Looking forward to live in RD

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Jul 9, 2010
Hi everyone,

Me and my husband live in Switzerland, have no kids and almost 40's and want to move to RD on the SouthEast area.
We are planning on moving on the summer of 2016 and live from the tourism so we have to be near the big resorts.
We're going to RD for 2 weeks in spetember to get to know the area and we're planning on staying 1 week at Punta Cana, 3 days at Bayahibe and 4 days at Juan Dolio, to decide where to settle.
Does anyone live at this areas?
We'd love to have some practical informations.
Like modest rental costs for 1bed hurricane resistant apartment
(I seem to find only condo's on the net and we would like something more modest, means cheaper)
access to medical care - clinics or hospitals on these areas (Punta cana, Bayahibe and Juan Dolio)
monthly budget for groceries
monthly budget for electricity, gas and internet...

Thank you all for your advices... they're very welcome:knockedou

If you are planning on moving to the DR permanently then you need to start the residency process which starts in your home country. Contact the closest DR consulate or go on line to see the requirements. You will need, birth certificate, marriage certificate, police background report, including finger prints and other documents. These need to be translated into Spanish appostilized by the local Swiss gov and certified by the DR consulate. Once you have all the needed documents you will bring those to the DR with you. At that point you will need to hire an attorney to submit your documents and walk you through the process in Santo Domingo. You will also take a medical exam, which includes, chest x-ray and urine and blood samples. The completion of this temporary residency will take 6 months or more at which time you will receive a cedular, ID card. You can now legally work in the DR. You need to renew your temporary residency every year for 5 years before getting permanent residency. The cost of the initial process with attorney is about $1200usd per person. If you do not have a solid business plan and the money to back it up than think hard about relocating here. It is very difficult as a foreigner to start a business. Do you speak any Spanish. This is a must for doing business as a "gringo". Getting an apartment is the least of your worries. Cost range from $400 a month and up. As ex-pats do not even consider living in an area without security. This is the number one priority in picking a place to live in the DR. Ex-pats are targets for theft and especially if you are new to the area with little local knowledge. If you buy local fruits and vegtables and meat and cheeses prices are reasonable. Anything imported is going to be expensive. Electricity is on the high side. The cost without running air conditioning could be around $125-185usd a month. 6 months of the year it is almost impossible not to have air conditioning at least in your bedroom on at night. This will drive the price up another $50-75usd per month. Propane gas for cooking is relatively reasonable compared to electricity cost. The other thing you will find is that the electricity supply is not always reliable and may be off for hours at a time during the day. This may depend on what part of the country you are living. As far as where to live I would not waste my time with Juan Dolio. There is not much there to sustain a tourist related business and it is a short season from Christmas to Easter. I would consider looking at Las Terrenas and the Samana Peninsula. Las Terrenas has a very large European Population including about 5000 French, 800 Italians, 600 German and Swiss and a representation of just about every other country, including the US and Canada along with local Dominicans and Haitians. French, Italian and Spanish are widely spoken. You really need to come for a minimum of a month or two to get the feel and what it is like to live in real world conditions. Punta Cana is primarily All Inclusive resorts. Staying there will not give you the feel of what it is like to live day to day in the DR. Overall it is not cheap to live here. You need an ample cash flow to live with the creature comforts that you have become accustommed to . Good luck.


*** Sin Bin ***
Nov 22, 2014
I think we're now all in agreement that the OP should move here and dedicate her life to making and selling cheese to ex-pats.

We have now helped you find your path in life.

No need to thank us.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
THE FACT THAT THIS INTERESTING THREAD REMAINS OPEN, IS proof, that Hollywood, is asleep in California!!!!

"JD" try the packaged cheese section of Super Mercado National, for good tasting, relatively cheap, US cheeses.
Lots of "Sharp Cheddars" there.
For GREAT IMPORTED cheeses, go to the "Deli" area.


ps, we have relatives who live on Curacao. Last visit here they brough two entire "Wheels" of UNBELIEVABLE Dutch cheese!!
It was ALMOST worth having them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Okay folks - 38 posts have been deleted, gimme a break!! Several of you deserved infractions, lucky for you it's my first day back in the US after 4 months, and I'm too tired to fight. Continue and I won't be as nice.

This thread is about a Swiss couple moving to DR. It's NOT about cheese, wine, Bollywood, facials or anything else.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Gotta come in the morning, before 10 am is best, never weekends, or Wed., that's "Veggies" discount day.
I go at 8 am on Wed.
I know the "Veggie" dept. manager, he "Hooks Me Up" with the biggest & best stuff!


Sorry "AE",we posted at the same time!
Mar 1, 2009
I cannot add anything new to what my (some, not so much) esteemed fellow commentators have stated about coming to the DR.
I can say that you will buuuuuuuurnnn a lot of cash as I experienced.
My God it goes so fast!
I can give you some words that I have learned that will help you integrate more fully into my people's culture.
The DR is the total opposite of La Suissse.
Remember to say; "No tengo ahora" a very wise porto rican scholar came up with that cagey phrase to avoid giving your money to the numerous new friends who will constantly try to bum money off of you.
Repeat with me, "No tengo ahora" is the perfect thing to say, always....Hmmmmmm, you can even use it as a greeting. Yes, yes if someone says hello....Say "no tengo ahora"......The Dominican people will respect you, they will say "esto suizo no son faciles".
If somebody tries to start a conversation with you and ask's "Como te va" respond with "Mal, esto ta malo, esto malo", repeat the "malo" many times.....malo, malo, malo, malo...... while laughing inside because you have a huge amount of money in your bank account and your going to have a huge feast.
Repeat with me..."Como te va" respond with "Mal, esto ta malo, esto malo"
If you have a flair for the theater drop your head into hands and act as if you have a headache a la George Constanza from Seinffeld.....Do the Swiss know Sienfeld?
This will help you to bond with the masses, live simply and frugally Dominicans love to be in your business and will tell everyone about you. So if you say and repeat malo, they will repeat too and they will leave you alone, you won't even need a dog to watch your house, which you might even be able to leave unlocked(kidding there ;) ).
Other than that welcome to my beautiful and amazing country, Dominican Republic!!!:)

By the way, Como les va?



Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Who cares?
Let the thread drift to wherever it wants to drift to!
Why don't you, or the other power trippers ask around, get Nals to post a poll.
Let the thread detour, it is nomal, just like in a conversation.
The threats of banishment and or infractions being given is a joke.
Simply ask others.

When Robert makes YOU a moderator, you can handle your forum as you like. Until then, it's not up for discussion, DR1 has rules. Don't like them? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Introduction is over, I don't blame OP for disappearing.

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