how so many expensive jeepetas in this country?


Nov 4, 2011
JMB773, we got it a long time ago that you are from some ghetto, don't really know much and probably a very young and somewhat immature guy. This comes through all of your posts. However, there are some things that does makes one wonder.

The way you express yourself here gives more of an African American feel than a Puerto Rican one, overall; and your lack of knowledge of certain things that would be obvious to Latin Americans in general, speaks volumes.

Now, the reason I asked is because in Puerto Rico, cockfighting is legal and is quite popular among all sectors. Cockfighting arenas are all over that island and while everyone doesn't need to like it or even support it, its quite obvious why some people enjoy it and why they are willing to bet serious money. A person that didn't grew up in a Latin American culture would have a hard time understanding this.

And no, I'm Dominican because of bloodlines, tradition, language, etc.; no one had to tell me that, I am that. There are things that people simply are, they don't need to be told. Last but not least, talking at top of one's lungs definitely makes a person look silly and is not what makes a person a Dominican, its what ghetto people do. Like, for example, typing in all caps is screaming on the internet. Do we need to wonder why you have the need to write some words in all caps? Why you need to scream online? Why you need to look silly? Not really, it comes through all your posts. :)

I hope you will continue your anti-Dominicanism, racism, frustration, ignorance and 'ghettoness' somewhere else. On the other hand, maybe I'm the only one that feels like this. Who knows! :)

Can I tell you what I know? You NALS come with alot of nothing in your post, you run a seach on topics and then post them on DR1 and try to pass them of as the truth just because they have a lot of numbers in them. People write there is a MAJOR problem in the DR and here you come with your stats. Sammy Sosa hit a ton of HRs but he SUCKED as a baseball player. Why is the number 21 still worn by players for the Cubs? I have read many of your pointless post ,and not one time have you ever applied any of those stats in everyday life in the DR. If you think that people look at the stats you provide and think, maybe the DR is not that bad you are sadly mistaken. You and your friend are the most bias internet people I have ever encountered. So your Dominican people can afford expensive cars, so can the rest of the world. What are saying man?

Dog fights in the US are preformed by AA and white Americans does this mean the citizens of the USA should understand why people choose to fight dogs? cockfighting is legal in PR so what? Hookers are legal in DR and quite popular, so Dominicans should understand why women make the choice to have sex for money.

You come with stats, Pichardo comes with fotos, Aguaita29 comes with spelling and grammar corrections, do you see a pattern here? Why do you think it is such an emphasis in your country to learn English? The three of you needed to master my language because you did not want to become STUCK in your own country with 10,000RD a month salaries.

In closing Nals keep making your life meaningful by talking to a bunch of non Dominicans how great your country is and will become. If you won't believe who will.

BTW Have you ever heard your people talking on the streets, buses and trains in NYC if they are not so called "ghetto" I do not know what is. My daughters mother is enjoying where you wrote " screaming on the internet" she said maybe you need a break if the noise from the words are hurting your ears. The smile face does not make you IMMATURE my 9 yr old sends to me all the time in her text.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
My last response to Mr. Jod?n...


I have never seen nor been the subject of a double response to one single post. By the looks of things, he even came back in the middle of the night to post the second response!

Was the nerve that I touched that sensitive?

Hm, as the first time I have witnessed this phenomenon, we are going to have to do some research to see if we can reach a plausible conclusion of what could motivate anyone to wake up in the middle of the night to due such ridiculous thing.

Lets recap…

NALs said:
JMB773, we got it a long time ago that you are from some ghetto…
JMB773 said:
…I am from Humboldt Park…

NALs said:
…[you] don't really know much…
JMB773 said:
When I type in capital letters I am not SCREAMING, what am I a woman or something?
Check again…

NALs said:
…probably a very young and somewhat immature guy.
JMB773 said:
Only an idiot would prove who they are to an username on some website.
And then you went about proving this. LOL

Check again!

NALs said:
This [ghetoness] comes through all of your posts.
JMB773 said:
Dog fights in the US are preformed by AA and white Americans does this mean the citizens of the USA should understand why people choose to fight dogs?
The fact that dog fights are illegal (unlike cockfighting in the DR or Puerto Rico), practiced by a small minority that usually lives in some ghetto (unlike cockfighting in the DR or Puerto Rico) and is not part of the national culture or can even be linked to a historical legacy (unlike cockfighting in the DR and Puerto Rico) not withstanding; the level of ghettoness that comes from that question is amazing.


