Not Another Ugly American


Sep 27, 2006
Aug 6, 2006
Wave the magic wand, plunk the magic twanger and turn Santo Domingo into Scottsdale.

Yeah, that's the ticket!


Feb 3, 2009
Why in the world would they have sizeable families to feed?

I do not understand your question. Why would they not be typical lower/est class Dominican families. Several kids and the only income is typical. What do you not understand about that? I all of a sudden feel more intelligent than normal:confused:


New member
Jan 30, 2011
get some off road front and rear bumper guards installed the big tubular metal ones. May not look pretty but you will get scratches hey will lose fenders and 1/4 panels :) If I moved here full time I would have pick up with baha badass front and rear crash bars and the huge ass step ups down each side so when bump and go happens you will be the winner.


Jan 12, 2010
Yes it is very hard to live in the DR permanently and keep in a easy frame of mind when you have so much atrocious driving . Regrettably you simply can not win and so you have to make a small show of annoyance like tooting your horn or parking in front of him for five is only to make you feel better , The answer really has been given ..Here you need to drive very very defensively .


Feb 3, 2009
Here you need to drive very very defensively .

If you drive defensively in the Capital you will not get to where you are going, ever! I agree on long stretches then be prepared for anything and everything unexpected. In the city, drive like you own the place and make sure you are on the horn at least in harmony to your heart beat. Be a bully is the only way!:mad:


Jan 30, 2012
Yeah, like it is my fault their household do not put a value on education so they can get a better job, or continue to vote the same con artist into office, and if you do not have the money, do not have the kids. duh! So I should show some compassion for wanting ADULTS to at like ADULTS? You know? You seem to be a person that would continue seeing people jumping off a cliff and would never inform them of the path you take to get to the bottom of the moutain.



Jul 12, 2004
I love the ones that when I get in automatically turn into taxis and try to charge me $250.00 pesos for a $25.00 peso ride...

Well tit for tat maybe, when I first arrive to the island to live, used the publicos a little, did not understand yet the system, one car from point a to b, then another to point c, well we got in, everybody gets out, except us, we want to go all the way to Av. Independencia, after insisting he take us all they
way, now I guess he figures, extranjero he'll get a great tip.

Well end of line, asked how much? not understanding much at the time, sounded like 150.00 peso, I was outraged, yhe was overcharging us BIG TIME i thought, because we're toursist's..

I my screwed up spanish I told him, hell no just cause I'm a american I am not going to let you rip me off, I KNOW the fare is 5 pesos so here, toma!

he took it............I guess I still owe the guy 140 pesos plus 15 years interest!



Nov 2, 2006
I think it's cyclic, perhaps with the moon cycle. There seem to be more lunatics on the road today than usual! I drive A LOT in this country. Around 4,000kms per month. And I experience days when everyone seems to be driving like an idiot. The list of infractions include:

Driving a 20tonne lorry like a weapon, tailgating inches from the car in front, tooting his big horn then overtaking on a blind bend (that happened today just near Cabarete, where those American missionaries had their prang).

Lorries doing 20kph in the centre of the road so that no one can overtake. Usually the same lorries are spewing out gravel behind them.

Carro publics making their own extra lane at a red traffic light. Then when they finally get going, they pull over right in front of you to pick up a pax.

Cars that join the flow of traffic from the opposite side of the road then "filter" in with the flow.

Night drivers who refuse to dip their new xenon headlights.

And most of all motorcyclists that have no regard for road laws or even their own safety.

In my experience it is the "professional" drivers who are the worst. They are the least courteous and least considerate of other road users.

But then that seems to extend to Dominican society. They are not very considerate people anyway. And you will find very few Dominicans who are truly altruistic. Those that you will find, are probably labeled as "pendejos"!

You don't need to drive defensively, you just need to keep in mind that the driver in the other car is an idiot with the mentality of a five year old. Overtake them, give them room, stand you ground on your piece of road and make eye contact whenever you can.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
You think thats bad? Try riding in one of these 25 peso cars and getting into an accident like I did last month. We
got rear ended by another 25 peso car at the corner of Charle and Mendoza just a few blocks from where I live. I
ended up with a concussion and being pick pocket by the guy who helped me out of the car. Just another day in
Santo Domingo.

If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen.


Feb 9, 2014
this country is like the wild west a couple of hundred years ago, only the indians are dominicans; it;s very funny , that's why i love it so much!


Oct 4, 2013
Yeah, like it is my fault their household do not put a value on education so they can get a better job, or continue to vote the same con artist into office, and if you do not have the money, do not have the kids. duh! So I should show some compassion for wanting ADULTS to at like ADULTS? You know? You seem to be a person that would continue seeing people jumping off a cliff and would never inform them of the path you take to get to the bottom of the moutain.

Ok. I'll tell you how I deal with this. First, I drive what I call " an island vehicle" older, dependable, but nothing I really care about. Secondly, I understand where I'm at and don't blow smoke up my own @$$ that it should be the same as where I came from. Third, I understand the ignorance here and can laugh at it knowing there's nothing else I can do about it. Finally, you and those like you elect the same old con artists into office where you're from just like they do here and you are obviously educated.. So who is truly ignorant??


Nov 18, 2002
I enjoy driving in this country. No one gets mad if I take priority where I don't have it, take the lane for going straight and actually turn, pass 20 vehicles waiting for a traffic light and stop in front of the first car....and I get to use my honk a lot.