Living Options for Recently Arrived Expat

Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
#1. You can find a clean dog friendly beach easy enough but it won't be near # 3.
#2 - Forget the night scene and any chance to hit upon 'good girl'. While a good girls exist, they are quite rare here but you won't find them in any 'night scene'. And if you are looking for one that has a work ethic then you double the rarity.
#3 - Stay in Mexico - food is better, better selection and better quality at a much lower price. Doctors - ditto, stay in Mexico. While many people claim they get good medical service here they are being a bit delusional. At best it is hit and miss (mostly miss), but for an emergency you are screwed. Update your will.
#4. Riding a bicycle any distance in DR will lead you back to # 3 (Update your will). Stay in Mexico if you found a place to do that safely.
#5. Reasonably safe most areas, except the parameters you listed will lead you to live in a sparsely populated area where you will stand out like a pimple on prom night. Some one might decide to pop you.

Mexico seems like a better choice for you, or Costa Rica. And the girls with higher level of education and Spanish blood in Costa Rica means you can have all of the above (will maybe less prepackaged food choices) but better health care too.
Thank chico bill, a useful reply. Our time in mexico has expired, we have to leave and its our second time living here so hanging around is less appealing then somewhere new. We've lived Costa Rica 3 times over the years so looking for a new experience. You've given me reason to pause and take a closer look before taking the plunge. Colombia is also on the table
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
I could not disagree more. The variety of food in Mexico is infinitely better than here in the local restaurants.
Not that the food is bad here, it is just bland and very similar from place to place when referring to local "cuisine".
I am with you on that my old Winded amigo!

Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
To answer your main question:

Which of your requirements are you willing to sacrifice? Some of them may be mutually exclusive.
Unobtanium comes to come as reflected in the flat no response from another poster.

Suggestion, try various locations including from Puerto Plata to Cabarete, Las Terenas and perhaps even down south.
It sounds like the government's clean up of Sosua has not yet progressed enough to meet some of your requirements.

What do you mean by easy access to health care? The best hospitals are not going to be near the best swimming and water sport beaches, at least on the north coast.
I could live without gringo-free beaches and good-girl night scene.... son and I are as healthy as pro athletes so medical isnt a big deal... I meant it as to say not in the boondocks

north coast does seem to be best option
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Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I could live without gringo-free beaches and good-girl night scene.... son and I are as healthy as pro athletes so medical isnt a big deal... I meant it as to say not in the boondocks

north coast does seem to be best option
I live in Boca Chica and if I could, I would live in PP with a generator and an inverter/battery. To me, PP has everything. I've only been there for 1 short vacation but I really liked it.

Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
Ever think that he is looking for a slightly different culture after a year in Mexico. Other than the medical I think Las Terenas would meet most of his requirements. There are beaches there like Playa Moron that are not heavily use by tourists.

That place looks great bob, thanks suggestion.... I've been religiously swimming at the beach everyday for years, its big part of my life so beach quality is important, thank you

Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
Like others, I would suggest Cabarete or Las Terrenas. I know more about Cabarete as I live there. I would say it meets all your requirements although as others have said "a good girl is hard to find". A friend of mine finds plenty of available gringas at Bachata/Salsa classes. Be very careful if cycling anywhere in the DR.
Got it thanks, another vote for north coast.... why the caution about cycling, what's the danger?
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Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
Just a word of caution to the OP. The members of this board who live in Cabarete suffer from a rare medical condition that has them seeing the center of the DR as Cabarete and Sosua. You noted in your requirements list "...not packed with gringos". Well, you certainly want to steer clear of the one-trick pony dusty road surf's up bruh Jersey Shore look-alike town of Cabarete. Soon they will be bulldozing over most of this has-been relic tourist trap with a beautiful concrete and metal-composite bypass that will allow serious tourists to breeze by this yeast and vomit-smelling, dope smoking surfer town to real precious areas of this amazing country! Places not constructed for those in mid-life crises attempting to reinvent their Jersey shore or south beach days.

There is an entire country full of exotic beauty and hot women for the single parent! You have many options if you don't want to be in the company of those aggressive, shopping cart assassin Germans or French shoppers, or primadonna American property manager women. You will find many resources on the ground that would be more than happy to help you with due diligence,

That said, "buyer beware" (-CR)! Keep your eyes peeled for tricks, traps, scams, assassin cueros looking for the gringo $$$ (Google Roy Van Tinteren, Puerto Plata), tigueres, wheelie-popping kids on 100-dollar motos with naked lady plastic seats and domestic laborers who will rip you blind one roll of toilet paper at a time.
Lol, this was a pleasure to read purely for the wordsmithing. Thank you for your insight .... alas poor Ray, chilling end to his romance.
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Jul 10, 2004
I could live without gringo-free beaches and good-girl night scene.... son and I are as healthy as pro athletes so medical isnt a big deal... I meant it as to say not in the boondocks

north coast does seem to be best option
Agreed as far as I can tell from what you have stated.
As for the negative comments about Cabarete, oh well, you cannot please everyone. I HATE Santo Domingo. You might love it, but I seriously doubt that.
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Sergeant Pain

New member
Jul 6, 2022
It is not possible for me to recommend to you a place to live here in the Dominican Republic.
The best advice I can give you is look at the path less traveled by gringos who travel and live in the Dominican Republic.
Look at post #16 and tell me if you can find a reason to find anything he has said about living in the Dominican Republic valid after his post.
In my opinion, very negative post.

