Is it quiet where you live?


Nov 2, 2011
Installation of modern double-glass tilt-and-turn windows can make any place quiet :)

I priced then for my place. For a standard double bedroom window and a smaller kitchen window was $1500.00. These were german windows very good quality. But I still haven't bought them. Hahhh



Dec 11, 2003
It was quiet like the botanical gardens in my old apartment which was three buidlings into the complex from the street. Then I moved to the front building.. bigger place, unfurnished, cheaper, noisier.. My sister convinced me that I would get used to it. Then they transfered the truck traffic from the Malecon to Independencia. So now the house shakes. It is only a lease. They do say that road from Haina will be finished in 18 months and if the trucks do not stop.. then I will move.. again.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
We live in a little campo in the mountains. There are no vehicles, no motorbikes, nada. During the day there is almost total silence apart from the odd birds tweeting, horses neighing, donkeys braying. No cell phones work here so the neighbours shout to each other with the daily news and information. "Llego el agua!" "Se fue la luz!". "Ya, el cafe 'ta listo!"
At night there is total silence. Not even the sound of a fan as it is cool and we sleep with the windows open. Everything changes though at around 5 am. The roosters go crazy and everyone, including us, has chickens and roosters. It lasts until around 6.30 am. It doesn't seem to bother anyone though as they all get up when the sun rises and go to bed when it gets dark.



New member
Mar 25, 2013
It is quiet where I live because we are way back in the neighborhood up at the end of a hill and there aren't any other homes very close to us. The closest don't make much noise. But if you venture out just down the hill a little bit the noise picks up big time and bythe time you get down the hill and really into the neighborhood its a typical Dominican neighborhood with loud music in the colmados, motoconchos, etc. I actually like it that way. My house is quiet but I can enjoy the neighborhood with a very short walk. And even more important is that if my dogs start barking I know they have a good reason since nobody should be passing by the house to go anywhere else.


Apr 1, 2014
I am in El Doral in Puerto Plata. For the most part it is quite but there are a lot of homes that are not finished and a lot of lots that haven't been built on. We were in a different house and our neighbors were americans renting an apartment and were loud with music. But it really didn't bother us too much. I have a PA system that I play outside sometimes but not too late and it is pointed where there isn't anyone living. Sometimes we can here the all inclusive resorts playing music when we are outside. Right now it is nice because we are far apart from everyone but they are building a house next door.

Also we do hear the motos when we are outside.


Sep 27, 2010
Sosua noisy?
Not a bit or "para nada!"

Apart from the;-
- mufflerless motoconchos, idiots on unsilenced ATVs, dolts on Stupid street-illegal Hardly Deadlisons,one million dogs barking at one million car alarms set off by deafening, distorted din that passes for jungle music,passing vehicles with more decibels than engine power,bars competing for the most horrible 'music', a guy with a Ducati who just loves to gun it in his yard for fun,neighbours three doors away talking to family in the same house, loud new yorkers,even louder new yorkers,scrap merchants preaching their "compro vieja.." through loud-hailers,dogs barking at the former,a rampant cat that chases the local cats,kids whinging and screaming plus their mothers doing same, the builders next door with their incessant racket and electric tools,the guy that sorts the bottles, the garbage truck men,local females singing off-key at full bore to the latest hits on the TV. politicians vehicles canvassing for more moronic voters, a guy with a big digger thing which has to be tested at 0 dark'O clock for some reason, squabbling Grackles on the branch next to my window at dawn,and a few other distractions.

None of them relaxing, like soft classical music, gentle birdsong,the sound of a snowflake falling or the lilt of a beautiful voice from over the hills.

and that's just from my condo.......

No, not noisy....


May 3, 2000
I think the important point made with this thread is that "noise" is an issue when choosing to live somewhere here but that there are many quiet places. The same as anywhere else in the world. That is why the recommendation is to rent, to check out an area before buying.

Depending on the apartment, noise can be managed. I remember when I got married living on the Av. Anacaona. We couldn't hear ourselves talking in our bedroom in the morning because of all the traffic. My sister in law lives on the avenue in a different apartment, and traffic does not seem to be a noise problem -- her bedrooms are in the back.

When buying it is important also to check out what could be opening up nearby, as zoning regulations here have been bended.

I enjoy traveling to the interior to stay in very quiet places. I enjoy coming back to Santo Domingo with all its bustle.


Dec 11, 2003
oh I forgot to mention the Mango bombs.. I am right next to a venerable mango tree. And there are cars underneath. Since a falling mango can shatter the car windshied, the neighbors put up a corrogated tin roof. The mangos hit with the sound of incoming armour. The car alarms go off. No one pays any attention.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
We moved recently up past the international school in sosua.......only noise we hear are the damn frogs having a party every night in the pool.....there is only one other pool in the area so I guess we throw the best frog parties.


May 19, 2013
I can think of many places that are better than Bella Vista.

Well, I am sure of that however I realized Bella Visita is the best place since it's right core in downtown and close to everything and it's way CLEANER than anywhere as I noticed so far.


Feb 9, 2009
I priced then for my place. For a standard double bedroom window and a smaller kitchen window was $1500.00. These were german windows very good quality. But I still haven't bought them. Hahhh


Try INDUCA company, I ordered double glass tilt–and–turn windows from them and the price was $2000 for 2 bedroom apartment (kitchen, living room, two bedroom windows and one small bathroom window), the windows were some Latin American brand, quality is not the best but they made the apartment completely silent.


Nov 18, 2002
I don't like Bella vista for the traffic jams on the two main roads, Romulo Betancourt and Sarasota. On cleanliness, I'd prefer Los Cacicazgos and less traffic, but ofcourse not that close to the commercial center.

As a residencial area I also prefer Las Praderas, Los Prados and La Castellana over Bella Vista and they are just as close to Churchill/Lincoln.


Feb 15, 2013
Its quiet in White Sands, Bavaro. How quiet is it? It's so quiet that this morning the residence's board president knocked on my door to explain the noise code and ask me to keep my music playing down. Problem is I don't blare my music. Go figure. Oh well. We politely agreed to not disagree.