Thankfully or hopefully? For starters do you really think all Government services will NOT enforce this. Good luck getting Driver's license, Passport, Cedula, Marbete, or even enter a Bank or major Supermarket. What about the airports?
KEEP DREAMING........................
I can just see it now.
1st of the month comes and you have a large group of Haitians being denied entry to the La Sirena
Western Union offices after standing in line in the hot sun for an hour or two because they aren't vaccinated.
Samantha Power has been in town the past few days, Coincidence? I think not.
This type of crap is going to cause a lot of problems for an already damaged society in need of much repair.
Rather than double down and focus on education (along with corruption) they offer us this as yet another distraction.
This may cause innocent people who are just trying to do their job and enforce rules, to get hurt, just as it has in other
countries who've tried the same approach.
Tourist aren't required to show proof of vaccine or negative covid test results... so do the new rules apply to these
folk$. NOPE. I just arrived from China (no problem) Welcome to the Dominican Republic Mr. Gringo, how much in dollars do you need to exchange?