an earlier posting, I spoke about Doing the Right Things for Kids. In that posting I spoke about the organization, Fundacion Patria, which is the local group that is working for the children in the Puerto Plata area. I now have a web site that you can go to if you want more information or if you want to help the cause. Please check out If you wish to email, you can use

If I were going back to the DR on the near future, I would issue a challenge as has scoobster. If you are going in the near future, YOU could start the challenge on your own. Who will be the first to carry the ball?

Thanks for any and all help that will provided by you for these very deserving children.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Excellent cause

Fundacion Patria sounds like it's an excellent way for us to give to the children in Dominincan Republic! I would LOVE to volunteer while I'm down in Puerto Plata. :p


Jan 17, 2002
Outstanding Interest

Thanks lilcanadiangal for your interest in this project. I hope other visitors will do the same.

If any readers have questions, please post them, and I will answer as best as I can. I would love to see more postings.


New member
Feb 1, 2004
We'll be there in June.

My family and I shall be staying in Puerto Plata Village in June. We want to bring lots of things for the children and their families. We've seen lists of things such as notepads and pencils etc. but is there anything in particular that is needed. We are travelling from the UK and will be getting our friends, family and work collegues involved too.
What's the best way to get the things to the school? Is it possible for us to visit?


Jan 17, 2002
What To Bring

All the schools can use basic school supplies e.g. paper(lined,unlined,construction), pencils, notebooks(spiral and others), pens, chalk, erasers, crayons, etc. They are excited to accept anything you are willing to donate. They really need blackboards, and maybe you could give them money to buy them in the DR. I have been told that Fundacion Patria can obtain them very cheaply.

Since you are staying at Puerto Plata Village, you can contact Sra. Carolina Bergers at that hotel. She and other hotel managers are all working together for this project. I am sure that Sra. Bergers can make any arrangements for you to visit a school or schools.Tell Sra. Bergers that you heard about Fundacion Patria on DR1.

If Sra. Bergers is not available, please contact Mario Mattana at Fun Royale/Tropicale. Tel: (809) 320 4054. Mario will be very happy to assist you with a school visit.

Thanks to you and all others that you are able to have join you in this very worthwhile project. Please enlist the help of as many others as you can. Ask them to read and respond to this message board. You only need to see the eyes of the school children to realize that your efforts are greatly appreciated.


Jan 17, 2002
More Info for School Donations

Do the Right Thing for Kids


As I had promised in my earlier posting in the Trip Reports area, I want to share information with you about doing the right thing for the Dominican school kids.

Most of you by now are aware of the Dream Project. This great program is set up to help school kids in the Cabarete area. I have just returned from a 3 week stay at Fun Royale/Tropicale in Playa Dorada. While I was there, I had a chance to meet and speak with two fine gentlemen who are associated with an organization dedicated to improve the schools for the Puerto Plata area school children. The name of the organization is Fundacion Patria. They are working to improve the standards, and quality of education for these children. They are looking for any and all contributions of basic school supplies as well as cash donations to remodel the many outlying schools.

While I was at Fun Royale, I had a chance to go into Puerto Plata and donate a large amount of supplies to a local school. It was so neat to see the excitement in the eyes of the students and teachers when they saw what they were going to receive. Fundacion Patria will arrange the same experience for you. That way you can make sure, if need be, that your donation is going to the proper place. I encourage any and all visitors to pack an extra suitcase or two FULL of basic supplies to bring for the kids. What are basic supplies? Notebooks, notebook paper, lined paper, unlined paper, construction paper, pencils, erasers, chalk, rulers, backpacks, etc. I am sure that all of you can think of other items as well. If you are able to do fundraising, Fundacion Patria has a matching program set up as well. They do need dollars in addition to basic supplies.

The two gentlemen that I spoke with are Mario Mattana, General Manager at Fun Royale/Tropicale, and Ramon Santana, Director at Riu Merengue. They said that their local hotel association is backing this project 100%. If you want/need more information about Fundacion Patria, call these gentlemen when you arrive at your chosen hotel. If you prefer email, use, or for Ramon, use

I believe that this is truly a worthwhile project. Anytime that we as humans have a opportunity to enhance or improve situations such as this, we must do whatever can within our means to do so! Once you see the eyes of the school children, you will be hooked for life.

Thank you in advance for all that you can do!


New member
Jan 19, 2004
I'm am travelling to Puerto Plata in 2 weeks. I would love to pack some supplies for the children, but have a few questions???

I have the list of supplies [notebooks, pencils, etc.], but how many should I buy / bring? What is a good quantity? I guess what I'm asking is how are they distributed to the children? Are they distributed to classrooms and how many children are in each classroom? If they distribute per classroom, I want to make sure I pack enough for each child to have something.

Also, I'm staying at the Jacktar and we only plan one excursion away from the resort, so will someone pick up my donations?

I am flying Skyservice out of Canada. What do I need to do to ensure my baggage will clear?



Jan 17, 2002
Quantity of School Supplies

The school I had a chance to visit was a 1 room school in the city of Puerto Plata. There were 25-30 students in the room. My guess is that that is the average number of students per room. I am not sure if other schools have more than 1 classroom in session at a time. I believe that the primary grade children go to school in the morning, and the older students attend in the afternoons.

