It's too hard trying to think "Dominican"

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Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Before we move on...

Yes, "exposing_marco_beland" is the original "Steve Costa Azul".
You remember the guy, the one that loves Rocky's Ribs and posted all about how he and the family enjoyed their time at Rocky's etc etc etc.

He has registered maybe 20-30 usernames in the past few months taking pop's at Rocky and various other posters on DR1. His latest is posting pics of a stripper at Rocky's. Actually I thought they looked pretty good :)

It's kind of sad when a grown man with kids lowers himself to these types of very childish attacks. I'm sure he will look back one day and be pretty embarrassed. Why he can't be a man and confront Marco directly is beyond me, then again, it's takes no guts to be a "message board warrior".

Ok, enough of the BS, lets get back on topic!


Jan 1, 2002
In September 2009, I will have lived here for 20 years. I figure by that time I will be used to the customs and way's here!

So just sit back, enjoy the weather and the wonderful people, chill out and go with the flow... :)


New member
Nov 29, 2007
I am moving there in october...I am very excited and these threads really help as I sometimes second guess this amazes me how attached to some objects I am here in Canada. But I am looking forward to the laid back and friendliness of the country.


May 26, 2008

Don't get discouraged. Relocating can be very stressful specially when you are doing it with kids. I just relocated two yrs ago from the east coast to TX. I know, it's in the U.S., but I experienced a lot of the same emotions that you are experiencing now. Nothing works the way I expected it to and when I got here there were nothing but obstacles in my way. After the first 3 months, I began to get used to things around here. I still get upset at how slow everything and everyone is around here, but I'm adjusting.

Anyways, just wanted to tell you that it does get better with time and you learn to accept the ways of the land.

Good luck!


Nov 22, 2007
I don't think anyone would expect you change your thinking in a week. You'll acclimate over time and some things you will NEVER understand. My experience was in reverse (I came from The DR to live in The US), but nonetheless was similar in the sense that you have certain culturally acquired customs that are hard to get rid of (i.e. I was like, what do you mean I can't paint my house any color I feel like? What do you mean I can't sit outside and drink a beer if I feel like? What? If I even look at girl a few years younger than me now I'm a pervert? etc...etc...etc)

I know you don't want give the specifics of what happened to you to feel the way you're feeling, but maybe you can give us the run down without mentioning any guilty parties and we can all help you "heal"...

Thanks to everybody who replied...I feel alot better now.
I did not want to divulge what had happened last night because I felt sooooooooo stupid... I just wasn't thinking. And my friend in Santiago was SOOOOOOOOOO mad at me!!!
I am at work and I will give you all the run down when I get home and get a minute to get online.
I still feel stupid even today....
But this mistake cost me my house (rented) so here I am at square one....


Apr 4, 2002
Thanks to everybody who replied...I feel alot better now.
I did not want to divulge what had happened last night because I felt sooooooooo stupid... I just wasn't thinking. And my friend in Santiago was SOOOOOOOOOO mad at me!!!
I am at work and I will give you all the run down when I get home and get a minute to get online.
I still feel stupid even today....
But this mistake cost me my house (rented) so here I am at square one....
You ain't got the monopoly on stupid. I do stupid stuff everyday, but it provides me with entertainment, laughing at myself.


New member
Aug 29, 2007
Hey Shalena,

Listen you know I'm rooting for you too. It's going to take time for sure, but you've got a huge advantage over me when I decided to move here. You discovered DR1 first and now know there are some really great people on this site with valuable information and advice to help you. Of course you'll make mistakes, nobody here knew it all before coming to the DR. If ONLY I had found this site first...... Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.
(Hey, I sent you an email the other day and it came back "undeliverable").
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Sep 27, 2006
i don't think dominican. i don't do dominican. i am me. i only play loud music is socially acceptable hours, i don't get late, i don't throw rubbish where i stand, i don't visit salon twice a week. ;) the fact i live in "dominican" ;) does not mean i have to be any different from myslef before. but i adjust. electricity problems? fine, got inversor. no water? i order a cisterna. they don't arrive on time? i take a shower in mami's house. no books? i ship them. no polish food? i cook it. i try to think of a way of "fixing" dominican reality on a small scale and in time in becomes a habit.
i get angry, i rave, i scream at poor miesposo. but mostly i don't care, luckily i was born not bothered :cheeky:
bear in mind, it took me 2 years of living here to come up with such post, when i arrived i was the first to holler how horrible life here is.
so, take time. it will pass.


