We complain sometimes about the lack of education and funding.…….
there should be more money these days.
After some media outlets received notification, the newspaper was able to make note of the fact that the ministries of Education and the National Health Service (SeNaSa) each had about 1,000 no-show employees on the books. As of November 194 agencies, ministries, institutes, and other administrative parts of the administration were paid in checks. As an example, the Ministry of Education returned some 1,200 checks to the National Treasury, and they totaled over RD$23 million (23 x 12 = RD$276,000,000 per year). It is obvious that the government cannot return to paper checks since payment is now 99% via direct deposit.
there should be more money these days.
After some media outlets received notification, the newspaper was able to make note of the fact that the ministries of Education and the National Health Service (SeNaSa) each had about 1,000 no-show employees on the books. As of November 194 agencies, ministries, institutes, and other administrative parts of the administration were paid in checks. As an example, the Ministry of Education returned some 1,200 checks to the National Treasury, and they totaled over RD$23 million (23 x 12 = RD$276,000,000 per year). It is obvious that the government cannot return to paper checks since payment is now 99% via direct deposit.