As for getting through the airport is concerned, we just packed an extra suitcase with the supplies and checked it as part of our baggage. No problems at the Puerto Plata airport.

While you are at JackTar, you could call Mario Mattana at
Fun Royale/Tropicale, Tel: (809) 320-4054, and he would be more than happy to arrange a school visit for you, or if you would prefer, he would be more than happy to go to your resort and pick up whatever you have.

If I didn't mention this before, one of the items that the schools really need is blackboards. Mario said that Fundacion Patria can get them fairly inexpensively. So, if in addition to the supplies that you donate, you might also want to give some dollars for the blackboards. Mario can give you a better idea as to the cost of the balckboards.

I hope this helps to answer your questions. Thanks for all the you are doing for the Dominican kids. Enjoy your vacation!


Jan 17, 2002

In an earlier posting I mentioned that the schools are in dire need of blackboards. I checked with the Fundacion Patria people and they said they should be able to buy a blackboard for about 500 pesos max. So....if there are any of you that would like to donate cash for the blackboards, you may do so. Any cash you donate can be specifically designated for whatever you would like to do.

Thanks for helping a very worthwhile cause.

Scoobster...thanks for your kind words in other postings. As you said, it does not make any difference which project you choose to donate to. All are worthwhile.


Jan 17, 2002
Fundacion Patria...What Does it Mean??

Our Countries Foundation, Our Republics Foundation

Time to jump on and pack an extra checked bag full of supplies for the schools.



Jan 17, 2002
Who To Contact

In case you need a contact for Fundacion Patria while you are visiting the Puerto Plata area, please feel free to contact Mario Mattana at Fun Royale/Tropicale (809) 320 4054, or Ramon Ripoll Santana at Riu Merengue (809) 320 4000,

Both of these two gentlemen will be more than happy to assist you with arranging school visits or picking up your donations. They can also provide you with more detailed information as to where and how your donation will be put to use.



New member
Mar 13, 2004

Hello from Halifax!

Thanks for the timely information on where and how to donate. My husband and I are making our first trip to the DR next Saturday and, as it happens, staying at the Fun Royale.

We booked the trip spur of the moment and are travelling on a shoestring budget, but we plan to make room in our luggage and in a sports bag for items that you've mentioned on your list.



Jan 17, 2002
Good News

Thanks for your reply. All of your efforts will be greatly appreciated. As a side note, if for whatever reason Mario is busy, look up a man named Steady Eddie. Eddie works as an onsite guide at the resort. He too can arrange school visits. Eddie can usually be found near the bell captains desk, or over at the taxi office.

If you would like more info about the resort, email me via the sources on this site. If that doesn't work, reply here and I will post my email address.

Again, thanks for what you are doing. The kids will love it.

If you are interested in another group that could use our tourist help, David, one of the bell staff at the resort, manages a local youth baseball team. I had the good fortune to help coach this team when I was there in February. The baseball team, like the school kids, needs donations. They can use balls, gloves, bats, bases, cones ( for drills ), etc. David has about 90 boys ages 7-18. Anything you might want to donate, will be great. If you would like to help David coach, he would be more than willing to have you join him.

Enjoy your Dominican experience!


New member
Mar 14, 2004

I'll be taking my first trip in 3 weeks. As a first grade teacher, I applaud the efforts of everyone involved who are trying to improve the conditions and opportunities for the children. I am planning on bringing supplies down and would love to be able to visit a school. Does anyone know if the children have school during the week prior to Easter? I'll be down April 6-11. Thanks.


Jan 17, 2002
School Calendar

I will be checking to see if the schools are in session while you are there. I will post as soon as I have any information.

Thanks for your interest in this project.



Jan 17, 2002
School Not In Session

I am sorry to report that my sources tell me that the schools WILL NOT be in session during the dates you are going to visit. They are observing Semana Santa. I feel badly for you because you would have thoroughly enjoyed the excitement your visit would have brought to the students. They love to share their life probably as much as you love to share your donations.

If you are in the Puerto Plata area, please contact Mario or Ramon to receive your generous gifts. If you are not going to be in Puerto Plata, Dream Project or the Sosua project will accept as well.

If I can be of more help, Please email me.

Enjoy your Dominican experience.



New member
Mar 14, 2004
It's all in the timing!

Thanks Snowbird. I really appreciate your taking the time to check this out for me. School visit or not, I know what it's like working in difficut conditions in the classroom so my donations will find their way into my suitcase anyway. Only 21 days to go! :cool:


New member
Mar 13, 2004
Thanks ...


I just wanted to let you know that we've enjoyed shopping for much-needed school supplies and bits and bobs for the kids as we prepare for our trip to the DR on Saturday. Thank you for your dedication and direction! I'll drop a line when we return and let you know how things went.



Jan 17, 2002
Good People

Thanks for your effort and your energy to bring much needed and appreciated donations. I hope mother nature shines on you while you are having the time of your life.

If I can help in anyway before you leave, pls email. Looking forward to your reports.

Enjoy your Dominican Experience!



New member
Sep 30, 2003
Great Thread

What an absolutley great feel in this thread!

Good work Snowbird...and what a great job of conveying your message to the good travellers, and posters of this fine forum.

Keep up the great I know that you have the passion it takes.

It feels great to donate!
