1) People will have sex !!
Its is in our genes and nothing will stop that
Its given to us by birth, nature and church
Like the priests say: "go home and multiply"
When the time is there and the feelings is there , flowers and bees, its really hard to stop or ingnore those feelings, there is no outside world anymore, the man's little head rules and all signals from the big head are ignored, she wants it too and the sex is there -plain that-
After the deed, the normal thinking will start, and than there is a possibility that the protection is forgotten or was too expensive (no job - more taxes-avaiability), here is where the problem start.
Are both willing to start a commitment, does the kid has a future, were they married or just a 1-night-stand, is he/she in a situation that he/she can affort a child, etc etc etc
Then there is the solution in the form of abortion, legal or illigal, having a child is not nothing, cost a lot of money and commitment and if you don't want it .. poor child ..
If the abortion can't be legal, you won't believe how people can create a abnormal interruption of pregnacy.
Painful, bloody and dangerous solutions will be tried.
You don't want to know it and you don't want to see it.
But if the Policy says its illigal, let them have the kids, together with the church.
They have money enough to raise, school, cloth and feed those (unwanted) kids.
And here is a little confusion:
They (policy and church) want you to have something that you don't want, but if you want to give it to them because you don't want it, they don't want it either.
So either they have to feed, house, cloth etc etc every year about 82.000 kids who offcourse need to live in nice goverment/church houses as well or abortion can be legal, BUT THAT MAY NEVER BE THE REASON TO HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX !!!!
Sometimes i wonder if those people who makes the rules have a sex-life at all ......