You see that is why my suggestion is to take your adventure to the next level and visit North, South, East and West.
Give yourself a month or two to explore and see what YOU actually like.
You speak Spanish. And you have money.
That is all you need for a good experience in 🇩🇴 .
I appreciate your practical optimism, great suggestion, thank you
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Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Just a word of caution to the OP. The members of this board who live in Cabarete suffer from a rare medical condition that has them seeing the center of the DR as Cabarete and Sosua. You noted in your requirements list "...not packed with gringos". Well, you certainly want to steer clear of the one-trick pony dusty road surf's up bruh Jersey Shore look-alike town of Cabarete. Soon they will be bulldozing over most of this has-been relic tourist trap with a beautiful concrete and metal-composite bypass that will allow serious tourists to breeze by this yeast and vomit-smelling, dope smoking surfer town to real precious areas of this amazing country! Places not constructed for those in mid-life crises attempting to reinvent their Jersey shore or south beach days.

There is an entire country full of exotic beauty and hot women for the single parent! You have many options if you don't want to be in the company of those aggressive, shopping cart assassin Germans or French shoppers, or primadonna American property manager women. You will find many resources on the ground that would be more than happy to help you with due diligence,

That said, "buyer beware" (-CR)! Keep your eyes peeled for tricks, traps, scams, assassin cueros looking for the gringo $$$ (Google Roy Van Tinteren, Puerto Plata), tigueres, wheelie-popping kids on 100-dollar motos with naked lady plastic seats and domestic laborers who will rip you blind one roll of toilet paper at a time.
I really enjoyed reading this it made me laugh, thanks for that.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
I like the food in Mexico better.

But like anything I think evaluation of the total picture is more important.
There are many things I do not like about living in the Dominican Republic.
I choose to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative.

I respect the opinions of others.
I don't care who disagrees with mine.
If they like living on the North Coast then I love it.
If they like living in another country and then just posting negatively about the Dominican Republic that is fine with me.

Your question is about where to live in the Dominican Republic.
Let me share my personal experience.
In my travels I have visited many beautiful places in the Dominican Republic.
But it has taken many years for me to find the place I want to retire to here in the Dominican Republic.
My tastes have changed over these many years.
When I first got here I wouldn't have wanted to live anyplace other than EASTSIDE!!
Now I would like to live in a different place.

You see in my opinion it really does not matter where you live.
Unless you are a like one of muppets that sit up on the balcony (you know who you are) posting negatively about the DR and other posters on DR1
One of the things that appeal most to me about living in the Dominican Republic it that it has everything to offer.
And you can get there within 4 - 6 hours at the most
And the road transportation system is improving each month.

So, no matter where you live
Get out and see the Dominican Republic
That way you don't have to rely on the biased opinions that some have about the Dominican Republic.

Below is an example of Sosua Beach that posters here have a problem with. Just check out their view:

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Riding a bike in DR will get you runover or bike-jacked or what? Seems riding isnt recommended but not clear to me why
I think that if you do not choose the location for your cycling carefully you can endanger yourself.
The quality of drivers operating vehicles is not the best I have seen throughout my travels in the world.

I will not say the cycling is not recommended.
In fact in the place I live EASTSIDE!! I see it all the time.

Look more at who is writing things.
This you will learn over time if you choose to spend more time in the DR1 community.

Old men who if they suffered a broken bone in an accident it just might kill them.
Or they are in fear of their own personal health situation (can we say myocardial infarction anyone) 🤷‍♂️
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Jul 10, 2004
Riding a bike in DR will get you runover or bike-jacked or what? Seems riding isnt recommended but not clear to me why
The problem is how badly people drive and the lack of shoulders on most roads that don't allow you to stay out of their way.
From Puerto Plata to points east along the north coast there is one main highway and very few would risk riding a bicycle on it.

(If you ride a bicycle in Santo TrafficJam, you will probably be going faster than the cars most of the time. LOL)


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Like I said, pay close attention to who is posting what up in here:

I think positive.



Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Food is a matter of personal preference until you have personally experienced it, you should not dismiss it on the recommendation of others. IMHO hospitals here are a toss up in small cities but in major cities the odds improve substantially. La Plaza de la Salud in Districto National is quite good. I've had a few surgeries there including a very delicate (complicate) back surgery that lasted 5 hours. Hospital Ney Arias Lora is also a good trauma hospital in Santo Domingo Norte; not far from where I live. There are good hospitals and clinics in the major cities in DR.

There are many beautiful places to live or explore here on the island. Perhaps not with all the requirement you listed but certainly worth as least a look. The least beaten path here in DR has wonderful places to visit, beautiful lively people to meet and plenty of delicious fruits, vegetables and food to enjoy. Come give the island a whirl, kick the tire so to speak, you might be surprised at how much the DR has to offer.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Lol, this was a pleasure to read purely for the wordsmithing. Thank you for your insight .... alas poor Ray, chilling end to his romance.
I've lived in a few places here. Dingo, Samana, Cabarete and Cabrera. Cabrera is a north coast gem which is tourism friendly but not the sociopath types you find in Cabarete Sosua. Ample selection of imported goods at the supermarkets, beautiful close by beaches such as Playa Grande, a few secluded lagoons and decent eats. Not very close by top end medical facilities, so if you plan on having an MI, get a private ambulance service. Beautiful lomas and exclusive private villas also to boast. The best is my very own Uncle @william webster is close by when we need angel funding!