Dominican Republic Motorcycle Adventure


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
NOT to take away from YOUR adventure but I'll share some too if you don't mind.
I very much look for your next post(s).

I am honored to have you or anyone share similar adventures of theirs here. I can see what you are talking about for sure and I want to explore more of the way back culture as you talk about. Good story, what rewards and heart pulls you must experience.

--> OK, I will continue posting :smoke:


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
My family is all dominicans and i am 60 years old there are like 150 of us ahahahah. The older family members enjoy these photos to. many have not seen the area in years they probably won't get to see them again. i only have spent time in the north. i need to get out more. My wife says we will go to the areas. thanks again. sometimes they get tired of seeing photos that make dominicans look stupid. They like yours. You are good man for posting these

Thank you mbgmike, one of the nicest things anyone has ever said, (you also Ringo). Exploring beautiful cultures and lands has been my passion for as long as I can remember and thinking that my photos are doing good is a reward to the highest degree. Now it is all over, I am going to post every good photo and story I have of this Country on DR1, hold on!


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Thank you mbgmike, one of the nicest things anyone has ever said, (you also Ringo). Exploring beautiful cultures and lands has been my passion for as long as I can remember and thinking that my photos are doing good is a reward to the highest degree. Now it is all over, I am going to post every good photo and story I have of this Country on DR1, hold on!

mbgmike... i'm 60 and still in the saddle. Got a horse for your dad if cavebiker does not have a bike. lol

Looking for your excellant photos cavebiker. Got a horse for you too.

And the rest of your adventure.
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

Tommy is waiting at the bottom near the on ramp to the autopista. He explains how he pulled over a few times on the way down to squirt water from his camel back onto his rear break drum. He says people were looking at him weird as the steam rose off the break drum. Also, a couple bikers stopped to see if he needed help, Nice. I ask if he wants an empanada, not hungry. I eat his empanadas without a problem.

Tommy continues to worry about his motorcycle and the ability for it to make it any further. Where he stopped he has his map out and is motioning a line on the map with his index finger indicating a line running north, back along the autopista toward Cabarete. I feel my heart plunge. ?The end of the ride? I kind of freak out and say ?No! Not back on the autopista. We can ride back toward Cabarete through the center of the island and shoot toward the Samana peninsula. There you can decide if your bike can handle Samana or if you want to run for Cabarete? I pleaded, saying ?Your bike already made it up to Constanza and back. We are done with the mountains now. We can just take it easy and see how it goes? Tommy agrees, he is glad we did Constanza and likes the thought of shooting toward Samana. Whosh! My spirits leap with joy. We push on south back toward Bonao. Ten miles south of Bonao we are turning inland shooting for the Samana peninsula through the heart of the Dominican Republic.


We fly along the autopista. After we pass the Bonao exit we see the hotel the receptionist at the hotel in Bonao was telling us about. His directions in English were 180 degrees out. He said left at the autopista, it was right at the autopista. Funny, but I am not surprised, it is not uncommon to mix up right and left in a new language.

Tommy?s oil injector light is on. We pull into a gas station for oil. Next to the oil I see a bottle of octane booster. I ask if he wants to split the cost of the bottle. The octane debate continues. Hipster says ?You only need hi octane fuel for hi compression engines, racing engines? I agree and say ?Yes! you Need hi octane for hi compression engines, but hi octane fuel will make any engine run better, stronger and cooler? I talk about flame propagation of the explosion inside the combustion chamber. Hi octane fuel burns slower, the explosion?s flame propagates slower resulting in more power transferring to the piston and less energy wasted in the form of heat. The discussions are hi-level and intense. We end it with ?agreeing to disagree? and a smile. Hipster and I have both worked in design engineering for decades, we always enjoy engaging in technical discussions. I feel lucky to have him as a friend.


We turn off the autopista at the city Piedra Blanca. We are heading inland through the heart of the Dominican Republic now. The map I have looks like we should have an easy time of navigation, but no, there are constant decisions to make as to what road to take. I ask directions. One elderly man suggests we ride back into Piedra Blanca, and then turn right somewhere. Our map shows no options to turn anywhere. We conclude that he is mistaken or I understood wrong. A block later, I ask another person sitting on a motorcycle which way it is to Cotui. He confirms our suspicion that we need to go left at the fork, not right. All right, this is fun!



