I've always gotten the impression they are subleasing from someone else who is also subleasing from yet another who may or may not actually paying rent to an owner.It is absolutely mind boggling to me that the Bar Owners and other businesses on the Beach , all seem totally oblivious to this ..
A number of them have U Tube Channels , with very nice videos about how they BUILT their Business and their Loyal Clientele , and talk about their future plans of like for example bringing in a small Kitchen Area, expanding the Bar .. Installing New Sound sytemss , etc etc .
How in the world do these people not realize that all this Investment can one day in the blink of an Eye , just be bulldozed , because they are essentially SQUATTERS on Private land .. Its one of the mysteries of Sosua Beach I will never quite understand .. were these “ owners/ Investors” LIED to ? , or are they just Daft in the head ? who are they PAYING and what Kind of “ Lease” do they have .
Are they satisfied jut Gambling that they will recoup their investment before the bulldozing starts ? . I just cant understand it at all .
The actual owner has handed it over to the state as Cavok posted.
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months.