I want to Move To the D.R. Very Much but...

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Hanging by a thread...
Jun 17, 2003
First of all

Thanks, but have you not been reading the whole post if not your making a lot of presumptions assumptions and you know what the say about asuming. You make an A** out of U and ME. I didn't say oh this is some cake walk that I am going to give it the ole heave hoe. I wanted to find out what options and possibilities are available in the land of DR. The attacks are on me as people have emailed me and confirmed that some of these people are just being usual jerks. They know who they are and I really don't care to much about them. I can take good hard advice but don't start that BS with starey dreams and pipe this and pipe that. Pipe down. Now as I was saying. Skin color is important to me. That is why I love latin people in general. If not I would be trying to move to ICELand or the oppisite, the Congo. So that is my prefrence and opinion and really wasn't what I was debating. I am more interested int things that are possible like an Asian person would be wondering before taking a boat to America, what can I do there and how can I do it. That is what I want to know, what oppertunities are there in DR for business, and expats. Do they give business loans, is there Venture capital, is it hard to start a business there, things like that. so before you assume agian remember that saying and you will go further in life. Oh and don't just take sides with out knowing who your siding with.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
A veces, yo prefiero...

correct usage of the English language. Naitsarich79, I just thought you would like to know that ignorameces is spelled ignoramus, an addition of ("es") to the end of the fourth syllable would change the singular form of ignoramus into the plural form. I couldn't pass up the fact that you were labeling users "ignorameces" on a few occasions while you were mispelling the word. How's that for irony?? By the way, Jazzcom (and others) know more about the DR than two dozen, country bumpkins with the name of dale7;) The board members will eat you alive with the sophomoric attitude you are displaying:( I have read every thread in this runaway train and I won't even respond to someone who wants to get their fifteen minutes of fame. You talk of wanting to fit in because of your heritage and yet you label other users, not verbatim, fat, ugly losers, etc. You sure have a lot of tolerance for others. Aren't you special because you have mixed heritage and want to fit in? You think you had it difficult, ask my grandfather on mother's side and great-grandfather on father's side who were born on reservations. Well, great-grandfather is deceased but you get my point. You don't know what prejudice/racism is. The most disturbing fact is that you are supposed to have an education where you are supposed to learn how to use the English language and develop a social conscience.
dale7(Howard/idiot savant)
Feeling quirky tonight
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Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Re: First of all

naitsirch79 said:
I am more interested int things that are possible like an Asian person would be wondering before taking a boat to America, what can I do there and how can I do it. That is what I want to know, what oppertunities are there in DR for business, and expats. Do they give business loans, is there Venture capital, is it hard to start a business there, things like that. so before you assume agian remember that saying and you will go further in life. Oh and don't just take sides with out knowing who your siding with.
As Robert tried to tell you in his second post in this thread (go back and check it out), all these things are covered many times in the archives -- do a search first, then ask questions based on what you find out in the research.

Robert & Dale7 (Howard) also gave you good advice about traveling to the DR and spending time outside an AI, experiencing the country firsthand, asking questions, traveling around some. This will tell you far more -- about the DR and about yourself -- than Q&A's on this board can. [For example, you may not find that the racial mix, and racial relations, are in reality the way your Dominican friends in the US have portrayed them to be.] And let me advise you that even then -- after repeated trips and knowing people there -- you still won't know the DR well enough to know whether or not you will enjoy living there and can make a good living wage.

I'm speaking as someone who speaks fluent Spanish, has a degree in Latin American Studies, is married to a Dominican, has a large family there, and traveled there every year for 8 years straight before deciding to live there with my family. Despite all that going for me and giving me perspective, I still found that living the day to day life there much different than what I expected and had been led to expect. Not necessarily better or worse, just far different. So Rob is actually trying to do you a favor by suggesting that if you are serious about trying to make the DR your future home, you must first try a "test residency" of several months, trying to live off a tight budget. Then you'll know whether you can and want to try something more long-term.

Not every job in the DR requires Spanish fluency, but most do and certainly any in the financial field do (my wife worked in finance, so I can attest to this). How could you expect anything different? So please make sure your Spanish is solid if you wish to work in the DR at something other than menial, low-paying jobs.

Frankly, even if you were fully bilingual, I doubt seriously that you could get a finance-related job in the DR without having been sent there by a financial institution such as Citi. It is a tight market at the best of times (tighter now because of the current economic crisis) and most of these jobs go to Dominicans or at least bilingual Dominican-Americans. And your US broker's licenses will be considered meaningless in the DR.

I'm trying to give it to you straight without being too rough or dismissive. I hope that comes through. And I hope that you'll reflect on what I've said, take a deep breath, stop posting for awhile until you've done your archive search and have more targeted questions to put to us, ignore the negative posters, and soon make your first actual visit to the DR and check it out for yourself based on what you've found out through more targeted Q&A.

