My 2 cents..... read a book or 3 about reading body language and the verbal stuff won't fool you as much. If the mods need proof, there are lots of examples on video. The all time best tell was R Kelly on morning tv shouting no, no, no, while nodding his head yes, yes, yes.
It might seem like a no brainer for the veterans here, but we still haven't solved this. We want to hire a full-time cleaning lady, but how can we find and hire a cleaning lady that we can trust? We live in SD.
Ask around to neighbors or friends who have long-term help. Often there is a family member of that person who is looking for work or they know acquaintances within their circle of friends.
Finding a good one isn't hard, finding one that is cheap and flexible is hard. We put up with a sub-par maid for my mother-in-law for years because she was able to put up with her nasty moods and biting tongue; she also and a big heart and would come at strange hours if needed, babysit at the medical clinic. She was never a live-in. I think church connections might be good.
I agree with you, but being flexible is also being good, in my opinion. As pointed out later in this thread, the aspect of being cheap, in my opinion, would perhaps not be the most important one due to security etc reasons? What I do know is that my neighbors have been rather generous with the maid they have, and that with pure success.
If I may kindly ask, how do you provide proof that nothing bad has happened?
I have "only" lived in the DR for a bit less than a decade, but I would not want to live there either if I had this much negative experience... Thankfully, I have not... Nothing bad has ever happened to any of us there... I have no idea (I know how it works, but have personally not experienced anything) of the DR justice system, and sincerely hope that never will have either...
We're abroad now, we have a great deal of stuff in the DR, and we have someone to take care of our stuff there, without any issues...