Ocean Temperatures


New member
Apr 8, 2023
New York, NY
Taxes are paid for many things. Some tax money in some countries might actually go to preventing flooding if ocean levels rise. They even have a ludicrous carbon credit scheme in some places that might be used for such things.

If you are in an area where water levels rise so you cannot live there, you will indeed have to "run away" to somewhere else if there is no easy way to mitigate that rise.

Going to a demonstration will accomplish nothing other than waste everyone's time. Sceaming and yelling and stamping your feet isn't going to change anything. The world needs more energy and green power isn't going to be the way it gets most of it. Electric vehicles are far too expensive for the vast majority of people to own.

There simply is not enough will power nor the ability to replace sufficient energy needed in a world that demands more energy all of the time. Nothing is going to replace those coal and oil powered generators. In truth more of them will have to be built just like they did recently in the DR. That is why it is best just to move elsewhere if you see threats caused from climate change.
Partially agree with you that it is difficult to do! People like you were talking about electric cars like Tesla! It is not possible for a car to be charged from an outlet and our ecology will only get better! And what is happening now? Flights into space are not only Musk but also others ....... yes, it wakes up for a very long time, but still it goes .....

chico bill

May 6, 2016
Taxes are paid for many things. Some tax money in some countries might actually go to preventing flooding if ocean levels rise. They even have a ludicrous carbon credit scheme in some places that might be used for such things.
I never understood carbon credits except it was invented by the UN (there's your sign it's useless) as part of the Kyoto Protocol in conjunction with Al Gore - who is a huge seller of Carbon Credit, a market that is approaching $100 billion annually.

I guess you can sin and emit greenhouse on the yacht you sailed from Florida to Samaná spewing diesel fumes that destroy the world but pay to plant a tree and all is forgiven - but the world still suffers?

It's like confessing to a priest you fornicated with the neighbors wife once and he tells you to say 10 Hail Marys, make a contribution to the 'Lord' and you're forgiven. Then next week you come back and tell the priest "I think I'll need to say 40 Hail Marys this week father"


Mar 13, 2017
Yes if you only go back to 1981, but recent ice cores in the Antarctic show that during the interglacial period that there were hotter oceans for some periods - as much as 4 degrees hotter than current.

If you go back 173 years to 1850 we are now almost 1.5 degrees centigrade hotter than then and yet we still exist and the oceans haven't buried the earth.
But there was a period if you go back 4.4 million years the entire planet earth was covered by water - so we have a ways yet to go.

I suspect the Climate Change elites, particularly at the UN, fear that by 2050 all their gloom & doom predictions won't materialize and the climate-change-hype-train may end, along with the planned transfer of trillions of dollars trying in the guise of trying to control carbon - which won't affect temperatures at all.

Trust governments to tell you the truth? Remember Covid and the vaccines that would save us ?
It's always about power and control (mainly of your money).

And as they pretend to try to control carbon, oil prices will increase and oil companies will get richer pumping less -
Never bet against Big Oil.
Remember when oil went below to (minus)-$37/barrel in 2020 during the plandemic and the world we knew 'was ending' ?
I made some decent money jumping into oil stocks that month, because even little ol' me behind my useless paper mask, knew the primary component of energy in the world could not be worth less than zero.

The people of the world are too quick to be gullible. PT Barnum would be proud today.
Now I need to figure out how I can personally profit from the climate change hype.
good old PT Barnum watch the birdie 🐦🐦🐦🐦


Apr 11, 2004
Quote Chico Bill

Trust governments to tell you the truth? Remember Covid and the vaccines that would save us ?
It's always about power and control (mainly of your money).

I was in the DR all through the Pancemic as I assume you were. Things were real bad in 2020, people sick, dying, etc. Then the DR introduced vaccines and now everything is completely normal. Did I miss something or am I blind????????????
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Jul 10, 2004
Partially agree with you that it is difficult to do! People like you were talking about electric cars like Tesla! It is not possible for a car to be charged from an outlet and our ecology will only get better! And what is happening now? Flights into space are not only Musk but also others ....... yes, it wakes up for a very long time, but still it goes .....
Difficult to do? No, IMOSSIBLE to do. Electric cars are far too expensive and will not greatly reduce the "carbon footprint" any time soon, if ever.

