Is it only me or anyone else is sick?


May 5, 2004
since the new year!

Actualy...right before the new year!!!

First i got a lovely combination of bronchittis and sinusitus...that lasted about 2 weeks (with mega antibiotix and some lovely cough syrup with vicoden :)

THEN i have had about 3 bouts with the stomach virus that is rampant everywhere.

Starting to feel a bit better lately....but i still have sinus issues....and the stomach sent me home from work on monday. NOt nausea...but sharp cramps...OUCH!!!!

I just BETTER get over this all before my trip in a few weeks!!!!! If not..hopefully the beach and lotsa swimming and snorkeling will help :cross-eye

It does seem that everyone here in the NYC area is going thu this. I think they should just shut the city down for a week and make everyone stay home and get the rest they need to heal. HA HA