Hola !
Good morning ,
For those new to the island here it’s some fun reading ⬇️
Just wanted to post and give a quick breakdown of all the different ways / expressions on how Dominicans say hello & goodbyes …. Just in case this info might become helpful or fun to read…
Hello 👋 = Hello
SALUDOS = usually said as you enter a room full of people , it shows you have “educación” and are polite …. NO need to say “saludos” if there it’s more than one group inside a big lobby or room or building or house;Just one “saludos” as soon as you come in will do
Y TU= basically it’s Hello however you must be FRIENDs with the person you are greeting or know them for sometime ( tenerle confianza )
KlK = Equivalent to “what’s up” … should NOT Be use at a Profesional level or at workplace ….
HOLA = Hello 👋 …. May be utilize at any situation or place
Y USTED : same as “ y tu” but the person you saying it to usually it’s Older or you want to show respect that person by calling them USTED
BUENAS TARDES : Same as Saludos
VECIIIINO : usually said as you encounter you neighbor walking at anywhere or any time ….
DIME AVER : I have NO idea …. It has too many meanings from a slang to saying “Hi” TO an aggressive respond if you are on a verbal fight like “what ya want to do motherF” …. Just avoid it
LLEGÓ EL HOMBRE = this will be if you are already inside a place and someone you know walks in , you will say LLEGÓ EL HOMBRE 👋! As a way to greet them
Those are just some colorful ways here in DR to say hello ,
Good morning ,
For those new to the island here it’s some fun reading ⬇️
Just wanted to post and give a quick breakdown of all the different ways / expressions on how Dominicans say hello & goodbyes …. Just in case this info might become helpful or fun to read…
Hello 👋 = Hello
SALUDOS = usually said as you enter a room full of people , it shows you have “educación” and are polite …. NO need to say “saludos” if there it’s more than one group inside a big lobby or room or building or house;Just one “saludos” as soon as you come in will do
Y TU= basically it’s Hello however you must be FRIENDs with the person you are greeting or know them for sometime ( tenerle confianza )
KlK = Equivalent to “what’s up” … should NOT Be use at a Profesional level or at workplace ….
HOLA = Hello 👋 …. May be utilize at any situation or place
Y USTED : same as “ y tu” but the person you saying it to usually it’s Older or you want to show respect that person by calling them USTED
BUENAS TARDES : Same as Saludos
VECIIIINO : usually said as you encounter you neighbor walking at anywhere or any time ….
DIME AVER : I have NO idea …. It has too many meanings from a slang to saying “Hi” TO an aggressive respond if you are on a verbal fight like “what ya want to do motherF” …. Just avoid it
LLEGÓ EL HOMBRE = this will be if you are already inside a place and someone you know walks in , you will say LLEGÓ EL HOMBRE 👋! As a way to greet them
Those are just some colorful ways here in DR to say hello ,