Modern Islamic Contributions to Science


New member
Sep 2, 2013
Meanwhile homosexuality caused the hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, the slaves revolting in Haiti caused the 2010 Earthquake, and the concepts of the Big Bang theory, evolution and embryology came "straight from the pit of hell." The last little nugget comes from Congressman Paul Broun(R), who is not only completely bonkers but also on the House Science Committee and somehow a doctor..

I knew it I knew it I knew it!!!!


Jan 3, 2007
I quoted hhs numbers. That was directly in response to an 80% number the cockatoo mentioned. I also went on to say i dont like any welfare period. Period. That includes corporate, farm, oil etc etc etc. govt shouldnt be in the business of redistributing wealth in any way whatsoever. I dont know how much clearer i can be. The govt shouldnt pick winners and losers. To be clear i am refering to the US federal govt. if the individual states want to give welfare to pig farmers that is fine with me. Or to fatherless families i am ok with that. Or to whomever the individual states want. Not my concern. I can only reside in one state at a time. But prefer to reside in none of them. The pushback from the cockatoo is because i called him out on his numbers with facts. The cockatoo never acknowledged where we had agreement. And frankly that is how adults debate. They look for common ground on which they can build consensus. I Understand that is not how politics is now and i doubt it has ever been any different. Ask hamilton. So i cant really blame the cockatoo, he has watched politicians do exacly the same thing and the pundits from both sides as well.

Cockatoo doesnt want to discuss and try to sway opinion. Cockatoo wants to argue. I am suprised we havent had a diatribe on how republicans want dirty air and water and to starve the seniors. Like conservatives have a private water and air supply. And republicans dont have grandparents or parents. Both parties suck. Not just the democrats. Evry freakin election season some jackass republican comes out talking about abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape. They are so beholden to the religious right they would deny gay people from inheriting each others stuff, visitation when they are dying etc.

I am calling him cockatoo because is only parroting talking points. And cockatoo just seems more apprpriate than parrot.

PS. Looking at the link u gave i notice the top two items arent even welfare. SS isnt welfare, it is a ponzi scheme. Illegal for evrybody except the government. Same with medicare. Unemployment is insurance not welfare. And the premiums are deducted from what the employer would have paid the worker.

I didnt notice pell grants on there? So it really isnt a complete list but.....

Anyway. Salud. It is time for some rum and a smoke.
This Guy sounds like Cobraboy...except not nearly as intelligent. CB may have a limited source for research but at least he actually DOES the research. Dementedkent just shoots his BS off the top of his pointy head.

A full 80% of the money handed out by the federal government will never be available to minorities and that's not by accident.
May 29, 2006
While campaigning for Senator John McCain in 2008, Hagee said that God had sent Adolf Hitler to serve as a “hunter” to kill all Jews for their acts of “disobedience and rebellion”. In 2006, he said that Hurricane Katrina, that killed more than 1,800 people, was God’s way of punishing those who wanted to participate in the Gay Pride parade scheduled in New Orleans.

Texas Pastor Asks Humanists and Atheists to
May 29, 2006
Found this on him. Someone thinks he's too soft on the Jews...

John Hagee is a false prophet, working for the New World Order gang. Hagee teaches a heresy known as "Zionism." Religious Zionism teaches that God has a separate covenant with Israel and another for the Gentile Church. This is unbiblical and is sometimes called a "Dual Covenant." Hagee stated to the Houston Chronicle that he believes Jews have a special covenant with God and do not need to come to the cross for salvation. According to Hagee Jews don't need to be born-again. Mr. Hagee told the Texas newspaper:
"I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption" (Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988).

The Houston Chronicle newspaper then quoted Hagee's own shocking words...
"I'm not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith... In fact, trying to convert Jews is a waste of time. Jews already have a covenant with God and that has never been replaced by Christianity." (Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988, sec, 6, pg. 1).

I love Jewish people, but they will burn in Hell as quick as any Gentile who rejects Jesus as their Christ.


John Hagee's Heresy!


Jan 3, 2007
Oh Lawdy!

Littlebabyjesus tryn'a take over the Muslim thread.....



Jul 10, 2004
Nasty Habits