The countryside is very interesting. It is again a new Dominican Republic to us and we are in awe of the beauty of the landscape and the variety of sights.






We see a huge lake off to our right hand side. I see the lake on our map but the map indicated that it should be on our left hand side.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I nominate this thread for Best of the Year .

Cavebiker is doing what we have tried to do MANY times ..... start a "feel good" thread about RD.
It has lasted longer than others.

I hope it continues..... it reflects my RD views and, obviously, many others.

Ringo has added significantly -- making sure that we all know that this is not a singular experience.

Keep going boys !!!
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
When I ask directions, I try to ask only about the next large city we want. In this case we are trying to get to Cotui. The road we are on suddenly turns to dirt. Our map indicates a highway, meaning it should be paved. We push on.


We arrive to another fork in the road. Again, there are no forks indicated on the map. I see a half a dozen people working on a home. I kill the engine, take off my helmet and try in my best Spanish to ask ?which way to Cotui?. One of them suspected we are foreigners and wants to speak English. With a huge smile, he is rushing toward us speaking bad broken English seeming delighted to be trying. A friend of his is following doing the same thing, trying to speak English. They are very friendly and helpful spelling out complex directions on how to get to Cotui, half in bad English, half in rapid Spanish. I try to confirm the directions and say ?We turn right then left at the school? Both the people confirm saying ?Turn right? motioning left with their left arm ?Then turn left at the school? motioning right with their right arm? At the first intersection, I pull over and ask another person sitting on a motorcycle which way we turn to get to Cotui. Sure enough, we need to turn left where we were told to turn right. I talk with Hipster about what is going on here. ?Those last guys mixed up the English words for right and left. That?s the same thing the receptionist in Bonao did, mix right and left up!? We both had a good laugh. That is an easy mistake when trying to speak a new language. Ha!


We continue to push on and ask directions when ever we see people to ask. Again everyone is over the top friendly and helpful and left us with the definite impression that we can get to Cotui the way we are riding but it is going to be anything but straight forward.


??cu?l camino a Cotui?? (which road is to Cotui?) ?derecha, izquierda, derecha, bla, bla, bla, bla??..? (right, left, right, ??..) All the help we receive makes us confident we are going to make it to Cotui, eventually?


We ride on, and on?..


We pull into a large town and could not find the town on our maps. I ask someone standing at an intersection which way to Cotui. He confirms that Cotui is straight ahead. I also get a whole lot of other information, all of which totally confuses me. I think this guy said Samana is to our left. My calculations are that Samana is to the right. We push on to Cotui.


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.


It is the middle of the afternoon and I think it is a good time for a snack. I see several stands like this and pull over and see what this stuff is. All I understand is that it is made from corn. 66 cents, it tastes fantastic and appears to be a good source of carbohydrates. I try to get Tom to try one but he is not interested.





We pull into Cotui,. Sweet! We know where we are. I have not felt like I knew where we are for most of the day.

We gas up and continue riding through Cotui. We see a road sign that suggests we are heading back to where we started. WT. We continue and see another road sign that confirms we are heading back, the wrong direction. I don?t know how we did it but we entered Cotui from the north, not the south as expected. At least that explains why it took us so long to get here.

We do a 180 and proceed to ride back down the road we came in on. We get to the road where the person gave me confusing directions, saying Samana is down the road. I turned down that road. Several miles later, we see a sign confirming we are riding toward Samana. Unreal! If that person did not give me all that extra information, we would have never known this road is the way to get to Samana. It is a blind road with no signs indicating what is down it. Karma? Good luck? Dumb luck? I don?t know and at this point I don?t care, we are just exuberant to be headed the correct direction.

It is getting late. I try to step up the pace a little so we can make it to Sanchez, the start of the Samana Peninsula, where I know there are hotels. I try to keep Hipster in my rearview but at one point, I lost sight of him. I pulled off the road and waited. I figure he pulled off to take a pee. A few minutes later, I think I see him pulled over on the side of the road several hundred yards back. He is pulled over on the opposite side of the road. I ride back to see what it up.


