Residency Renewal Update
What I am updating is the very detailed description by El Ferestero (post #8, 8/10/2010)
As indicated in the referenced post, absolutely necessary are your present residency card, the number of your passport, a ball point pen (to fill out the renewal request form), and money.
Much, but not all, of what was described in the referenced post is current, however, I'll be repeating some of it, calling attention to differences, and adding some information that I believe will be helpful.
Migracion opens for business at 8 am and accepts applications for residency renewal until 11 am, so the sooner you arrive the better. Traffic is terrible on the road to migracion at that time of day, so it took a taxi about 4 times longer to get me to migracion this morning than for a taxi to get me back to my hotel at noon.
I got my form about 8:45 and turned it in shortly thereafter. About 12 noon I left migracion with my new residency card, good for 4 years and out of pocket RD$7,000.
As soon as you arrive and enter the large room to your right as you enter the building, head toward the row of 10 cashier windows along the back wall, the ones on the right as you face that wall. Go to window #9, there are numbers above the windows, and get your renewal form. There are likely to be lines in front of windows #8 and #10, but do not join those lines. Go to window #9. If there is a line there, it will be very short, unlike what you may see at windows #8 and #10.
Fill out the form and return it with your present residency card to window #9. You will not be given as receipt or a number and you do not pay anything. Just turn in the completed form and your present residency card. If there is somebody at the window and nobody at #10, #10 will also accept the completed form. But otherwise don't get in a line at #10.
What caused me a lot of concern this morning was El Forestero's statement that after about 20 minutes you will be called. Neither I nor anyone else who got there about when I did to renew their residency was called this morning for almost 1.5 hours
Around 10:30 a man came out of the back, through the door next to window #1 with the processed form you completed and your old residency card. He distributed them and told the people to go to cashier #3 in the row of 4 cashier windows to your left when you face the wall. The cashier will tell you the charge is about RD$2000 plus RD$2000 if you want to get your residency card today. The implication is that if you do not pay the $2000 you will need to come back another day. As far as I could tell, everyone that I knew was renewing their residency paid the RD$2000 so as to be considered a VIP.
I asked if I could renew for more than 2 years. The cashier checked the paper attached to my residency application, which gave some historical info about my residency, and determined that I was eligible for a longer renewal. She made a quick calculation and said I could renew for 4 years for RD$7000 (RD$5000 for the residency and RD$2000 for delivery today).
Attached to the receipt given me by the cashier was a ticket with a number. She told me that when my number was called I should go through the door between the 2 banks of cashier windows to have my picture taken. You will have no trouble seeing that doorway when you are there.
Not too long thereafter, they started calling out numbers. It was done over a loud speaker so easy to hear. When you hear your number, go through the door into the hall to the first door to your left,. There will be a guard standing at the door. Go through the door into a short hall. The door you want is the one to your right at end of short hall. If there is nobody else in that hall, open the door and see if they are ready for you. If there are people, get in line as they take one person into the room at a time. When you get in, hand your receipt to the person taking your picture.
A face front and a profile photo will be taken. When the photographer is satisfied they turned out, you will be given your receipt, minus the ticket with the number, and told to wait.
Go back into the large waiting room and wait. Before too long, though it seems like a long time at that point, somebody will come out with as bunch of residency cards And tell the waiting people to go back to Window #9. There the woman will distribute the cards, requiring each person to sign next to their name in their record book to confirm you were given your card.
All in all, it goes quite smoothly. I was more concerned that I needed to be this morning only because the earlier post indicated 20 minutes whereas today, at least, it was 1.5 hours.