Mar 4, 2004
Thanks to everybody who replied...I feel alot better now.
I did not want to divulge what had happened last night because I felt sooooooooo stupid... I just wasn't thinking. And my friend in Santiago was SOOOOOOOOOO mad at me!!!
I am at work and I will give you all the run down when I get home and get a minute to get online.
I still feel stupid even today....
But this mistake cost me my house (rented) so here I am at square one....

One great advantage you have, Shalena, is the humility to admit when you've made a mistake. That can be uncommon among new expats; many waste a lot of energy trying to prove they were right & the Dominican guy was wrong. You only have to look at posts on this board to see what I mean ;) those who whinge, moan, get defensive & consistently blame the other guy. Seeing as how you don't do that you will have a lot more energy for the adjustment process because you won't be wasting it shoring up a frail ego because you have no need to.

OK you have to start again with the house. Just think of all the experience you are building up. Third time lucky, eh? :)


Apr 4, 2002
One great advantage you have, Shalena, is the humility to admit when you've made a mistake. That can be uncommon among new expats; many waste a lot of energy trying to prove they were right & the Dominican guy was wrong. You only have to look at posts on this board to see what I mean ;) those who whinge, moan, get defensive & consistently blame the other guy. Seeing as how you don't do that you will have a lot more energy for the adjustment process because you won't be wasting it shoring up a frail ego because you have no need to.

OK you have to start again with the house. Just think of all the experience you are building up. Third time lucky, eh? :)
SKing has already come a long way and shows greater potential than most, to "succeed".
As well, her growing network of friends guarantees her better than average odds.


Nov 22, 2007
Thanks everybody.....I am truly grateful that I found this site BEFORE my big move. Even though I am making mistakes along the way, for every mistake that I have made, I have avoided 2 due to good sound advice from this site.

Here goes what happened with the house.........

I had been looking for a while, getting alot of tips and sending my friend all over Santiago visiting houses (and apartments at one point). He is so sweet, but that is another story;).
ONline I saw a house that I liked through an inmobilario and I called the guy. He showed my friend the house, and although I liked the pictures, my friend told me that the area was not good (not in terms of crime but in terms of the appearance of the surrounding streets and barrios). So i did not want that house.
Anyway, the agent told me that he would keep looking and if anything can up, he would let me know. So then he called me about the house in Cerro Alto, keep in mind that there were houses before this that I liked but for some reason or another didn't pick because my friend would let me know that the area was not good, or it was farther from the colegios than I wanted, etc.
So when he went to this house in Cerro Alto, he took the pictures and emailed them to me quickly. I liked the house and he (my friend) told me that it was in a very good area and close to most things. So I decided to rent it.
I sent my friend the money for 2 months deposit, 1 month comission, and 4 months rent. After talking with the owner, we agreed that my friend would sign the contract and that I would sign one when I got there in August. All was agreed, my friend paid, and received the keys. A couple of days later, the agent from the inmobilario called me to tell me that the comission was not paid. I told him that that was impossible because when I spoke to the owner he told me that he had received all of the money from my friend. I told the agent to let me call my friend and if something was wrong, I would send him the money. The agent asked me had I already paid the deposit and I said (THIS IS WHERE I MESSED UP) "Yes, I sent him 2 months deposit, 1 month comission, and 4 months rent, ______pesos" Because the agent told me that the house was not one from his negocio but rather from a negocio of a friend and that his friend wanted his comission for having told the agent about the house.

To make a long story a tad bit shorter, the owner states that he has no agent. Apparently, the other guy "saw the owner's sign" and mentioned it to the agent and now they both want money. So my friend said to just ignore them, until....
The OTHER guy calls MY FRIEND to ask for his comission, stating that he knows that I need a house and that I was happy with the house but that HE was the one who told the agent about it. He mentioned something to the effect that if "she can send you _______pesos, it won't be a hardship for her to give me something for my effort in the deal" Apparently the agent had divulged how much money I had sent to my friend.
My friend was furious with him and me for running my big mouth. He canceled the contract, spoke with the owner who agreed, and then called me to tell me that he had canceled it, when I asked why...
He told me (and it's common sense), that now this guy (God only knows who he is) wants money, thinks I am rich, and knows where I am about to live.
That I cannot live in that house now because he WILL come, it's just a matter of time, and myself and my children would be in danger. That he may continue to tell other people that I have money and I will be a sitting duck.
So there it goes... I should have not spoken with the agent at all, let alone tell him how much money I had sent. My friend told me first of all, I should not have given him my phone number.