Yup, flat tire?


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.


I immediately suggest he push his bike to some shade. I get out my wrench. Hipster attempts to take off the axel nut but the axel just spins and spins. We need two wrenches. I try to use my heavy-duty needle nose pliers, but no good. Hipster says when he first got the flat someone pulled over and he thinks said a motorcycle shop is not far up the road. I take off down the road in search of a shop or hardware store to purchase another wrench.


2 miles up the road I run into a motorcycle shop. Of course I have a blast explaining our situation and our need for another wrench to get a rear wheel off. Motorcycle shops in the DR are the best!


Wrench in hand I blast off back. We get the wheel off in no time.


Tommy has two tire irons, a spare tube, air pump and a tube patch kit. He is having a hell of a time trying to get the tire off the rim and complains it?s the old stiff tire. Soon, a woman and her daughter pull over to see if they can help. Hipster indicates he doesn?t need help but when he is explaining to me why he cannot get the tire off the rim, she jumps in, takes over and pops the tire off the rim with her flip-flops. I knew Tom wanted to finish the job himself, I know how quiet Tom is and the language thing I knew that with my encouragement she may finish the whole tire herself. You see, I hoped for some good photos for Tommy to show all is big biker friends back home. (did I say Tom and I enjoy ribbing each other)


You probably had to be here but the scene unfolding is hysterically comical. After the woman notices I am taking photos she acts like she is the star of the show and wants to do everything herself, constantly shoving Hipster aside. Hipster tries hard to be involved but this woman knows what she is doing and wants to do it all.


The woman?s daughter waits patiently.




Now, two other gentlemen stop by and try to lend a hand. I explain to them how lucky we are that this woman stopped by to help. Big smiles and laughs all around.

The new tube is in. Tom is trying to pump in air. The woman grabs the air pump from Tom and wants to show how to do it. It turns into a kind of wrestling match for the air pump. They pumped and pumped and pumped. Finally, taking turns with the pump. After the tire does not inflate, the situation is obvious. The new tube has a hole in it.

OK, I grab the tire and rim. The woman tries to grab it away from me motioning that she wants to take it to the shop. I explain to her that I will take it to the shop and thanked her a thousand times for all her help. I began to bungee the wheel to my bike. The woman jumps in to help. She comes up with a much better method to bungee the wheel to the back of my bike then I had, she is a biker of a high degree for sure. I thank her again.

While I am getting ready to ride, I suggest Hipster should tip her. He moves close to me and says ?But I think she pinched the tube and punctured it? I fire back ?That makes no difference! She tried her best and spent a lot of time trying to help you? 200 pesos made this a pleasant experience for everyone.


Back at the shop, I again have a good time explaining how my friend put a hole in the new tube. The mechanics pull out the tube and discover that the supposedly new tube has 2 holes, a scraped area full of holes, and already has two patches on the tube. It is definitely not a new tube. They say that this tube is beyond repair. I ask if they have a new tube. They do?Score!


The new tube is in and ready to roll, and I know how to bungee the wheel to the back of the bike.

We continue down the road toward the Samana Peninsula. We are so glad to be back on the road. It is getting late. I pull over to discuss the situation. I think we need to change plans and head toward the next major city and try to find a hotel ASAP, Tommy agrees.

We are shooting for Nagua, a large city on the north Atlantic coast near the start of the Samana Peninsula. We are running hard. Hipster?s headlight goes out again. He pulls over and contemplated strapping on his LED headlight in place of his headlight. He turns on his blinker instead, which luckily did not blink, just stayed on. We pulled in Nagua at dusk. Great but now, we need to find a hotel. I thought I remembered some hotels along the coast when cavegirl and I rode through here last. Just before the coast, we see a hotel that looked good. We pull in. I take off my helmet and ask an older man if there is a room available. I tell you, the look he gave me was so funny it?s impossible to describe. He looked at me, he looked at Hipster then started hollering to the madam something that sounded funny. We are shown a love room with one huge bed. Ha ha. I thank them but say we need two beds ?necesito dos camas? The madam says it is a big bed. Hipster and I laugh but decline.

