

Mar 22, 2002
Joseito, you are the first person on here whos posts I have decided to stop reading. Always a waste of bandwith from beginning to end. Congratulations.


Oct 21, 2002
jose?to, what is your problem dude? Why these attacks? Never learnt How to Win Friends and Influence People? And if you missed it, this thread is tongue-in-cheeck about insects - while giving the real and proper information as well. We are having fun here if you have not noticed. Why are you turning yourself into the insect here? You're doing it to yourself eh!

D & D

New member
Jul 17, 2003
Insects and Joseito

As you all know, I'm still a "newbie", but I can't help feeling that Joseito's post, directed to me, begs a response.

First and foremost, humor when properly applied, can help almost any situation. It will in the future, as it has in the past carried me over some very rough times. Too bad, some people can't comprehend the benefits of actually developing and practicing a good sense of humor. I had the good fortune to be born into a big southern family where being warped was considered an art form!

Second point, Intimidation. I have been befriended by many on this board and for that I am thankful. Never have I been intimidated. Joseito, you do not have a clue to my thinking. I've never had a target on my back or the idiot stamp on my forehead. Besides, sweetcheeks, I am one of the "Bad Boys"! Just because I'm female and getting a little age on, don't ever make the mistake of thinking of me as one of the "weaker sex". That would be your second mistake. Ever read "The Art of War"?

As to the BAD BOYS on this board, I can only hope I will be accepted by the pack!



*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Chris, I don't use the ordinary Baygone they sell at Playero. Oh no!

Since I seem to have inherited Johnny Honda's position here temporarily (while he racks up more money for his impending retirement) he loaned me a couple of cyber-cans of his industrial strength Repellente de Joseitas last time we hoisted a few at Eddy's! Much stronger! Can't buy that stuff in the states!

Let's see, before the interruption we were discussing what type of rum certain insectos/sankies/putas preferred before putting the 'bite' on, I believe!


P.S. And D&D don't let Little Joe get you down. My mistake is that, as he said I am 'predictable' (I think that being consistent is one of my better qualities actually!) and I often made the mistake of answering his idiotic posts. It's best to ignore people like that. But, it's just so much fun to poke at them sometimes because they act so looney when you do you just can't resist the fun! Welcome aboard! Newbie status, removed!


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Back on Subject

Chris said:
Talking about insects, what are y'all doing about all the ants during the rainy period? Our house is overrun.
Doing about them? We've learned to love them! I don't have to carry the plates back to the kitchen any more! An army train of 1 million ants does it for me.

Now if I could just get them to put the horses down ...

D & D

New member
Jul 17, 2003
Re: Back on Subject

Don't make the mistake of picking up your potted plants! We tried to move a few of ours around after all this rain and I thought we had stumbled into a remake of the Naked Jungle!! We buy more bug spray than beer and that's a lot!

Some one told me to sprinkle ground cloves around the edge of the kitchen and across their "normal" routes. Can't tell if it's had any effect on the ants as yet, but the kitchen smells sooo good.



Oct 21, 2002
patbro said:
And all this because I asked about the bug situation. This is TRULY scary.

Oh fess up! you're reading with bated breath every piece of babbling nonsense that everyone on this thread is dishing up ;)

But now you know where the bugs are, and are not......

Back to the original question, we have more problems with people here than with insects. You'll find no problem when you come for your vacation.


New member
Mar 16, 2003
If you still need help with ants....

Seriously now, keep a small spray bottle handy, and spray the ants with a bit of soapy water.
Set out cucumber peels or slices in the kitchen. Many ants have a natural aversion to cucumber.
Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where the ants seem most active. Dry, crushed mint leaves or cloves also work as ant deterrents.
Trace the ant column back to their point of entry. Set any of the following items at the entry area in a small line, which ants will not cross: cayenne pepper, citrus oil (can be soaked into a piece of string), lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds.

Hope this helps!


aka - shadley
Jan 1, 2002
flying ants: turn out the lights or give the kids fly swatters

crawling ants: ignore em or keep em as pets cause yah can't get rid of them

aunts that out stay their welcome: ask someone to catch you a tarantula, the rest should be obvious

Flying cockroaches: get a tennis racket

mosquitos: fans, screens, mosquito nets for the bed, A/C

millipedes: keep a dog, mine seems to love them.

Lizards: who wants to get rid of them, i think they are cool

keep a couple of chickens or better guinea hens around to keep the creepies outside in control.