I hate the lies!

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Mar 22, 2002
Onions and Carrots:
Thanks for the advice but I dont look Dominican(except I look a lot like Tulile) and I definately cant speak Dominican.

Honestly,I go to DR for the tropical climate,the relaxing atmosphere, the fact that it is sooo inexpensive(I went out in Manhattan last night and had to paid7.00 USD for a drink) and lots and lots of cheap easy sex with beautiful girls.

I think Cris and AZB have the best approach.



Mar 22, 2002
Forget the RD$300 you spent on the chica in the restaurant, and think that just maybe, maybe you fed her kids something decent for one night, and the kid will remember that great stuff when he grows up, so he can DO THE SAME SCAM TO YOUR KID TOO--Gringo Carlos

SCAM SCAM SCAM.The DR police,the politicians,everyone SCAM SCAM SCAM.Ever wonder why 90% of your country is so poor Carlos?You said it in a word...SCAM.Try turning your agression inward and you might get some results instead of toward the tourists who are helping your country.

And like I said..after posting on DR1 for a year and 4 trips there in the last 15 months..this is my FIRST negative comment.
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New member
May 22, 2002
These posts about dique, I get dominican ass cuz I can flash some cash are getting TIRED.

Real "players" or whatever you want to call them can get what they want without having to show off some shit. Why would u want a dominicana or any woman to know you have money? Just so you get used? I have money, but don't need to use dollar bills to get anything, and yes yo tengo mucho cuarto, mojoso, lo que sea you want to call it, just ask Tony C how much it costs to go to the school I go to...anyway, why don't some of you "men" talk a little labia, act a little cooler, instead of hey i have money, dame un papullo... you're paying these women for polvitos, they then can go buy clothes, get something for their REAL man, etc. and wow you get to have a orgasm...you can come for free with a hole in the wall....PARIGUAYOS.

Disclaimer: All women are not users, and ya any man paying for sex has no shame. Too much free ass in the world, and you're breaking out dollar bills, PATHETIC.

The sad thing is you like brag about it, how weak is that?

es la misma vaina everyday...

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Like I said,some guys really get worked up,.........

....cause their girlfriend spends more time on "El Conde" looking for "Tourists" than cooking him dinner,and going to the "Colmado" every 15 minutes to get a "Bien Fria" for him and his Domino Playing "Panas"!!! CCCCCCCCccccccccccccccc

"A Hole In THe Wall"?,guess that must be another "Dominican Thang"!!!....Not for this GRINGO,to many Dominicanas available!!!
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Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
This post is too funny....man, Gringo Carlos, don't take it so serious, thats the main activity on the site, to screw around with anyone that seems too serious, if anything take all this in jest, el tigueraje local likes to get people all mad and they just look and laugh at the mayhem. Right now I could care less what lies those girls come up with over there, I don't have a problem saying to them que se vayan a la mierda, I don't care. In fact the best technique was the one described by AZB about making up a better lie than the one just told to you. After you see the results it'll guarantee laughs when you remember the looks on their faces, in DR the people hate losing face......
Mar 21, 2002
Joseito and Arenas609, I seem to have ruffled the moderator's feathers a bit- what do you think. What is it about people that they don't want to be different than what they are?

I personally like to blend in. Believe me Criss these women are pulling the fast one on you.

In a country where the vast majority are in stark poverty and to be different from the masses is asking for trouble. That's like flashing cash in the South Bronx, Washington Heights or South -Central L.A. You always have to be looking behind your back. Y lo bochinchero que somos nosotros los dominicanos. If any foreigner or wealthy show-off dominican is parading in los barrios with las tigueritas, believe me that los tigres del barrio have their radars and are in surveillance mode waiting for the right time. Now I don't wish that upon anyone here but be careful.

Those dominican mafiosos on the corners en los bateyes love easy money especially from atracos or secuestro. If they haven't hit anyone yet then they are doing a full detailed study of your life that puts Powell's or Wolfowitz' studies to shame.

I would avoid these things you guys do like the plague.


Jan 5, 2002
Hey Onions

Who cares what they think when youre pumping them. What about what we think...." co?o estoy loco por venirme pa deja esta maldita puta y darme una buena jartura de bisteck con tostones y despues un buen tres leches con un cafesito en Capuccino ..ahh que vidota.......oye mami, aprietame esa ?ema bien que me quiero venir!!!


Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Isn't it great how these guys like O&C and sandie blame the guys for being upset when people express displeasure about being played for a fool?
According to them the people who are lying and scheming are not to blame for their actions. The people to blame are the ones that worked hard for their sucess. How typical.
Why should I dress like the local dregs? Why should I have to put up with the lies just because I dress the way I do or like the finner things. The one human trait I have no patience for is jealousy!
A liar is a Liar! I don't care how rich or poor they are. If you lie to me you have just given me Carte Blanche to Lie, scheme and cheat against you. You have no basis to complain.


New member
May 22, 2002
Tony C said:
Isn't it great how these guys like O&C and sandie blame the guys for being upset when people express displeasure about being played for a fool?
According to them the people who are lying and scheming are not to blame for their actions. The people to blame are the ones that worked hard for their sucess. How typical.
Why should I dress like the local dregs? Why should I have to put up with the lies just because I dress the way I do or like the finner things. The one human trait I have no patience for is jealousy!
A liar is a Liar! I don't care how rich or poor they are. If you lie to me you have just given me Carte Blanche to Lie, scheme and cheat against you. You have no basis to complain.

Uhh...ya Tony...seeing as I just posted about these tired stories of I flashed some cash and got some ass, I see your point...or wait, no I don't. I personally don't care about someone on here getting cheated by whoever, because it wasn't me.


New member
Nov 30, 2002

All joking aside, don't you guys worry about catching an STD when you "rent" someone? Maybe you have? What you do behind closed doors is your own business, but

Just wondering because nowadays it's risky.



Jan 2, 2002
Some people are so lame.

Yeah lena_l0l, you are the only smart one here. All the guys here are from mars. We are just plain stupid and born yesterday. We have never thought of catching an STD. In fact, it never crossed our minds that we can catch an STD from having sex. Thanks for englightening us on this issue with your concerns.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
every where u go there is prostitution. While I do agree that when you go to DR you really don't have to pay for "ass", some people prefer it that way. Some peopl go dowen there for a week and just wanna drink, enjoy the sun and get laid without having to sweet talk any girl

With that being said, to each his own. Blame the corrupt gvot that allows these things happen.

Anways, as far as the original issue, it is your money Larry. Dont fall for the scma about lend me this. Most Dominicans that need money over there do not even tell u to give them money, they say they need to "borrow" like Cris mention. Yet they have no job, drink two liters of brugal and 3 packs of malboro.

it's ur dough so u dont even have to make excuses, just say no.

if u wanna be more political, then just give them BS excuses although they will know u lying to them cuz u are there vacationing.


The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002

I understand you, bro. I'm a self-described pariguayo, and you know exactly what I mean. I rather be looked at as a "muerto de hambre." It works for us, doesn't it?

By the way, your Paul Wolfowitz reference was cool. As a political junkie, I deal with that stuff on a regular basis.

I like reading your stuff, man.

The epicenter of all things 'pariguayo'


Jan 5, 2002
How ignorant can some people be

Can you imagine tourists trying to look like Dominicans and disguise themselves in ridiculous clothing just to mingle and mix in?

How stupid can this idea be? Some people have not been to barrios and Dominican ghettos lately. Our local girls and boys are wearing the very latest in fashion and tourists are so far behind that they just won't be able to catch up. It's Dominicans who look like tourists in their own streets.

Just take a look on Saturdays and Sundays on places like Los Alcarrizos, Capotillo, Herrera. Our girls look better than fashion models. Our guys are all wearing expensive sandals, striped shirts, cellulars and all that good stuff.

What do tourists wear? Bermudas and T-shirts. Have you seen our tigueres wearing Ralph Lauren Bermudas with $400 T-shirts with fancy logos and designs? Even in our jails on visiting days our prisoners wear better clothes than german tourists. So who is he kidding?

As far as Iena's innocence, let me give you a short course on safe blow jobs....women put on a rubber in your weenie(either with their hands or straight from their mouth) and then pull the part of the rubber by the weenie's head as far down as possible without breaking it and then suck on. This is as good as no rubber at all. There you have it. In addition, a recent medical report from a survey conducted in San Francisco, the most HIV dangerous city in the USA and it was found that none of the participants(all gay) got infected from oral sex.

