How to check for Impedimento de Salida?


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
I've been battling with my landlord and we're set to move out of the country next week. Before I turn in the keys to the house I want to be sure there's no "Impedimento de Salida" placed by the landlord (He'd threatened this several times previously, but now says he wants nothing from us, just turn in the keys. Sounds too good to be true.). I've been told we just call Immigration and they'll tell us but I can't find any information online. Dos anyone have the phone number for this department or do I have to go down there personally?
If you live close to an airport just swingby the airport and talk to an immigration official there, they should be able to tell you. If all else fails send me a pm and i will try to find a number of a friend who is a suporvisor in immigration at Santiago. I have misplaced the number so i will start trying to track it down now.