We ride on and soon hit the coast and another hotel. This place is a normal hotel, $30 a night and is just across from the ocean. Again, we luck out big time. It is quickly becoming dark. I am ready for a beer and some food and so is Hipster. Just before we leave the room, like always I take inventory to make sure I am ready. ?OK, I have my fake wallet, pepper spray and switch blade. Everything is locked up. I?m ready? Tommy quickly arranges and hides his cash and credit cards in his boot. Perfect.

A couple blocks down the road we hit a cool open-air restaurant across from the beach. After we eat, we begin to march into the city looking for more beer. We find a liquor store with huge speakers outside and several people hanging around drinking and dancing. With beer in hand we join in and enjoy yet another ultimate DR cultural experience?

This ride is not over yet! Stay tuned?


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
MEGA Dominican Republic ride continues:

All right! We have a great night in Nagua. Today our bikes are healthy, we are healthy, and we are fired-up to ride the Samana Peninsula. How cool is that!


Just outside of Nagua, along the Atlantic coast, we stop to load up on a big Dominican breakfast. Again, a perfect way to start a day?s ride.


Local traffic



The Samana Peninsula


When we first pull into the village Samana, I notice that the local market day is underway. I remember back in 95? when Heidi and I were here and we happened upon a market day and how cool that was.


Anyway, I had to pull into the heat of the market and check it out. The Real Dominican Republic, no all-inclusive resorts here.






Sep 6, 2011
I've been at work all day, serving turkey and cranberry sauce, but now that i'm home and have caught up with your ride report, i just want to say what a fantastic, joyous, beautiful, invigorating, uplifting, and inspiring journey this ride report has become. i mean really, what a f%^Kig fabulous ride this is!!

This is Zen & the Art of Motorcycle maintenance!

This is Easy Rider!!

This is art at its finest, man!!

Love Frank
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

We stop by the Samana Bay to discuss the details of the day?s ride.


The plan is to ride toward playa Rincon, a secluded beach that is down a rough dirt road and rarely visited. I told Hipster that I would not take cavegirl to playa Rincon because of the bad dirt road leading to it. He asked me ?How bad is the road?? Of course, I say ?Oh, not that bad, I just wouldn?t take Heidi down it? All I know about the road is what my guidebook says ?rough and rocky road that should only be attempted in a sturdy 4-WD?. It sounds good to me.


We head out of town along the Samana Peninsula?s Caribbean Coast.


The Caribbean coast is unreal?


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
I've been at work all day, serving turkey and cranberry sauce, but now that i'm home and have caught up with your ride report, i just want to say what a fantastic, joyous, beautiful, invigorating, uplifting, and inspiring journey this ride report has become. i mean really, what a f%^Kig fabulous ride this is!!

This is Zen & the Art of Motorcycle maintenance!

This is Easy Rider!!

This is art at its finest, man!!

Love Frank

Thanks man! that is so kind


Sep 14, 2007
Unbelievable....this is the best post I have EVER had the pleasure to read here on DR1....thanks a million, you are one of the few people that make this country look good! I am proud to live here, and after reading all of your posts maybe more people will feel the same way. Absolutely fascinating....I agree with others, you should win an award for the best posts of the year. Thank you, thank you and in case I haven't mentioned it...THANK YOU!!
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
MEGA Dominican Republic ride continues:

After coffee in the village Samana, we start riding toward the tip of the peninsula looking for a turnoff that is said to be fifteen miles past the village Samana.


We turn onto the dirt road toward Playa Rincon.


We pass through several small communities. Our map indicates only one village.


Beautiful tropical settings surround the small villages. While taking photos I talk with an older woman, telling her how beautiful her home looks and her whole village. She seems to appreciate that and tells me so.




Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

The road turns into a rough trail.


Good looking horse and rider


The trail turns steeper and steeper and rougher and rougher.


Tommy and I are having a super time. I cannot believe playa Rincon is up this way. I say ?No one would ever come up this trail!? Tommy says he is worried about pinching a tire on the severe rocks and bumps. We ride on.


The trail is much steeper and bumpier then this photo shows, much steeper. Tommy is hammering up the trail when a mule jumps in his line of travel. When the donkey moves over, Tommy fishtails back and forth and has to peddle with his feet to get going again. I cannot get my camera out fast enough to catch the maneuver but it looked cool.


