Legal or Illegal


Feb 27, 2004
D.R. 1 reported that the Archbishop of Santo Dominigo Cardinal Nicolas de
Jesus Rodriquez, said that Abortion should be against the law, and women should be given jail time for this...and call it the crime Interruption of pregnancy law...has the bishop gone MAD with this radical view or is his ruling valid and just? why does the bishop place the blame on Dominican women for the countries abortion problem's, and why did he not offer any punishment for men who en-pregnate and abandon these women!


Mar 9, 2005
THe same debate was held in Belgium about 18 years ago.

Some facts of the discussion

1 befor legalisation in Belgium women went to the Netherlands for abortions
Most of the women were catholic and indicated that they were practicing catholics
2 No significant rise off abortions has been noticed
(PS one fact came to light: "students are sexual active during examinations and not that strict on contraception)
3 If it remains illegal women will search other ways to end the pregnancy with all the danger of illegal practices.

If it stays illegal women will be the peanut.



Jan 1, 2002

It is not legal to perform abortions.

It is called Interrupting a pregnancy.

However, this is not to say that it is not done, fairly widespread.

Some reputable medical facilities will perform abortions during the first trimester.

HOWEVER, the cardinal was just voicing the orthodox standard of the Catholic Church as stated by the former pope and the newly elected pope. This is one thing that many evangelicals and the Catholic Church are in agreement upon.

What the cardinal asked for was stiffer penalities and for changes in the law so that it would read "the crime of abortion."

The director of the largest hospital in the country and certainly one of the largest maternity units in Latin America, says that they "finish about 300 abortions a month that were initiated in the home. The women just say that they fell down."

HB :(:(


New member
Dec 31, 2004

Just for information : In Spain abortion is legal the first three months of pregnancy .. we know of Dominican women returning to the Dominican Republic to abort while it's legal here .
Cardinals should start living closer to the people it would help .. and I fully agree this is a continuation of the previous pope dictations against abortion / use of condoms .etc... The church would even forbid abortion in case of the violation of a youngster

Hillbilly said:
It is not legal to perform abortions.

It is called Interrupting a pregnancy.

However, this is not to say that it is not done, fairly widespread.

Some reputable medical facilities will perform abortions during the first trimester.

HOWEVER, the cardinal was just voicing the orthodox standard of the Catholic Church as stated by the former pope and the newly elected pope. This is one thing that many evangelicals and the Catholic Church are in agreement upon.

What the cardinal asked for was stiffer penalities and for changes in the law so that it would read "the crime of abortion."

The director of the largest hospital in the country and certainly one of the largest maternity units in Latin America, says that they "finish about 300 abortions a month that were initiated in the home. The women just say that they fell down."

HB :(:(


Feb 3, 2002
Actually very widespread as HB noted. I myself know of a few cases where they just went and got the abortion pill (not sure what is called). You can get this easily in The DR, even though I'm not sure if its sale is legal or not. Personally I'm glad women have this choice, specially with the amount of people I see having kids whom IMO should not ever have kids or at least not yet.


Mar 13, 2005
Dominican Today

This article was posted in Dominican Today on May 24

Alarming amount of abortions every year in DR

Santo Domingo.? About 82,000 abortions are performed in the Dominican Republic every year, a tenth of them among teenagers between 10 and 15 years old, research carried out by the Center for Social and Demographic Studies revealed.

In a paper given at the recently concluded 8th Latin American Congress on Gynaecology and Obstetrics, specialist Mariana Moreno from the Center of Support to Women said that 64 percent of pregnant adolescents are uneducated.

Just 11 percent of those under 19 years old receive higher education, the Demographic and Health Poll (ENDESA) of 2002 revealed.

Though figures regarding abortion are dispersed in the world, experts consider that between 42 million and 50 million pregnancies are interrupted every year and the rate of induced abortions affects 35 out of every thousand women between 15 and 44 years old.

These figures are included in the book titled "The Abortion Drama, Looking for Consensus", circulated here during the Forum Sexual and Reproductive Rights,held on the sidelines of the Congress.

Authors Anibal Faundez and Jose Barzelatto said one in every 28 women in the world between 15 and 44 years old has an abortion per year, which shows the magnitude of the issue.

These data are backed up by the World Health Organization (WHO). Most abortions are performed in Asia, with 27 million, followed by Europe, with eight million.

Africa registers five million abortions, Latin America four million, North America 1.1 million and Oceania, 100,000.

At least 21 percent of deaths during or after labor in Latin America are inextricably linked to unsafe abortion. The level of maternal deaths in the Dominican Republic is 178 for every 100,000 live births, the study found.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Hillbilly said:
It is not legal to perform abortions.

It is called Interrupting a pregnancy.

However, this is not to say that it is not done, fairly widespread.

Some reputable medical facilities will perform abortions during the first trimester.

You can say that again, I paid for a young woman to go to a name brand clinic RD$3000 about 18 months ago and it was not even my problem but she was likeable and the real cost was peanuts. Like US$100 and the last thing she needed was another child and I could afford it and didn't stand in judgement of her need.