NALs said:
The way you express yourself here gives more of an African American feel than a Puerto Rican one…
JMB773 said:
Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Muhammad Ali, Spike Lee, and now Gaby Douglas Go!!! Gaby give me any names of any latinos that comes close to these GIANTS. I give credit where credit is due. When you people are able to stand in the same room with mine then you come and talk.
I’m glad that your people are above all Latinos.


NALs said:
A person that didn't grew up in a Latin American culture would have a hard time understanding this.
JMB773 said:
…I am not from Puerto Rico…
One more check!

JMB773 said:
Stick with bullying Haitians because AA will show no mercy if you want to take it there.
First of all, no one is talking about Haitians. I don’t know why you keep injecting those people everywhere but enough is enough. Let them go my friend, let those people go!

Second, for you to want others to stop “bullying” you while you continue to degrade all things Dominican (and all things you think are Dominican) is a little hypocritical on your part. Don’t you think?

JMB773 said:
What would you say Nals if I told you I know thousands of Puerto Ricans who can't speak a word of Spanish, and never once spent any time on the island? Are they not Puerto Rico because so 5 cent A$$ Dominican say they are not.
Its not me that says this, it’s the people from Pueto Rico: Why most Nuyoricans are not Puerto ricans... - Topix

JMB773 said:
You and your friend are the most bias internet people I have ever encountered.
Of all possible people, it’s amazing that you are the one that say this! LOL

JMB773 said:
Why do you think it is such an emphasis in your country to learn English?
Maybe it has to do with a large segment of the native English speakers from your country not amounting to much? Could be! See the next response if you still don’t understand.

JMB773 said:
The three of you needed to master my language because you did not want to become STUCK in your own country with 10,000RD a month salaries.
Someone that can’t afford to move out of Humboldt Park shouldn’t be talking like this. Considering that you have English as a mother tongue, received American citizenship upon birth, got an “envious” public education; and yet, you are not able to move up the social latter at the same rate nor reach the same heights are foreigners that didn’t got any of that automatically; says a lot. I would actually laugh at this, if it wasn’t so sad.

JMB773 said:
In closing Nals keep making your life meaningful by talking to a bunch of non Dominicans how great your country is and will become. If you won't believe who will.
Incorrect amigo, the meaning of life has nothing to do with the internet nor what a bunch of people on some internet board think. While I understand that some people don’t have a life, in cases to the level that they will wake up in the middle of the night to post a second response to the same message, it really is not that important. This is just entertainment.

JMB773 said:
BTW Have you ever heard your people talking on the streets, buses and trains in NYC if they are not so called "ghetto" I do not know what is.
Considering that I don’t walk the streets, ride the buses or trains of NYC, nor do I associate with ghetto people that can’t let their ‘ghettoness’ in the ghetto and don’t understand that there’s more to life than other ghetto people; no, I don’t know people like that. But I take your word that whatever you are hearing in your environment and your level is ghetto. With what I disagree with is your insinuation that its all Dominican because in your case, I’m sure the ‘ghettoness’ surrounds you regardless if its created by an American, a Dominican, a real Puerto Rican or whomever else. Like attracts like and chopos attract chopos regardless of race, creed or religion. :)

JMB773 said:
My daughters mother is enjoying where you wrote "screaming on the internet" she said maybe you need a break if the noise from the words are hurting your ears.
Ha ha ha, that was funny. I’m glad I’m making your wife happy and let’s leave it at that.

JMB773 said:
So your Dominican people can afford expensive cars, so can the rest of the world. What are saying man?
Sorry “man,” I can’t help you to understand what this thread is really about. This is beyond you and I just don’t have the time or will to straighten a bent and fungus infected tree trunk.

Now, relax. This is just the internet. Being owned on the internet is not a big deal, especially when you are the topic of conversation. As much as you are tempted to post three responses and even stay up all day and night thinking about this; it really is not that big of a deal. People have jobs to attend, legitimate money to make and an actual life to live to be wasted on this. Despite my doubts, I’m sure you understand. (Finger crossed)

NALs said:
I hope you will continue your anti-Dominicanism, racism, frustration, ignorance and 'ghettoness' somewhere else.
So?ar no cuesta nada.