I wish you happy hunting and the best of luck in your quest.



Jan 1, 2002
Aw sh!t, Keith, you had to get in here!

I was facinated that a post could generate so much activity so I read the whole freaking thing. And then.......

YOU had to tell the kid exactly what I was gonna do.. Well said.

Kid: Take a look at the archives, get a ticket and come here. Visit some of the places where you would like to work, ....there is even a stock market of sorts..then start thinking about a move.

Hb, just a 40 year vet of the DR.......

Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Re: Aw sh!t, Keith, you had to get in here!

Hillbilly said:
I was facinated that a post could generate so much activity so I read the whole freaking thing. And then.......

YOU had to tell the kid exactly what I was gonna do.. Well said.

Kid: Take a look at the archives, get a ticket and come here. Visit some of the places where you would like to work, ....there is even a stock market of sorts..then start thinking about a move.

Hb, just a 40 year vet of the DR.......
Well, HB, you know great minds (and us'in mountain men!) think alike! :cheeky:
Keith (the other hillbilly)


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Re: Gracias Mucho Santanobo

naitsirch79 said:
The person said:

the Dominican republica is one of best places in Latin america. but the life in Dominican is not easy. in order to live here it is neccessary to have money and to have a good business.

I know more than you think ignoramace, and don't be mad because your canadian. LOL, I would be wanting to leave there badly too.

LOOK guys I learned a lot I really did so don't be so harsh like someof you have been.

arguing over the internet is like the special olympics. No matter who wins, YOUR still retarded. Rember that and you will get further in life. I am not a combative person but I will defend myself. Again thank you all for the ones who have helped and even the ones who were meanies, sometimes you need both parts to take it all into perspective. Again thanks and godspeed. I think I am ready for some adventure and I believe that I will do well there, I have a strong realationship with god and he has always taken care of me. My goal is to learn spanish and be with a culture that I love and respect. I would love to go to cuba but like I said it isn't so free these days.

Thanks and this convo is done. PEACE TO EVERYONE> LMAO


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Re: Gracias Mucho Santanobo

naitsirch79 said:
The person said:

the Dominican republica is one of best places in Latin america. but the life in Dominican is not easy. in order to live here it is neccessary to have money and to have a good business.

I know more than you think ignoramace

Well, at least you have demonstrated the ability to find the AltaVista English to Spanish translation website. More than that I wouldn't say.

For your information, the word in is IGNORAMUS. You might want to brush up on your English as well.

Main Entry: ig?no?ra?mus
Pronunciation: "ig-n&-'rA-m&s also -'ra-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -mus?es also ig?no?ra?mi /-mE/
Etymology: Ignoramus, ignorant lawyer in Ignoramus (1615), play by George Ruggle, from Latin, literally, we are ignorant of
Date: circa 1616
: an utterly ignorant person : DUNCE


Hanging by a thread...
Jun 17, 2003
Keith thank you, I do appreciate the help. It is just when people try to make fun or be smart buts I feel the need to respond. So no I think everything you said has merrit and I appreciate it a lot. But like some people said, they have come and it has worked out well for them in not the best starting situation.

xando all I have to say is why is your point

and the person who posted the quote below. Again what is your point.

to the end of the fourth syllable would change the singular form of ignoramus into the plural form. I couldn't pass up the fact that you were labeling users "ignorameces" on a few occasions while you were mispelling the word. How's that for irony?? By the way, Jazzcom (and others) know more about the DR than two dozen, country bumpkins with the name of dale7 The board members will eat you alive with the sophomoric attitude you are displaying I have read every thread in this runaway train and I won't even respond to someone who wants to get their fifteen minutes of fame.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
After 6 years of being part of this message board, some quotes still surprise me (see below). Maybe I'm getting old or do some people not have a clue about the world they live in? I suppose I was lucky, already lived and worked in 4 countries by the age of 25 :)

Christian, I'm sure your a nice guy and everybody loves you, but you need to become informed. At the top of this board is an icon called "search", use it, you may be surprised what you find. It will stop you asking so many answered questions.

We are hear to help, but right now you need to help yourself.

Christian said:
"Now as I was saying. Skin color is important to me. That is why I love Latin people in general".

By the way, what color is a Latin person. They must be the same color as paint I guess?


New member
Apr 18, 2002
Nit search 79

I will not post back on this thread because of ignorance and which, in my opinion, you are a serial poster who gets his kicks out of being in the limelight. As Ricktoronto says, another poster on the block list:) I don't care who you are or what you do, I am just glad I can comprehend sarcasm and the themes in prose on a regular basis. Sure you deal with stocks at your young age and are highly educated:), or was that socks? Separating the scummy dross from the gold. Ud necesita una vida.


