Tomorrow morning may 13th, i take on the arduous task of departing this fine Island.
I personally arrived in the beginning of december for the daunting task of remodeling a property that needed some work and helping with the hospitality of Guests.
i have learned quite a bit ( some i dont even need to know) i have met only 1 DR1'r that i am aware of (frank12)
I have had a few contacts that have helped me immensly in my journey and with the business end of things.
I get the pleasure of experiencing a Caribe Tours bus bright and early to venture to Santo Domingo for a $pm flight to Ft Lauderdale, then a connecting flight to Detroit and my lovely daughter picking me up at 11pm for the ride home to Toledo, Ohio.
CCCCCCCCCC you keep these kids in line and i will return in june for another stint of helping and learning.
i am pretty sure i will be checking in but i already have a few odd jobs hooked up from people wanting my unique brand of repair in the states LOL.
I hope everything keeps moving foreward here on the north coast while i am gone, and sincerely hope to meet more of you on my return.
fair winds and following seas my great Dominican internet family.
I personally arrived in the beginning of december for the daunting task of remodeling a property that needed some work and helping with the hospitality of Guests.
i have learned quite a bit ( some i dont even need to know) i have met only 1 DR1'r that i am aware of (frank12)
I have had a few contacts that have helped me immensly in my journey and with the business end of things.
I get the pleasure of experiencing a Caribe Tours bus bright and early to venture to Santo Domingo for a $pm flight to Ft Lauderdale, then a connecting flight to Detroit and my lovely daughter picking me up at 11pm for the ride home to Toledo, Ohio.
CCCCCCCCCC you keep these kids in line and i will return in june for another stint of helping and learning.
i am pretty sure i will be checking in but i already have a few odd jobs hooked up from people wanting my unique brand of repair in the states LOL.
I hope everything keeps moving foreward here on the north coast while i am gone, and sincerely hope to meet more of you on my return.
fair winds and following seas my great Dominican internet family.