Anyway, I now understand the nerviosismo. Hey, I might even respond twice to the same post had I been put in my place too. No worries.

Paz y harmon?a, especialmente en Homboldt Park. Con todas las bandas, las drogas y con uno de los ?ndices de delincuencia y homicidios m?s altos en todo Chicago, realmente lo necesitas.

Ciao :)

Hopefully this thread will return back to topic. :smoke:
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Feb 22, 2012
NALs you win by default. Anyone that spends that amount of time creating a rebuttal needs to be the undisputed champion of dr1!


Jul 27, 2011
This Jeepeta thing is ,as many things on this site, just like The Elephant and The Three Blind Men! If you you hang out with drug dealers (or know people who do) then you'll say that Dominicans own Jeepetas because we do illegal stuff; If your friends, spouse, relatives, etc, are hardworking, honest people, then you'll say that it's all through hard work.

If your friends, spouse and the people within your circle don't read, don't save, are dumb, etc. you'll say that Dominicans don't read, don't save and are dumb.

For example, I remember someone posted here that most Dominican women don't work; For this person this is an absolute truth, but for me it was really weird because most women I know, not only DO they work but also take very good care of their children and homes.

So the fact is, that many people can afford Jeepetas but that doesn't mean that they are into illegal stuff or that their kids are starving.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I have yet to see all the "expensive jeepetas" the OP speaks of. I guess I'm too busy enjoying my own life.*shrug*

Sometimes on the road I will see late model RR or Landcruiser speed by but the number dominicans have never crossed my mind. Who cares?


Oct 10, 2010
This Jeepeta thing is ,as many things on this site, just like The Elephant and The Three Blind Men! If you you hang out with drug dealers (or know people who do) then you'll say that Dominicans own Jeepetas because we do illegal stuff; If your friends, spouse, relatives, etc, are hardworking, honest people, then you'll say that it's all through hard work.

If your friends, spouse and the people within your circle don't read, don't save, are dumb, etc. you'll say that Dominicans don't read, don't save and are dumb.

For example, I remember someone posted here that most Dominican women don't work; For this person this is an absolute truth, but for me it was really weird because most women I know, not only DO they work but also take very good care of their children and homes.

So the fact is, that many people can afford Jeepetas but that doesn't mean that they are into illegal stuff or that their kids are starving.

Best post explaining the amount of "expensive" vehicle within in the DR, as of yet. Perhaps some posters on this board should widen their horizon by making new friends with Dominicans of higher economic levels, this is, if doubt still persists on how Dominicans can afford these SUV.


Nov 4, 2011
NALs this is for you:

1. My daughters mother is a RN and sometime she has to work a swing shift of 12 hours 2:30 P.M. to 2:30 A.M. So I have to wait up for her. Did you think I woke her up to read your lines. She was tired and needed a laugh , so I said" to you want to read something by a funny Dominican" I was also watching Sport Center and talking to my buddy about the Dwight Howard trade to 1:30 A.M on the phone and reading DR1. You know I can walk and chew gum. Also if you look I responded to a couple of threads lastnight.

2. I have stated so many times my mother is African American and my father is from Ponce, go back and look Nov 2011 where I stated this. Does this make me and my sisters half black and half Puerto Rican? NO because we never wanted to be half of anything. Why do you think I used the word" latinos" I do not know the Puerto Ricans you know, but here we never refer to ourselves as " latinos" we say I am Puerto Rican or Boricua, but never latino, hispanic, or Puerto Rican American. If you wanted me to erase my father side all you had to do was ask. I have no problem being a 100% AA on DR1, but do not ever tell me to erase Humboldt Park because this my culture not PR, but Humboldt Park because it is where I was born.

3. I am from HP but I do not live there, you know living is where you reside. You are right at one time HP was very dangerous, but not anymore. Now there are alot of very expensive condos going up. What else did you find out through Wikipedia?

Now this is going to sting a bit, but you need to understand that a non "real Puerto Rican" is so clueless. You know how Dominicans have those distinctive names try applying for a highend job in corporate america with some of those Dominican names. This is sad but true a friend of mine who works in HR dept says if she can't pronounce the name she does not even read the resume.