I am not used to NOT being able to nonchalantly speak of money. How many times do I go out to shop with my friends mentioning out loud what we are going to buy and where? In the mall, trying to decide should we buy the Nintendo Wii at Best Buy where it is $319 or at Target where it is $369 but you get a couple of cheap games. I know now that you cannot do that in the DR, we might not have made it home that day!!!
I am learning but this by far was the most costly mistake that I have made so far.............


Sep 19, 2004
Sorry to hear that you are back to sqaure one.

How much commission was the other guy asking you to send?

So I take it you effectively paid 7 mths rent? (2mths deposit, 1 commission & 4mths rent) Did you get any one this money back when your friend cancelled the contract? I sure hope so....


Nov 22, 2007
Sorry to hear that you are back to sqaure one.

How much commission was the other guy asking you to send?

So I take it you effectively paid 7 mths rent? (2mths deposit, 1 commission & 4mths rent) Did you get any one this money back when your friend cancelled the contract? I sure hope so....

The other guy wanted also 1 months rent for comission.
Yes, I basically paid 7 months
The owner is great and he told me that my safety was more to him than the money, el es muy decente, he returned ALL of the money and said "No hay problema", he even apologized because he has no agent...he put his own sign out front!


Aug 16, 2006

This is ringing some alarm bells in my head - I have had one or two scenarios along these lines over the years...... I have to ask...

1)Where is and who has the money that you have paid already?
2)Why did your friend take it upon himself to cancel the contract without speaking to you first - your house, your decision -IMHO.
3)Can you honestly trust your friend 100%?

Why don't you find somewhere short term and look for something yourself when you are over there.

I don't like this at all - just a feeling - that's all......




Feb 18, 2006
SKing you gonna have to ask every step of the way for advice since the DR is like a box of chocolate you never know what u gonna get.......You must be on the alert at all times, which is something I don't like 'cause here in the US I feel very safe, anywhere I go I don't have to walk around with four eyes but in the DR u just have to be careful everyone is out trying to get over, ok not everyone but many people are.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005

I think you learned not to involve so many people in your private affairs, regardless of what country you are doing business. As you have learned, you are not in Kansas any longer Toto, and anybody will exploit even the slightest weakness they can expose.

Get a place short term, as suggested, and deal with an owner one on one when you are in town.

It is also probably not the best idea to telegraph every move you make on the internet, not everybody is your "friend".

Good luck on your move,

Last edited:


Jul 25, 2007

Sorry you had this trouble.

I am a little concerned by your "friend's" attitude, and also that he told you that you may be in danger if you dan't pay some type of commision to whomever. I will tell you bluntly this is no friend in reality, just an acquaintance that sees an opportunity.

A real friend here in the DR and in the US wouldn't make all of the fuss as this guy is doing - please consider looking for someone else to help you if possible. A real friend would also wait and resolve any issues of payment until you arrived instead of taking the deposit.

We're here to help and if you would like my stateside number to give me a call pm me.


Nov 22, 2007

This is ringing some alarm bells in my head - I have had one or two scenarios along these lines over the years...... I have to ask...

1)Where is and who has the money that you have paid already?
2)Why did your friend take it upon himself to cancel the contract without speaking to you first - your house, your decision -IMHO.
3)Can you honestly trust your friend 100%?

Why don't you find somewhere short term and look for something yourself when you are over there.

I don't like this at all - just a feeling - that's all......



I think that I can trust my friend 100%, I have known him almost 2 years now (come August) and he has never done anything to make me distrust him. When he cancelled the contract, he called me for my acct # there at my bank there and he had deposited my money there the very same day, even though I told him to just "hold on to it" (something else we NAs say)
I am moving my children to another country and am trying to make it as unnerving as possible for them therefore I am not entertaining the idea of moving, finding a house when I am there, and moving again.
If worse comes to worse and I cannot find a suitable house, then I will stay in Sajoma as originally planned and move to Santiago in a year but I will not move them in the middle of a school year, that is too much
So we will see, I guess
Yeah, I learned my lesson...................


Jul 25, 2007

Just to let you know how much pay is normal, we rented a three bdrm house back in 2006 for RD8500 a month and my sister in law friend who is a realtor was happy with RD2000 for finding the house and doing the contract.

I can put you in touch with her too and I'm sure you'll know what would be expected to be paid beforehand, and it wouldn't be due until you get there more than likely.
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