If you lay down with dogs you will get up with...rabies?
Rabies diagnosed in Toronto man - Toronto - CBC News
Rabies diagnosed in Toronto man - Toronto - CBC News
He is dead. No way to survive this. Stupidity has its cost...
Only way is to get bitten: rats, dogs, cats, any animal. AND then not report it right away and get the shots!!! All public hospitals have rabies kits and the vaccine that can be administered. This is endemic here...the doctors know this.
That is the stupidity. You can't wash the bacteria away, it won't go away. AS soon as clinical symptoms appear you are dead!
The guy went the clinic at the resort 3 times.
Help me to understand what's going on.. once you've been bitten isn't the first thing you're thinking about: RABBIES!!!!
I mean come on now, what am I missing!?!
Something as innocent as a small scratch from an infected kitten can pass rabies.
Well, If you didn't know this simple fact, maybe the poor guy who is most likely going to die a most hideous death didn't either... I always shudder when I see tourists trying to pat the street dogs or feral cats...Thanks for that one, even though I don't know anyone with pets.. but still!