So you see NALs anytime you want to get past the lobby and give corporate america a shot give me a call, but please never speak Spanish in this environment.

BTW If I was this SUPER Puerto Rican like you are this SUPER Dominican I would have written JMB787, but I wrote 773. Does not feel so good when you have no clue what you are talking about.
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New member
Sep 14, 2011
NALs this is for you:

1. My daughters mother is a RN and sometime she has to work a swing shift of 12 hours 2:30 P.M. to 2:30 A.M. So I have to wait up for her. Did you think I woke her up to read your lines. She was tired and needed a laugh , so I said" to you want to read something by a funny Dominican" I was also watching Sport Center and talking to my buddy about the Dwight Howard trade to 1:30 A.M on the phone and reading DR1. You know I can walk and chew gum. Also if you look I responded to a couple of threads lastnight.

2. I have stated so many times my mother is African American and my father is from Ponce, go back and look Nov 2011 where I stated this. Does this make me and my sisters half black and half Puerto Rican? NO because we never wanted to be half of anything. Why do you think I used the word" latinos" I do not know the Puerto Ricans you know, but here we never refer to ourselves as " latinos" we say I am Puerto Rican or Boricua, but never latino, hispanic, or Puerto Rican American. If you wanted to to erase my father side all you had to do was ask. I have no problem being a 100% AA on DR1, but do not ever tell me to erase Humboldt Park because this my culture not PR, but Humboldt Park because it is where I was born.

3. I am from HP but I do not live there, you know living is where you reside. You are right at one time HP was very dangerous, but not anymore. Now there are alot of very expensive condos going up. What else did you find out through Wikipedia?

Now this is going to sting a bit, but you need to understand that a non "real Puerto Rican" is so clueless. You know how Dominicans have those distinctive names try applying for a highend job in corporate america with some of those Dominican names. This is sad but true a friend of mine who works in HR dept says if she can't pronounce the name she does not even read the resume.

So you see NALs anytime you want to get past the lobby and give corporate america a shot give me a call, but please never speak Spanish in this environment.

BTW If I was this SUPER Puerto Rican like you are this SUPER Dominican I would have written JMB787, but I wrote 773. Does not feel so good when you have no clue what you are talking about.

Dude, too much energy is being spent explaining the why's and how's of your life. Trust me, if folks haven't gotten the point yet, no explaining in the world is gonna paint the picture.


Nov 4, 2011
Dude, too much energy is being spent explaining the why's and how's of your life. Trust me, if folks haven't gotten the point yet, no explaining in the world is gonna paint the picture.

Dude!!! What energy? I am typing on a keypad I am not arguing with Nals nor am I insulted by NALs. He was so FULL of himself he thought I left my bed to respond when I was only trying to stay awake.

Just look at the title of this thread. This is one of the racist question I ever read. The OP does not feel Dominicans could afford highend cars, so he or she wanted to know if anybody else felt this way also.

If I was Dominican like NALs and others on this board I would not even lower myself to answer the question. It is a very racist comment. Did you see Nals Youtube videos of the car show? What did this prove a salesman standing next to a Land Rover talking about the truck.

No one person can answer the OP question, because DEEP DOWN it is not a question, it is a statement that the OP disguised as a question, but what do I know. Now I am Done. Everybody enjoy your day even you Nals.


Jul 27, 2011
Dog fights in the US are preformed by AA and white Americans does this mean the citizens of the USA should understand why people choose to fight dogs? cockfighting is legal in PR so what? Hookers are legal in DR and quite popular, so Dominicans should understand why women make the choice to have sex for money.

You come with stats, Pichardo comes with fotos, Aguaita29 comes with spelling and grammar corrections, do you see a pattern here? Why do you think it is such an emphasis in your country to learn English? The three of you needed to master my language because you did not want to become STUCK in your own country with 10,000RD a month salaries.


I can't believe you are actually looking down on foreign people who study English! Please don't blame it on others that your English is bad. Actually I've met plenty of people from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America who have studied English and can speak very well. It's it not only in the DR that there is an emphasis for people to learn English.

I think it tells a lot about what kind of person you are that you could possibly think that any kind of learning is belittling or that you could use that to make someone feel humiliated. LOL

You are like those guys who make fun of people for not speaking English but when someone does speak some decent English they say "This person thinks he/she is better than me".