Hanging by a thread...
Jun 17, 2003
Dale Dale and Dale

YOUR AN IDIOT. Did you understand that you MORON. Shut up and dont respond because you have said nothing of value anyways. Agian you jumped on a bandwagon with your stupid friends and started being a jerk for no apparent reason.

For that last time people on this thread have helped me tremendously and have gave me great direction. Whether it was something I wanted to hear or not. Now some of you, including YOU DALE, have chosen to be a pain and said something to the effect of "wanting to be in the limelight" <<<<<LMAO what are you jealous. It is a forum and if all everybody did was type in the search we wouldn't need YOU AT ALL would we. And I guess you would be really bored then because YOU WOULD HAVE no smart comments to make.

HMMMM, think about that one. :confused:


New member
Jun 19, 2003
Encouragement, but Important

To all that want to move to the DR,

First, YES visit the country first. DR is a beautiful place, it is magical and serene yet crazy and wild at the same time. I too an from the US and live in the DR. I came here knowing very little spanish, I still know very little and am avidly trying to learn spanish. I am living here off of savings. Work is hard to come by. Although the dollar does go much farther here than it does in the US work is not plentiful and salaries are not high. I call this my land of opportunity. Today does not matter... everything can be done tomorrow and there are no worries here. Every night I sit and drink a presidente, talk with germans, canadians and dominicans to the extent that my german and spanish will allow and the extent of there english. I see eyes with stories to tell, I hear stories that should be soap operas. However not one day do I regret that I came. I am not everybody. Is it hot? Yes! I am not used to the heat as I came from up north and my flat does not have air conditioning. I live with it, I take showers and swim. Do I like the mosquito bites? No I live with the "After Bite Itch Eraser". Do I like how my power goes out once a day? No not at all. Do I like that I do not have a dryer to do my laundry and I pay a lady to wash and hang my clothes? No I miss my washer and dryer. However what I love is walking down to the beach bar where everyone says Hello, Hallo or Hola!

Dominican Republic is not for everyone and you really cannot generalize it as a whole. Do you want to live in Santo Domingo, Boca Chica, Puerta Plata? All three cities are completely different and are from completely different lifestyles. You have to come here, visit, see the places, get to know the ups and downs of the DR. Travel is hectic here, catching a cab is a pain, you have to negotiate everything and if you are a gringo you are going to get the short end of the stick until you learn to negotiate. How can you negotiate with no spanish?

I do not discourage anything... however I encourare a rational plan.

Coming to you from the north coast...



Hanging by a thread...
Jun 17, 2003
Thanks Girlie Girl

I liked that story. But what are your plans though? what do you plan to do for employment and income? Just wondering? And yes I agree I do need a plan.:cool:


New member
Jun 19, 2003

That is it... there are no definate plans. I have enough savings to sustain me here for 3-4 years in a moderate lifestyle. I am unsure of what I intend on doing. My family is looking at some property investments here which may be left in my hands if the time come that they seal a deal. Until then it is all what if's. At the end of my time here I may move back home. I live in today not in tomorrow, but then again, that is not for everyone.



New member
Jun 19, 2003

That is up for debate. Legally 23. My father says 23 going on 45. My mother says I am still 13. Opinions are like....


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
In addition to not having Spanish , they are saying that...

naitsirch79 said:

xando all I have to say is why [sic] is your point

and the person who posted the quote below. Again what is your point.

...you are only semi-literate in English as well which is quite unfortunate as this would be a valuable job skill. You cannot spell nor use English grammar properly.

In a bilingual or English only environment which you aspire to find in the DR, I would think an employer would want you to have the ability to properly compose and spell English communications while you worked on learning your Spanish.

Als a caution: as pointed out to you earlier , the Systran engine in Altavista's Babelfish translator site (which you used for Santobonao's unfortunate comment that he for some reason felt compelled to write in Spanish) is very very weak translation, best for the concept but not at all good enough to use in actual person to person communication.

It is however, better than one word at a time translation as it does try to conjugate verbs and position noun/verbs pronouns.

And of course if you actually go to the DR, which I am betting will not occur this year, needing the internet to carry on a conversation is limiting to say the least.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Some help: Lesson 1

naitsirch79 said:
YOUR AN IDIOT. Did you understand that you MORON. Shut up and dont respond... Agian you jumped ...

<<<<<LMAO what are you jealous.

It is a forum and if all everybody did was type in the search we wouldn't need YOU AT ALL would we.

That would be "YOU'RE" not YOUR
You need a comma after "that" and a ? after MORON
Don't not dont
Again not agian
? after jealous
? after we

Not too good. And BTW, Dale7 has been to the DR quite often and has a lovely wife and child ( no doubt they are "Latin" looking) and you by comparison are a lookey-loo wannabe.

Robert's suggestion about searching would actually yield a lot of useful info about jobs, living, culture, which I know is suspicious advice as he only owns the board and lives there. What would he know vs. you? Not much, I guess.
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