Migracion Ley 285-04 - Details


New member
May 11, 2011
When the Guzman lawyers come to the board and give their opinion on matters relating to Immigration Law, they generally end their posts with a disclosure that there was a new Ley 285-04 passed in 2004, but it is not yet in effect. They indicate that once it is put in place, then everything will change.

What are the changes?

Basically, I want to know ...

1) what does this mean for foreigners who come to DR and want to apply for Residencia Temporal ?
--- Can we still (under the new law when it comes effective) show up at Migracion Oficina with our birth certificate, medical tests, police certificates, the fee and an application and receive the Residencia Temporal ???

2) after 1 year with residencia temporal, can we simply exchange it for Residencia Permanente ?

3) will we actually have to spend more time in DR, unlike before ...?

4) will we be required to keep Residencia for longer before being allowed to apply for naturalization?

I searched "285-04" in the forum and found nothing.


Mar 31, 2010
From your other posts it sounds like you are thinking to do this fairly quickly. As noted these new laws have been hanging around since 2004 but not in effect. My guess and it is a guess, is nothing will happen anytime soon. You are stuck with the system we have right now. We have a presidential election May of 2012 and I doubt if this will be enacted prior.

Why are you in such a hurry to get naturalized? Do you think that will protect you from whatever it is you are running from? Again, my guess is, it won't. My apologies if you are not trying to run away from something but you sure do give that impression!!!!!!


Mar 31, 2010
From your other posts it sounds like you are thinking to do this fairly quickly. As noted these new laws have been hanging around since 2004 but not in effect. My guess and it is a guess, is nothing will happen anytime soon. You are stuck with the system we have right now. We have a presidential election May of 2012 and I doubt if this will be enacted prior.

Why are you in such a hurry to get naturalized? Do you think that will protect you from whatever it is you are running from? Again, my guess is, it won't. My apologies if you are not trying to run away from something but you sure do give that impression!!!!!!


Jan 1, 2002
We get great service from Fabio Guzman, but we also understand that we can't expect to get the same service on this board, for free, that we would get as a paying client.
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Mar 31, 2010
From your other posts it sounds like you are thinking to do this fairly quickly. As noted these new laws have been hanging around since 2004 but not in effect. My guess and it is a guess, is nothing will happen anytime soon. You are stuck with the system we have right now. We have a presidential election May of 2012 and I doubt if this will be enacted prior.

Why are you in such a hurry to get naturalized? Do you think that will protect you from whatever it is you are running from? Again, my guess is, it won't. My apologies if you are not trying to run away from something but you sure do give that impression!!!!!!


New member
May 11, 2011
Dude, I am not running from a thing. I am a government worker here in the US of A. I'm as clean as they come. The PROBLEM is that there are places I want to go where being AMERICAN is not ideal. Even the last time I traveled to France, there was negative talk about "How dumb Americans only speak one language." The British are calling Americans "stupid and imperialistic." We can't even go to the Middle East without people wanting to kill us. And, Cuba, forget it unless we do that "third country" ridiculousness. Being American-only sucks, for sure.

My research shows that DR is a place where naturalization is relatively painless, and so why not ?


Mar 31, 2010
Caribe I never said you were or were not but rather what it APPEARS TO BE. Be careful with that here. Appearances here count a lot.

No matter if you get your naturalization here you will never be a Dominican you will always be an American. There are individuals who have lived here 20 years and integrated really well and they are still foreigners - and identified as coming from ______ fill in the blank. You cannot change where you are originally from. All you can do is live and behave the way you feel you should.

Now traveling on a Dominican passport won't be so easy either. That passport won't get you into the UK or France or the Middle East! In fact it won't get you back in the USA, you have to travel on the American passport. You better do more research if that is your intent.

Why not is really not this issue. Your reasons for wanting it are not really concrete. BUT that is just my opinion. Others might feel like you.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I Wonder,Does being on a "Work Release Program",From a Federal Pen,

"Qualify" you as a "Government" worker??????????????????



Jan 2, 2002
Dude, I am not running from a thing. I am a government worker here in the US of A. I'm as clean as they come. The PROBLEM is that there are places I want to go where being AMERICAN is not ideal. Even the last time I traveled to France, there was negative talk about "How dumb Americans only speak one language." The British are calling Americans "stupid and imperialistic." We can't even go to the Middle East without people wanting to kill us. And, Cuba, forget it unless we do that "third country" ridiculousness. Being American-only sucks, for sure.

My research shows that DR is a place where naturalization is relatively painless, and so why not ?

Having Dominican citizenship and passport doesn't get you into many countries without having to apply for a visa and it certainly doesn't take your Americanism away.;)


Apr 3, 2011
"Qualify" you as a "Government" worker??????????????????


Chris, You hit him right in his colon with that one! lol


Jun 4, 2008
Having Dominican citizenship and passport doesn't get you into many countries without having to apply for a visa and it certainly doesn't take your Americanism away.;)

It will help him if terrorists go on a killing spree. They always kill those HOLDING American, Israeli and British passports follow by those holding European, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian passports.

Look what happened in Mumbai, they were checking everybody passport and order were giving to kill those holding American, British passports and Jews of course. A Dominican passport would had helped ;)