But the truth is, Everything you say you tweek it and twist it just to make yourself feel better.

You bring up cockfighting as an example of Dominican decadence but you leave out that cockfighting is legal in Puerto Rico too, then when someone brings this up and adds dog fights, you try to justify it.

You leave it clear that even though prostitution is legal in the Dominican Republic that doesn't mean Dominicans should understand it but on other posts you have brought up prostitution repeatedly as something every Dominican should be ashamed of.

You criticize Dominicans for being dumb and illiterate, but when someone corrects your errors or notices your illiteracy you try to justify it too!

You think that other Dominicans are responsible for your personal frustrations, your marriage and all those bad things that often say your wife has done to you, like your comment that I should pay for your wife's salon. LOL

You even talk about yourself in the third person and quote Kanye West for God's sake!


Feb 16, 2011
Guys, have you ever heard of the saying that "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics....Even if you win, you're still retarded". Lets keep this thread to topic.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Guys, have you ever heard of the saying that "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics....Even if you win, you're still retarded". Lets keep this thread to topic.

I find this, even when meant as a quote, very offensive to others that face certain limitation on their everyday lives...


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Dude!!! What energy? I am typing on a keypad I am not arguing with Nals nor am I insulted by NALs. He was so FULL of himself he thought I left my bed to respond when I was only trying to stay awake.

Just look at the title of this thread. This is one of the racist question I ever read. The OP does not feel Dominicans could afford highend cars, so he or she wanted to know if anybody else felt this way also.

If I was Dominican like NALs and others on this board I would not even lower myself to answer the question. It is a very racist comment. Did you see Nals Youtube videos of the car show? What did this prove a salesman standing next to a Land Rover talking about the truck.

No one person can answer the OP question, because DEEP DOWN it is not a question, it is a statement that the OP disguised as a question, but what do I know. Now I am Done. Everybody enjoy your day even you Nals.

I agree it's a foreigner supremist atitude but I wouldn't exactly call it racist since dominicans can be of any color. Some people are just miserable, like the saying goes "misery loves company". If some dominicans wants to put life investment into a vehicle, so be it. If Bob from Washington State wants to spend all his money on a supercharged Camaro while living home with mom and dad, so be it.

All the energy spent on worrying about what the next man (woman) drives is pathetic and I agree with you to an extent, JMB.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Guys, have you ever heard of the saying that "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics....Even if you win, you're still retarded". Lets keep this thread to topic.

Not a fan of the saying. Also, you forgot to put the word 'superficial' before topic.


Aug 15, 2007
So you sit in front of your bodega holding your Brugal, listening to Bachata while your dirty beat up moto awaits to take you and one of you 4 baby mommas home.

BTW I do not belong to ANY group but the Nation of JMB773 and no you cannot get a visa to my country, because my country is inside my mind.

Wait! You mean, you get to have FOUR baby mommas? Wow, I LOVE the DR!


Aug 15, 2007
JMB773, we got it a long time ago that you are from some ghetto, don't really know much and probably a very young and somewhat immature guy. This comes through all of your posts. However, there are some things that does makes one wonder.

The way you express yourself here gives more of an African American feel than a Puerto Rican one, overall; and your lack of knowledge of certain things that would be obvious to Latin Americans in general, speaks volumes.

I hope you will continue your anti-Dominicanism, racism, frustration, ignorance and 'ghettoness' somewhere else. On the other hand, maybe I'm the only one that feels like this. Who knows! :)

More of an "African-American" feel? Really?
Funny, I'd love to hear your interpretation of how someone acts "african-american." Perhaps I could use a few pointers in how to act "down."

Or, perhaps you're better off focusing on your polls than posing as some sort of cultural anthropologist.


Feb 22, 2012
More of an "African-American" feel? Really?
Funny, I'd love to hear your interpretation of how someone acts "african-american." Perhaps I could use a few pointers in how to act "down."

Or, perhaps you're better off focusing on your polls than posing as some sort of cultural anthropologist.

He's referring to an urban feel, I'm sure you understand that but you are trying to get NALs to admit that he associates an urban feel with an african american feel. Now sure if it consoles you, but I do associate the two like I'd assume most people who have lived in the US do.