We talk with this guy, he looks at least eighty and is riding an old scooter. He confirms that there is a beach ahead. Ha ha!! We are having trouble with our hi-tech enduro motorcycles, this guy is on an old scooter and rides it like it?s a walk in the park!




Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

I am hammering along bouncing off series after series of boulders ten to twenty inches tall. I am taking a beating and the bike is taking a beating when at an instant, I have no connection between my motor and the rear wheel. The engine spins but I am dead in the water. My brain flashes through scenario after scenario. ?I broke the chain!? ?This is not good!? ?F!? ?There is very little shade on the trail? ?We have gone down several steep hills before now, so pushing the bike back out of here will be near impossible? ?


My heart leaped with joy when I see the chain only fell off the sprocket and did not seem to be broken. ?Oh freaking Yeah!?


I have the tools. I know I can fix this. I take my time. I want everything to be just right.


I am a firm believer that life should be filled with many small celebrations. I celebrate mentally getting the chain back on, adjusted just right and oiled. I have to tell you, repairing your own motorcycle while on the road, in the most remote areas, no matter how small the repair, is a feeling of euphoria that has to be experienced first hand to know it. To me, this is another ?highlight? of the ride. I ask Hipster if he would mind turning back here. I say ?No way can this be the way to playa Rincon! No one would ever come here? Hipster had no problem turning back with me. I tell him that I bet that the first intersection we come to will be the road to Playa Rincon.


Sure enough, at the first small village is a turnoff. I asked a local what is down that road. He confirms it ?Playa Rincon?


Hipster is in the lead and out of sight when I get to the playa Rincon turnoff. I have to check it out. I am sure he will be waiting at the next village where there is a ?T? in the road. At this ?T? we need to turn left, which is not the obvious route. I hope Tommy remembers that, otherwise he could get lost.


Playa Rincon: another secluded gem of the Dominican Republic


Local fisherman on the playa Rincon road.

At the next village with the ?T? in the road, no Hipster. Crap! I sure hope he did not go straight?



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I've been at work all day, serving turkey and cranberry sauce, but now that i'm home and have caught up with your ride report, i just want to say what a fantastic, joyous, beautiful, invigorating, uplifting, and inspiring journey this ride report has become. i mean really, what a f%^Kig fabulous ride this is!!

This is Zen & the Art of Motorcycle maintenance!

This is Easy Rider!!

This is art at its finest, man!!

Love Frank
I agree, fantastic thread!

(But I have to say that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was without question the WORST book I have ever read. By far, nothing even in second place. Every time I see the word "Chautauqua" I want to hurl...I found it to be an enormous Time Vampire. It's one of those books that communal hippies have to read and feign intellectual wonder at it's brilliance in order to be "cool" and get laid by a hairy chick in overalls and Birkenstocks. I read somewhere that Zen is in the Top 5 of books never finished...for good reason. I slugged through all 380 pages *assuming* that the next page will bring it all together...only to think that the REAL insight will be on the ~next~ nauseum. Zen proves that an oft-institutionalized bi-polar paranoid schizophrenic can write a book that bazillions buy and few finish reading. Zen is The Emperors New Clothes of Philosophy...)
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.


I enjoy the ride back down the trail while taking photos and hoping Hipster will be waiting for me somewhere near.





When I get to the end of the dirt road where the paved road starts, NO HIPSTER! ****! My mind races. I need to go back up the trail and to the road ?T?, the only place he could have goofed. Why did I tell him to take the lead! I know his riding style ?go go go? My mistake! I hop off the bike in disbelief, cussing to myself. S!S!S! I am drinking some water preparing to ride back up the rough rocky road when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, appears Tommy, he is riding back from the paved road. If I did not stop to drink some water before turning back to look for him, I would already be on my way back up the trail, and I would have never found him, and of course, I would have never given up looking for him. I would have ended up camping somewhere along the trail, freaked out. To say the least, I am glad to see Tommy. He says that I must have been just behind him because he just got here. I suggest we hang a left on the paved road and have lunch in Las Galeras. Tommy is in.