Everyone I know who has died of aids either had direct anal or intercourse with a man or woman, or was drug injection related. In fact, it is easier to catch aids from your dentist.




New member
Oct 13, 2002
Lies, eh?

I was knackered when I landed for the first time in Puerto Plata.
So knackered that when a very helpful Dominican guy nicked my
suitcase, carried it 10 meters and charged 10 USD for it, I felt it
was a fair deal. :) I soon realised the stupidity in what I did and
promised myself to never do it again. All in all a pretty cheap
lesson methinks.

I'm trashy and low class so I don't mind people like that and I think the stories you get, as a bloody tourist, from the sankies,
women, the fighting with the taxidrivers and God knows who, is
very "exotic" and a part of the experience. Wouldn't want to be without them.

Apart from the group of Dominican friends I have that I treat no
differently than other friends, I mix with an at times dodgy bunch
as well. All of them have sick mothers ( who incidently had also
died some time back so my friend has to support the family ),
delayed transfers of money from a bank in NY or just needs 5
pesos for the bus. As they are my friends I'm shocked at the hardship they must endure, and being a nice guy I express concern and sympathy.. I just never give anyone any money.

One of my proudest moments was when one of them actually
believed one of my lies. "What??? Did you actually believe that
one?? Seriously?? No.. Really?? Thanks a lot! No no, it wasn't true.
Look here, I actually do have money, I just don't want to give any
of it to you!"

When girls started fiddeling with me, only to go through my pockets, I did the same with them.. Whispering to them sweet lovin' and undressing them violently and rapidly enough for them
to worry about other things than my pockets. They pat them-selves under their elbows. :) "Gracias! Muy duro soy yo!!!"

Two guys followed me on one of those tiny motorcycles, in order to rob me at night ( they discussed it next to me, somehow
assuming I didn't speak Spanish ). The day they finally stopped close to me I ran forward and met one of them with an elbow in the face . The other guy fled and I never saw them again. I fled too, as soon as I had walked slowly past the closest corner. ;)

With taxis I just say: "I've got 50 pesos and I'm going there. Will
you take me or should I start walking?" "Have you got 30 more?"
"....No, but I've got less?" And it usually works out.

Foreigners living there permanently can be similar. There was a
Norwegian in Boca Chica who made me alert of it. Usually one
tend to trust countrymen when abroad, but I saw that this guy
had "gone native" by the way he threw away a bottle. Proper
Norwegians would have walked over to the trashbin 3 m away.
He kicked the bucket some weeks later though, too bad for him.
These have also been robbed, wait for bank transfers or have a
problem with the police and must come up with x pesos within
48 hours or whatever..

It's all great fun and makes the trip more interesting. It probably
gets tiring if one is there permanently but it doesn't really change
much and one either puts up with it or not. Personally I'm not that
clever, but if one starts to give away money or whatever, one has
to be really stupid and deserves everything one gets, imho. I've
had just one major problem and that was the last time I was there, and that was because I was stupid with security, hence my

Also, because of that guy in POP I can walk confidently down the
streets of London. When some volounteer stops me and asks
"Would you stop in the name of charity?", I clear my throat, hold my head up proudly and answer him: "No."


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
Domincans in DR do like to have the latest fashion. My cousin's call me all the time to send them and this and that. They want $140 sneakers that I don't freaking wear.

The last time I paid that amount for sneaker was back in High School. But some how, these guys down there know all the latest fashion and want it.


Mar 14, 2002
The jevito version of the latest fashion seems to be a cross of Coors Light television commercials circa 1992 and midwestern U.S. college frat boy wear: baseball cap with curled bill, close fitting polo shirt or faded t-shirt over a white wife beater, sports sunglasses, preppie cut jeans (be sure the belt buckle isn't large enough to be confused with something you could buy at Duarte and Paris), and non-metallic jewelry of the sort popular with New York's lower Broadway trendoids in the mid 90's. I find it charming but it would look very out of place off the island.

I agree that ostentatious displays of wealth are pretty common. In fact, it seems to cut across all the socio-economic strata. You see it in colmadons in Viet Nam and Los Alcarrizos, discos in Alma Rosa, and sparkling on the president's wrist in the form of diamonds encircling the word "Rolex."
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