Mass Shooting in La Romana


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
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Massacre surprised neighbors
They define the author as a man with a Christian profile
Massacre surprised neighbors
Massacre surprised neighborsMassacre surprised neighborsMassacre surprised neighbors
Deyanira Polanco
La Romana, DR
“No one like Jehovah. Get ready because the Lord will not clear the guilty. This message placed in his workshop would seem contradictory to the action of the cabinetmaker Román Guerrero Tavárez (Daniel), who from that place killed three civilians, a police officer and injured six other people, five of them law enforcement officers. Then he fell down.

The tragedy, which led the Chapter House to declare two days of mourning in La Romana, filled the neighbors with astonishment and questioning.

The massacre occurred at the corner of Eugenio Miranda Street with Callejón Guaymate, where the man also known as "El Ebanista" barricaded himself for about seven hours, shooting at the head of everyone who stood in his way.

difficult to access

The place was difficult to access for the National Police, which made it easier for the murderer to shoot the agents without contemplation.

The first to die was Lieutenant Manuel Moisés Hernández, who was stripped of his regulation weapon and hit in the head with a shot.

In a section of less than 200 meters, of the alley, the bodies of three of the victims of the event that shocked residents in the place were veiled.

In house number 36, the remains of Aneury Caraballo alias “Motoconcho”, 26 years old, were kept, and in number 8, Gamalier Mota García, 27 years old.

Across the street, about 100 meters away, at the house of Fernando Joemy de Mota, 26, they were waiting for his body to do the same.

While the corpse of second lieutenant Manuel Moisés Hernández was veiled in San Pedro de Macorís.

The wounded police officers are private Luis Carlos Reyes, 25 years old; Corporal Adelin Alberto Maldonado, 28 years old; the 25-year-old Moises Santana; Sergeant Pedro Alejandro González Sánchez, 29 years old, and Corporal Jorge Luis Cuevas Perez, 29 years old.

What is said about the fact

From Daniel, El Ebanista, the qualities of a hard-working man were highlighted, who was frequently the victim of tool thefts in the workshop, also on his farm where he was dedicated to beekeeping. The police had no record of him.

A neighbor who did not identify himself said that "they drove him out of his boxes," referring to the constant robberies that they did and "they even made fun of him. No one thought that he would react like that, because they always made fun of it.”

Several people, who also requested that their names be withheld, affirmed that Daniel had filed a complaint with the Police, but the spokeswoman for the institution in La Romana, Raisa Núñez, said that there are no registered complaints in their files.

What Núñez did say is that one of the dead civilians had files, but that he could not identify him, because the investigations are ongoing. Meanwhile, an aunt of Aneury Caraballo said that El Ebanista told her that she was collecting weapons and ammunition for a war that was coming.

Gamalier went to mediate

In the sector and the Police agree that Daniel killed the three young people before the institution's patrol arrived. The first was Fernando Joemy de Mota, with whom he had personal problems, and he was killed in the Lara grocery store, three houses from the workshop.

The second victim was Aneury Caraballo alias "Motoconcho", companion of Fermando Joemy. He lived with his grandmother and his aunts, one of whom she admitted “wasn't easy.

However, the third civilian killed, Gamalier Mota García, all stand out as a worker and mediator.

“My son was a friend of Daniel (El Ebanista), they always talked about religion and other things, and when he heard the shooting he went over there and opened his arms asking him not to do it and shot him in the head.” This was expressed by her mother Yudelka García, who also cried for her other son Aneury, who was injured in the leg.

Another of the injured is in critical condition.

Gamalier was an electrical technician, he was dedicated to renting and repairing washing machines. From early on he would go out on his passola with a washing machine behind for the client who requested it.

Nobody wanted to talk about Fernando Joemy and they did not accept the presence of journalists at his house.
As for Daniel's body, until Friday afternoon they remained in the Inacif in San Pedro de Macorís, according to what was said. He had about six children and would be veiled in El Seibo.

the wounded

The Listín Diario team went to the Central Romana Medical Center where they confirmed that one of the wounded was in critical condition. That the others were transferred to Santo Domingo.

The Police did not offer the details of the state in which the agents are and about Gamalier's brother, in the neighborhood they said that he had undergone a surgical intervention.

Moments of tension were experienced last Thursday in the Guaymate alley in the municipality of La Romana, with dozens of onlookers located around the business, from where two police officers were seen leaving, one crawling and the other staggering, after being injured by Daniel Guerrero. , alias El Ebanista, who had previously killed three civilians.

The victimizer was entrenched with a rifle in the business for about seven hours.
  • Sad
Reactions: Joseph NY2STI


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011

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Active member
Dec 7, 2020
Cuando la gente va a la policia hay que tomar en serio las denuncias y las querellas. Hay mucha violencia que se lleva a cabo por no tener la gente un lugar oficial donde querellarse.

When people go to the police station it is very important to take them seriously when they want to complain otherwise people may take a violent approach to the problem.


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Church man of God, hard working guy used to do carpentry work as profesion and bees honey producers on the side. The bad guys was stealing from him seating in fire his bees apiarios...
Went crazy and Killed three of them along a cap.
I saw his shot gun in a video, looks exact same as mine. Powerful 12 gauge 28" long barrel.


Joseph NY2STI

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2020
Is there such a thing as "guilty by reason of mental defect" in the D.R. legal system? I'm guessing that killing a cop eliminates any feelings of sympathy in the judicial system.