Jul 25, 2007
Speaking of the topic at hand, I have various colleagues that are studying with me at PUCMM that have yipetas. Apart from the fact that engineers needing to have a vehicle able to get to unpaved areas there is the attitude here that if you don't have an suv or a very nice car you won't get very far in business because people will believe you are just a "pretender". Sometimes to be competitive you have to go with the flow as opposed to bucking the system. In this sense having a yipeta is just another business expense necessary for a company's existence.
Jan 3, 2003
Can I tell you what I know? You NALS come with alot of nothing in your post, you run a seach on topics and then post them on DR1 and try to pass them of as the truth just because they have a lot of numbers in them. People write there is a MAJOR problem in the DR and here you come with your stats. Sammy Sosa hit a ton of HRs but he SUCKED as a baseball player. Why is the number 21 still worn by players for the Cubs?

I agree with this. I do notice that Nails is an individual who follows authority. If a Dominican or other multimillionaire states something concerning the DR, Nails will showcase their opinions with the same umph that Pick posts his pretty pictures. He does take criticism of the DR personal like Pick. Nails is more sophisticated in his attacks than Pick though. Pick is the brazen insult you to your face type calling any who disagree with his perception of the DR idiots, hollow brains, etc. Nails is more calculated in this regard which I feel is due to his educational background and his desire to some very small degree come to this with a modicum of decency.

But don't be fooled though. His insults are just as venomous. I mean what can you expect from a guy who digs into my DR past going back 6 years and using what I've stated as a tool to discredit me. But I chose to take the higher road and ask forgiveness for Pichardoesque type comments I made in my early youth here at DR1. But given that Nails is more slick in his delivery. I for one have no interest in the personal but have a desire to sharpen my logic and rational delivery and given the likes I receive feel I am moving in the right direction.

Another point is that I believe Nails has strong racial prejudices. I was quite open about that in the past which he loves to post every chance he gets but I have moved away from those childish thoughts. They were a product of a Dominican upbringing. Nails on the other hand is quite subtle for reasons stated. For example I believe strongly that Haitians who have spent most of their life in the DR and especially those born in the DR should be given their status as residents moving towards citizenship. Yet Nails subtly introduces a veiled argument which is clothed in racial prejudices namely if they are illegally there they must be deported.

Though on the surface he may be correct, I feel that not only is that unethical it is also probably illegal as far as the international community is concerned and what they say goes. They are NOT chattel to be used for their work power and then discarded back to a nation which they have not lived in most of their lives. Some being born within the DR. Is is fair to send them back? Obviously NOT. Is it legal to do so? It may certainly be illegal regardless what the DR constitution or other Dominican legal documents say. One thing is clear the international community will not legitimize actions of any nation even if stipulated clearly in its constitution if these violate standards and norms which said body demands of any nation on Earth!!!!

Lastly, they are both very patriotic people to the point of exaggerating the capacity of the DR nation to withstand economic shocks and deterioration. They both take it personal and that personal feel to it irks many on this board who actually live within the DR. Of course, their (P+N) super patriotic pro-DR is more effectively practiced from abroad,LOL. Those who live there not being Dominican call them out on this and with reason to do so. I mean even Robert has called out Pick and Nails on this recently. But no one can question their love for the DR though I believe such obsession clouds their judgement to the point of denying what is actually happening on the ground.

I have read many of your pointless post ,and not one time have you ever applied any of those stats in everyday life in the DR. If you think that people look at the stats you provide and think, maybe the DR is not that bad you are sadly mistaken. You and your friend are the most bias internet people I have ever encountered. So your Dominican people can afford expensive cars, so can the rest of the world. What are saying man?

I agree also with this statement. Whereas he states my posts are based on faulty reasoning because obviously they are critical of the DR, he does admit they are a type of reasoning. As much as he would like to state otherwise but once I post this he'll probably state it isn't reasoning at all, LOL. Those are the types of statements that are just emotionally charged statements. I have no interest in them. I am interested first and foremost in logic, rationality and clear argumentation. Anything else is pure conjecture and hyperbole which disintegrates any thread into a trash exchange.

Now getting onto the topic of expensive cars, you nailed another one out of the ballpark with your quoted statement. It is a fact that there are expensive cars in the DR but that proves not much at all. You have the same in any country with wealthy people. I mean frankly you can go to any nation in Africa with mineral rights and find more SUVs, more BENZs, more Rolls and what does it mean? You judge a nation by how the majority are doing not a select few. In Africa the poor live like animals. Would Pick and Nails dispute that?

