Luis Abinader: The DR Will Not Welcome Members of International Mafias


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
I guess I live a super sheltered life here. I know countless businessmen and professionals. My social circle is diverse. I know of no one that is in the drug trade or even smokes weed. The people that do indulge seem to weed each other out. Killing each other and living in barrios that I will never enter.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Never said they did but they are the new royalty in the DR and part of DR society.
New royalty? One would have to be in those social circles. I have been here a long time and while I know these types of individuals exist in the DR, you truly would need to be a part of those social circles to know this. Much of the wealth you see in DR is not from drug trade. There is a lot of "old family money" in the DR. Wealthy families who have passed the wealth to younger members of the family. To say "drug traffickers" are the new royalty is incorrect.


Jun 28, 2003
It's surprising to me soooo many expats continue to live here among ,and in the depths of hell, of such a drug infested country. Must be something in the water. It certainly has nothing to do with the efforts of the President who most feel he has done zero and will continue ineffective. Oh!, I guess if you had voting rights things would be different. :). Got it.
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Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
New royalty? One would have to be in those social circles. I have been here a long time and while I know these types of individuals exist in the DR, you truly would need to be a part of those social circles to know this. Much of the wealth you see in DR is not from drug trade. There is a lot of "old family money" in the DR. Wealthy families who have passed the wealth to younger members of the family. To say "drug traffickers" are the new royalty is incorrect.
When you have the kind of money they have to spend, doors open for you that can legitimize your existence regardless of the source of your money. Some of the money made by the old families was probably gained by questionable means and time has elevated them to respectability in DR society. That happens in a lot of countries. I know the drug lords don’t represent the true royalty in the DR or the bulk of the family money, but they are here, they are not going away, and they have millions of dollars to spend. No real estate agent or high end car salesman would ever turn them away.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Drug dealers likely are not allowed in elite social circles, but their money filters through.
Apartments and villas are built off laundered money. Fancy SUVs are passed through legit new car dealers. High end restaurants and clubs love the money the drug money flashes.

You can't wash billions of dollars and it not affect politicians because the politicians all love money and the more of the better - it creates power.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Sometimes I wonder why some of you live in the DR or visit. Your opinions/complaints or how you view the country always lean towards the negative.
Because cocaine is a terrible drug. I saw it destroy two close friends in college.

And if shining any light to expose the DR as a main shipping point for North America and Europe then it's worth talking about.

Stop with the DR member shame game.
We have the right (maybe the obligation) to discuss it.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
"Keep Coming
Sometimes I wonder why some of you live in the DR or visit. Your opinions/complaints or how you view the country always lean towards the negative.Because cocaine is a terrible drug. I saw it destroy two close friends in college.

And if shining any light to expose the DR as a main shipping point for North America and Europe then it's worth talking about.

Stop with the DR member shame game.
We have the right (maybe the obligation) to discuss it."
A moderators job should not be trying to stifle every thread - but you seem to want to


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Chico Bill as a moderator we are entitled to our opinions just as any other poster. No one is trying to "stifle" any thread. However, the constant negativity on every thread gets old. "The right/obligation to discuss it", of course you do. The issue is with some "it is beating a dead horse" constantly. And as a moderator, be very careful when trying to tell a moderator what their job is.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
Never said they did but they are the new royalty in the DR and part of DR society.
Maybe you consider them royalty and members of society that deserve respect. I consider them criminals and I'm in no way intimidated or impressed with any of them.
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
The country is broken from top-down cancers such as corruption, drugs and reggaeton music elaborating on the glamor of cheap sex, violence, murder, drugs and other anti-establishment poisons. Any praise or glorification of narco trafficking and narco traffickers is reprehensible!


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
The country is broken from top-down cancers such as corruption, drugs and reggaeton music elaborating on the glamor of cheap sex, violence, murder, drugs and other anti-establishment poisons. Any praise or glorification of narco trafficking and narco traffickers is reprehensible!
That was the word I was looking for "glorifying" drug dealers as "royalty", what a joke.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Chico Bill as a moderator we are entitled to our opinions just as any other poster. No one is trying to "stifle" any thread. However, the constant negativity on every thread gets old. "The right/obligation to discuss it", of course you do. The issue is with some "it is beating a dead horse" constantly. And as a moderator, be very careful when trying to tell a moderator what their job is.
It would be a dead horse (interesting choice of words) if it were not increasing each year. Just as an example of how bad it is getting 13 people over dosed and died in San Francisco in one day this week from fentnyal laced dtugs.

Now DR may not currently be on the primary Fentnyal route which is China through Mexico. But surely that may soon change if the US / Mexico border is tightened.
DR and China doing more trade means more deadly drugs will find its way into DR from that trade.

I wonder if DR tracks its overdose deaths?