The rest of what you wrote above I have no idea what you meant.


Aug 26, 2012
China contributes the most by far almost 50%, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines .
And this doesn't count the cheap crap China pollutes other countries with.
It's not that simple.
Where does all that plastic waste come from in the first place?

You may not be too surprised to hear this but the US generates a lot of trash. Nearly 250 million tons per year. Of this about a third is designated for recycling or compost. But it was never very cost effective to process these recycled materials at home. It was just simpler, and cheaper, to sell it to China and be done with it. Until 2018, this meant that the U.S. sent around 40 percent of its recyclables halfway around the world.

And the U.S. was not alone. Canada, Australia, Germany, Britain and other developed nations were shipping vast quantities of waste there, too. At its peak, China was absorbing around 70 percent of the world’s plastic waste annually.

China was overwhelmed with all that "western" crap and said... enough!

Contaminated shipments led to problems with waste disposal, incineration, and illegal dumping all across China. And the Chinese people suffered for it with polluted waterways, air, and soil. And so the government implemented National Sword, bringing the world’s recycling system to a grinding halt. Some experts even called it a recycling “earthquake.”

It’s kind of wild when you stop to think about it. A small group of policymakers, thousands of miles away, made a local decision and it had a global effect. And it changed what happens to your trash, in your kitchen.

But these decisions don’t happen in a vacuum. The implementation of National Sword emerged from something that had been stirring in China for years.

The problem of pollution in the oceans of the world is not a simple one.
It is a vicious circle.
There is plenty of blame to go around and any solutions will depend on the cooperation of all.
I mean...
It takes a village.


chico bill

May 6, 2016
It's not that simple.
Where does all that plastic waste come from in the first place?

China was overwhelmed with all that "western" crap and said... enough!

The problem of pollution in the oceans of the world is not a simple one.
It is a vicious circle.
There is plenty of blame to go around and any solutions will depend on the cooperation of all.
I mean...
It takes a village.

Yep China stopped getting paid to manage 'recyclables' because it was discovered they weren't actually recycling most of it
But even if Western trash were the source that ended 3 years ago and does not explain ,Indonesia and the Philippines.
Every country generates trash - but Western countries do not pollute rivers to a large degree.

Look no further than DR's rivers and their outfalls into the ocean - it is an abomination the amount of trash thrown on the streets that wash out


Aug 26, 2012
Yep China stopped getting paid to manage 'recyclables' because it was discovered they weren't actually recycling most of it
But even if Western trash were the source that ended 3 years ago and does not explain ,Indonesia and the Philippines.
Every country generates trash - but Western countries do not pollute rivers to a large degree.

Look no further than DR's rivers and their outfalls into the ocean - it is an abomination the amount of trash thrown on the streets that wash out
That is what you took away from the cfr.org report?
Maybe read the report, dig a little deeper.
Your comment could be mistaken for an attempt to misdirect the conversation.
It is just not as simple as assigning blame to China or Indonesia or the Phillipines.
There is no shortage of blame to go around.
It is an international problem that will only be solved by people of good will from all countries on the planet.
We are all to blame in our own little way.
They do say that...
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


New member
Apr 8, 2023
New York, NY
I never understood carbon credits except it was invented by the UN (there's your sign it's useless) as part of the Kyoto Protocol in conjunction with Al Gore - who is a huge seller of Carbon Credit, a market that is approaching $100 billion annually.

I guess you can sin and emit greenhouse on the yacht you sailed from Florida to Samaná spewing diesel fumes that destroy the world but pay to plant a tree and all is forgiven - but the world still suffers! Check it out. It's like confessing to a priest you fornicated with the neighbors wife once and he tells you to say 10 Hail Marys, make a contribution to the 'Lord' and you're forgiven. Then next week you come back and tell the priest "I think I'll need to say 40 Hail Marys this week father"
Cool analogy with a priest))))) But the world is not always changing for the better! Artificial intelligence electric vehicles space flights and in 20-30 years it will be possible to move to Mars))) I hope I will see it!
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chico bill

May 6, 2016
That is what you took away from the cfr.org report?
Maybe read the report, dig a little deeper.
Your comment could be mistaken for an attempt to misdirect the conversation.
It is just not as simple as assigning blame to China or Indonesia or the Phillipines.
There is no shortage of blame to go around.
It is an international problem that will only be solved by people of good will from all countries on the planet.
We are all to blame in our own little way.
They do say that...
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
If 75% of ocean pollution comes from Asia (lumping Phillipines in with Asia) - I would say that's the best place to make inroads.