Such a question corners them logically speaking. If they state that poverty is not that bad in order to defend their idea of poverty not being that bad within the DR, very few to none will agree. Poverty in Africa is legendary and needs no proving. If they state the obvious that poverty within Africa is as bad as stated, then that attacks their theory of poverty not being as bad within the DR. As a result, using the "expensive car" theory as proof of a nation's economic prowess starts to crumble under the weight of logical analysis. African nations are a more clear example that just having expensive cars is not proof of power.

And lastly in this regard there is what I stated in a previous post. The very existence of such expensive cars and the apparent abundance (optical illusion really) is a function of proportionality, concentration, and the Chavez subsidy. When you take the total stock of SUVs within the DR versus the total population, you get a very small percentage signifying that the apparent large stock is factually quite small. There aren't really that many to begin with. I then analogically used stock portfolios as an example to show that the proportion, the ratios are what counts and not an absolute value.

This leads into my second point namely concentration. If you are on the Churchill or the Abraham Lincoln and see a caravan of brand new or pretty new SUVS you get the impression that the country is banging out SUVS like there's no tomorrow. The point is that they are concentrated into certain areas and as the well to do are few versus the total populace you'd expect these areas also to be limited in dimension which they are. I mean you don't see these cars in similar quantity in Las Caobas in SD or Cienfuegos in Santiago obviously so. Thus concentration gives the appearance of something which is not.

Finally with the Chavez subsidy you have the ability to have so many SUVS roaming around the country. Without it, the DR would have to import gas like everyone else by paying for it in dollars. They'd be cash strapped since their dollar reserves could not stand it. You'd see severe shortages and massive price spikes. At that point, the quantity of SUVS driven would drop precipitously. Many would not be able to drive them around. Yet Pick introduces a peculiar bit of emotion led reasoning to this.

He tells us that the Chavez subsidy is not a subsidy that in fact it is a strategically coordinated negotiating tactic which the DR uses to its advantage. His petro-socialism states otherwise though. The plan states that this is a form of helping nations which suffered from colonization. That hardly seems a deal between equals. Chavez wanting to right the wrongs done to colonies has created this program as an aid in development. So he creates food payments as an alternative which the DR is unable to meet having a 2 billion tab in arrears with Venezuela. Does that sound like a nation which is economically strong???

Dog fights in the US are preformed by AA and white Americans does this mean the citizens of the USA should understand why people choose to fight dogs? cockfighting is legal in PR so what? Hookers are legal in DR and quite popular, so Dominicans should understand why women make the choice to have sex for money.

You come with stats, Pichardo comes with fotos, Aguaita29 comes with spelling and grammar corrections, do you see a pattern here? Why do you think it is such an emphasis in your country to learn English? The three of you needed to master my language because you did not want to become STUCK in your own country with 10,000RD a month salaries.

More damning evidence!!! English has become very popular within the DR because of the financial rewards that come with it. I have spoken to many Dominicans within the DR that have stated unequivocally that it is a ticket to a better life within the DR. You can land those coveted front desk jobs at hotels and resorts. You can dream of eventually leaving the DR and have the language to land a decent job. The DR will always be dependent on the US since the DR is a derivative of the US something which even Pick acknowledges in non- sterile colloquial terms.

In closing Nals keep making your life meaningful by talking to a bunch of non Dominicans how great your country is and will become. If you won't believe who will.

BTW Have you ever heard your people talking on the streets, buses and trains in NYC if they are not so called "ghetto" I do not know what is. My daughters mother is enjoying where you wrote " screaming on the internet" she said maybe you need a break if the noise from the words are hurting your ears. The smile face does not make you IMMATURE my 9 yr old sends to me all the time in her text.

It does bring them a sense of satisfaction to showcase what is being done within the DR. I myself enjoy Pick's pretty pictures which he posts. It is a fact that the PLD has gone on a construction binge and has done many public works. No one can take that away from them. On DR1, we don't either. The difference between the DR TRINITY (Pick-the Father, Nails-the Son and Chip-the Holy Ghost) and the rest of us here is that they don't question and worse yet ride off the causes and effects of that all that building. We see it as a long term problem and they don't. That's the difference!!!
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