Hold your flame
Formosano you need to get a few screws fixed in your head they are DOMINICAN CITIZENS the chinitos and FELIX SANCHEZ what the hell, they were playing for the Dominican team how many AMERICAN born are in the AMERICAN team?.
all you make is negative coments about Dominicans if you don't like it get on the same Plane and get the hell out of the Island.
Thank you
As a neutralized Dominican citizen myself, I do not make unqualified criticism on anything Dominican. If anything, I try to bring a different perspective on things where the locals have blind spots because they are only used to a certain way of thinking. This is the same worldwide. People living in a culture can often gain from outsiders for alternative perspective. Sometimes I'm wrong, sometimes they are. But all can learn from such exchange of ideas and opinions, don't you agree ?
I just hope these "chinitos", as legally Dominican as any criollos, will be warmly embraced by Dominicans as their own. But I have my reservations based on my personal experience here. Somehow, I suspect they will always have to endure people shouting "chinito !" or " chino!" as long as they walk down any Dominican street.
And your offer for me to "get on the same Plane and get the hell out of the Island" is just as welcome as those "chino malaqueta, come merida con paleta" often chanted in the street whenever an Asian person walks by.
So what do you think of the apparent contradiction that DR have these "chinitos" earn gold for the country while the people will never truly embrace them as Dominicans ??
Would love to hear your take on this, Erickxson.