Now what do we do...


Apr 29, 2014
Assuming one is not living in the DR to work a 9 to 5 job and assuming that one has been here for a while and done all of the beaches, bars and touristy things to last a life time; How do you folks put in your days and what do you do for that special night out or getaway to break up the daily routine so that Monday can be differentiated from Thursday and Saturday from one week to the next?


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
First thing is to limit the alcohol intake. The first few years here it seemed like we had endless things to do. Fight with the government to get our property back, decorate it, we took delivery of several containers for friends, shop, explore, help other friends with a business, some volunteer stuff etc.

This year once we have rested for a while we are not sure. It just seems like something always pops up. We do still have a date night away from everyone else which includes a good meal and a bottle of wine. At home


Jan 1, 2002
Well now.
Since I do live here all the time (I suppose 99.5% is close to all the time) and I work, like a beaver...with a full class load at the PUCMM,
plus some other stuff going on...
I don't have a lot of "free" time on my hands. I do have a new BFF which is interesting and exciting...but we seldom go out, since neither of us has a moment to waste.

When we do, it is to local restaurants that we find interesting--a little place on Metropolitana that has good squash soup (ayuama) and cold cold beer.
An eating area at a local Shell station that serves a good breakfast, on a Saturday or Sunday morn. Maybe up to Max Delicias close to the Monument for lunch with some good friends.

I have some outside obligations to being inducted into the Dominican Martial Arts Hall of Fame, but these are few and far between.

Mostly trying to find homes for those two lovely kittens, and getting Momma Cat and another Tom neutered and spayed.
The five dogs are also claiming our time. One, Molly, needs to be walked morn and even, since she will NOT sully the house, God bless her.
This has been good for me since I can now get in some exercise, which I badly need.

I also try and welcome newbies, if they ever respond to my invitation to my invitations for coffee.

That's about it!!



May 13, 2006
We work full time at shell collecting. If anyone knows about the Sanibel stoop you'd recognize our beach walking posture. After the beach its crosswords, reading or needlework projects, then a nice steady diet of old & current Brit tv programs. Not terribly exciting but its stress-free and keeps us happy.