I said that I would let you know


New member
Sep 4, 2003
Having worked with

BushBaby said:
My, my Andy, touchy to a bit of British humour aren't we??? Grenada?? Just to keep this thread 'Caribbean' if not Dominican!!
the British on many an occasion, visited UK a number of times, am long time member of an old, noteworthy club in London.....I've come to conclude that as often as not British "humor" when it comes to Americans is a thinly veiled attitude that I can't really describe except to say it seems a bit like penis envy of the first magnitude. It's really pathetic for me to see all those American tourists in London or where ever, who actually think that the English like them or at least have some sort of reciprocal good feelings......bull hockey. It's the Dollar that counts.

And, I count amongst my good friends a number of Brits who I've expressed these same sentiments to.

Best, P


Jan 14, 2002
Re: Having worked with

pasha said:
the British on many an occasion, visited UK a number of times, am long time member of an old, noteworthy club in London.....I've come to conclude that as often as not British "humor" when it comes to Americans is a thinly veiled attitude that I can't really describe except to say it seems a bit like penis envy of the first magnitude. It's really pathetic for me to see all those American tourists in London or where ever, who actually think that the English like them or at least have some sort of reciprocal good feelings......bull hockey. It's the Dollar that counts.

And, I count amongst my good friends a number of Brits who I've expressed these same sentiments to.

Best, P
I normally agree with you and Andy A but this time I started the hubbub. It was all in good clean DR1 fun but it went off the scale. These guys were just responding to my good natured barbs which honestly I have not a bad bone for any of these guys, love the ones I have met and even includes LIKING Robert even when he threatens me. LOL LOL

I crack myself up some times.

This is the first thread I have felt badly about putting my humorous 2 cents in as it seems to be getting out of control. Hell I even love to tweak the rag head and get him started just like Missing does. Missing taught me how to tweak that bad boy:)

Looks like I screwed the poor pooch on this one.

Sorry all.



New member
Aug 6, 2003
A very nervous newbie......


Yes, it is I, the newbie who said something which appears out of turn, and..... in retrospect perhaps not such a good idea :-(

I must take this opportunity to set the record straight, at least with reference to my own personal beliefs and attitutdes (if anyone cares)

I am not in any way racist, I have never been nor will ever be persuaded to be. FACT. I hold respect and reverence for all the peoples of this world and try to understand and relate to all kinds of social and religous beliefs from a neutral and objective stand point, this I believe is key to living harmoniously with peoples from all backgrounds.

However, this does not mean that I dont have strong personal thoughts and views on the world around us. For the record I am in a minority of people (outside the US) who like Bush, I think that he has done things that have taken courage, dedication and a steadfastness of charachter that is sometimes sadly lacking in the world of politics today. I am proud to be associated with Americans through our language, past history and present cultures and whats more I feel great everytime Blair and Bush are on the podium and Bush (Clinton used to as well) gives that speech about the closest of allies and standing shoulder to shoulder. I feel a real sense of pride when I see our soldiers fighting side by side in all the recent conflicts like Serbia and Iraq and note how this demonstrates that our two countries are so very similar in our views on democracy, social justice and peace.

'BRITS ARE BEST' Well ofcourse they are, from my perspective, I AM ONE!! but its kinda like saying Leeds UTD Football Club or the New York Yankees are best!! it needn't bring rise to any kind of serious argument or even heated discussion that isnt best served with a few too many ice cold beers, did it?

Again, sorry this all got out of hand and I hope that no friendships have been damaged because of this (I need to make friends here and I certainly have no intention of losing them before they are made) It appears that the perhaps the largest chasm that we have to span is the one that seperates Brit and US humour, and if thats the extent of our problems then I guess we can all give thanks!!!!


Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
I have always enjoyed
the sublety of British Humor. It is very low key and requires a lot of thought and study to get to it's real meat.

I'm not talking about the slapstick type, but the type that comes out in the articles I have read in the past and the Brits with whom I have spoken over the years.

I'm not very good at humor, personally, but the wrangling enjoyed amoungst the military types is very often hilarious and remembered for a long time.

Being from Texas, I often "tell it like it is" without regard to the niceties of social intercourse (as many of my postings have indicated), but I really try to reflect a respect for other posters in whatever I say. Sometimes I get bent out of shape and fire off both barrels, but not often.

I have really enjoyed reading these posts, so keep them coming!!!

Texas Bill


Jan 1, 2002
Well, they have arrived (Nick & Phil) & we have managed to sink the odd cold one (or two) already. Nice guys & will be a great addition to our community!!

No, I SHAN'T go into the laughs & merriment we had relating to earlier posts on this thread, but I SHALL say they are looking forward to meeting that Big Fat American sometime after 5th November. Hey, that's our 'Guy Fawkes night' - the night we plebs try to blow up important institutions!!! Can you make a meeting THAT night Scotty??? - Grahame.
(By the way, for those of you who can't recognise it, that is MORE British humour - directed purely at our mate Escott) - GWB.


Blocked due to spamming
Apr 29, 2003
Hi Nick,

Just trying to read allthe replies for your quest here , but everyone is getting away from you dilema for rent:)))))

I have few places I can offer you for rent depending on the lenght of your stay and preferences.

I have right now 2 -2 bedroom condos at Neptuno, 1 larger unit and 1 smaller .

The smaller 2 bedrooms is available until March15th only and then it'sbooked off . The larger one is open. The rents vary of course depending on how long you want to stay.

There is also a 3 bedroom in Casa LInda and an 2 bedroom duplex at the Blue Bayou, which is a very nice place.

Please send me an email if you are interested and I would be glad to send you more info, phots and all that zajj...

Hope to hear from you soon.
Sunny regards

FYI: Rimma

I have some AD space I can sell you as well.
Email me: robert@dr1.com
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