Feb 27, 2004
so this abortion rate of 82,000 a year is brought about because of lack of sex education at home or school. all I know that, if made illegal.. there will be teenage pregnancy everywhere, then they would talking about over population...and teenage pregnancy, there is also a lack of social activities for young girls, I believe that watching alot of soap opera's, those hormone raging variety shows, this reggueton music and a large drop out rate contribute to the problem. I am shocked by the big percentage of abortions, there is definately very high, but that number will get much higher in the next few years, it's funny how everything always leads back to that word called education..once again this is what also happens to a young lady when she has no where to go and nothing to do.

hollywood north

New member
Dec 11, 2002
daddy1 said:
so this abortion rate of 82,000 a year is brought about because of lack of sex education at home or school. all I know that, if made illegal.. there will be teenage pregnancy everywhere, then they would talking about over population...and teenage pregnancy, there is also a lack of social activities for young girls, I believe that watching alot of soap opera's, those hormone raging variety shows, this reggueton music and a large drop out rate contribute to the problem. I am shocked by the big percentage of abortions, there is definately very high, but that number will get much higher in the next few years, it's funny how everything always leads back to that word called education..once again this is what also happens to a young lady when she has no where to go and nothing to do.

Oh - so where are the "daddies" in this picture? At church?


Feb 27, 2004
hollywood north said:
Oh - so where are the "daddies" in this picture? At church?
In D.R. my friend... it's a man's world, but your right hollywood north the men who also contribute to this problem should also be held responcible, but el tigere will always want to be tigere, the young ladies in the island must do what they can to protect themselves, remember this is happening threw casual sex, so most of these girls are un-wed and are sexually active very early...the education has to start at home with the parents, then in school, and with gov't intervention. and in responce to coachman, I guess you can't put all the blame on reggueton, but in a club of sexually active girls, this is certainly fuel to the fire, this music is strictly set up to simulate exotic dancing Constantly, remember its "sandunguiando" like the Puerto Ricans say, I go to some clubs out here in Orlando and when reggueton is turned on...Boy.. young girls go wild, and even encouraged to be more provocative!! but I understand it takes alot more than that, if they are not told of the consequences of having early sex by mom and dad first....then Los tigeres out there will surely do that work for them litterally!!!

Small World

New member
Apr 10, 2005
An article on the rise of adolescent fertility rates in the DR during the 1990's says that 70% of first births to adolescents in 1991 & 78% in 1996 were "wanted then" ... suggesting considerable demand for early childbrearing exists in the Dominican Republic. So obviously between 1/5 and nearly 1/3 of births to adolescents were not wanted at that time.

The research suggests the use of contraceptives had increased (from 14% in 1991/92 survey to 21% in 1996 survey) but the fertility rate for 15-19 year-olds was the same & among this age group birth rates had increased from 91 per 1,000 women in 1989-1991, to 112 per 1,000 in 1994-1996. The mean age of first sexual encounter appears to be declining.'Age of marriage Dominican Repu blic'

I hope the link works. It's in adobe photoshop - if people don't have this but want to read it I will cut & paste the article into a PM.

The authors suggest induced abortion is a commonly used method of fertility control (the numbers rose between 1991 & 1996), without which "it is likely that even higher recent fertility rates among adolescents would have been observed".

I don't know what life is like for unwanted children in the DR or what facilities the country has to help support young mothers, but judging by the sorry state of England's facilities I'm guessing these girls have to rely heavily on help from their families to get by (especially those from poorer families). I wish the catholic church would concentrate on helping the humans (with education & social support, which is apparently lacking) who are actually here, living & breathing on their own, rather than berating them & limiting their choices with regards to their lives in favour of an unborn being (that doesn't yet have aspirations or hopes).

I am not pro-abortion (in that I don't suggest it is the solution to the "problem" of unwanted births), but I am pro-choice. From an outsider looking in it really doesn't look as if keeping abortion illegal will make any difference to the sexual behaviour of dominican teenagers, and if anything puts the health & lives of young girls at risk.
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carina said:
This article was posted in Dominican Today on May 24

Alarming amount of abortions every year in DR

Santo Domingo.? About 82,000 abortions are performed in the Dominican Republic every year, a tenth of them among teenagers between 10 and 15 years old, research carried out by the Center for Social and Demographic Studies revealed.

Yet, they have the strictest rules in terms of Adoptions. But I still believe its the womans right.


New member
Aug 29, 2003
1) People will have sex !!

Its is in our genes and nothing will stop that
Its given to us by birth, nature and church
Like the priests say: "go home and multiply"

When the time is there and the feelings is there , flowers and bees, its really hard to stop or ingnore those feelings, there is no outside world anymore, the man's little head rules and all signals from the big head are ignored, she wants it too and the sex is there -plain that-

After the deed, the normal thinking will start, and than there is a possibility that the protection is forgotten or was too expensive (no job - more taxes-avaiability), here is where the problem start.

Are both willing to start a commitment, does the kid has a future, were they married or just a 1-night-stand, is he/she in a situation that he/she can affort a child, etc etc etc

Then there is the solution in the form of abortion, legal or illigal, having a child is not nothing, cost a lot of money and commitment and if you don't want it .. poor child ..

If the abortion can't be legal, you won't believe how people can create a abnormal interruption of pregnacy.

Painful, bloody and dangerous solutions will be tried.
You don't want to know it and you don't want to see it.

But if the Policy says its illigal, let them have the kids, together with the church.
They have money enough to raise, school, cloth and feed those (unwanted) kids.

And here is a little confusion:
They (policy and church) want you to have something that you don't want, but if you want to give it to them because you don't want it, they don't want it either.

So either they have to feed, house, cloth etc etc every year about 82.000 kids who offcourse need to live in nice goverment/church houses as well or abortion can be legal, BUT THAT MAY NEVER BE THE REASON TO HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX !!!!

Sometimes i wonder if those people who makes the rules have a sex-life at all ......