And we haven’t even discussed over fishing.


Mar 13, 2017
Difficult to do? No, IMOSSIBLE to do. Electric cars are far too expensive and will not greatly reduce the "carbon footprint" any time soon, if ever.

The rest of what you wrote above I have no idea what you meant.
I agree but a Tesla's really quick but it's also low to the ground in which is useless here
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Jul 10, 2004
Back to ocean temps please.
There is simply no set of options available now or in the near future that will change the world from the doom and gloom scenario because carbon emissions are not going to go down significantly any time soon, as in soon meaning more than a generation. That is reality. No will power exists in the world to decrease carbon emissions from the end user perspective. Governments will continue to pay lip service to the discussion, and that is about it.

If the alarmists are correct, the only thing that can be done is mitigation by building levees or moving people to higher ground as the ocean rises.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
There is simply no set of options available now or in the near future that will change the world from the doom and gloom scenario because carbon emissions are not going to go down significantly any time soon, as in soon meaning more than a generation. That is reality. No will power exists in the world to decrease carbon emissions from the end user perspective. Governments will continue to pay lip service to the discussion, and that is about it.

If the alarmists are correct, the only thing that can be done is mitigation by building levees or moving people to higher ground as the ocean rises.

I agree with you, I don’t see major changes coming. As someone who owned a home on a small barrier island for 36 years, I personally saw the water level vary. I’m convinced that island will be under water one day, maybe not in my lifetime, but my grandchildren’s.
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chico bill

May 6, 2016
I agree with you, I don’t see major changes coming. As someone who owned a home on a small barrier island for 36 years, I personally saw the water level vary. I’m convinced that island will be under water one day, maybe not in my lifetime, but my grandchildren’s.
Sure it is possible it will be underwater, but no amount of electric car sales will save one molecule of CO2, in fact, given the shorter prospective life of an electric car likely it will create more.

People have to stop believing the scare tactics of the "governments" or the "elites", because they have a goal -
• To perpetrate propaganda on the world to feed their agendas
• To control your mind, thoughts, desires, behavior, and beliefs
• To control your finances and your function in the world
A couple years ago it was Covid for an election lockdown, before that it was Russiagate, then there was the Haitian relief funds which stole millions, 23 years ago it was Y2K and you must update to the Windows latest version and then they sold Europe on the signing the Treaty of Munich with Hilter - which would guarantee "Peace in Our Time".
I'm sure you can remember many other examples.

Everyday we get bombarded with phony info on Climate Change, and 95% of is made up or 'filtered' data, often by those who stand most to benefit from us believing it.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
Sure it is possible it will be underwater, but no amount of electric car sales will save one molecule of CO2, in fact, given the shorter prospective life of an electric car likely it will create more.

People have to stop believing the scare tactics of the "governments" or the "elites", because they have a goal -
• To perpetrate propaganda on the world to feed their agendas
• To control your mind, thoughts, desires, behavior, and beliefs
• To control your finances and your function in the world
A couple years ago it was Covid for an election lockdown, before that it was Russiagate, then there was the Haitian relief funds which stole millions, 23 years ago it was Y2K and you must update to the Windows latest version and then they sold Europe on the signing the Treaty of Munich with Hilter - which would guarantee "Peace in Our Time".
I'm sure you can remember many other examples.

Everyday we get bombarded with phony info on Climate Change, and 95% of is made up or 'filtered' data, often by those who stand most to benefit from us believing it.
Totally agree 100%. If covid taught us anything, the govt is lying until proven truthful.

chico bill

May 6, 2016
If 75% of ocean pollution comes from Asia (lumping Phillipines in with Asia) - I would say that's the best place to make inroads.

And we haven’t even discussed over fishing.
Since we were talking about over fishing which is related to ocean damage which was the issue with rising temps, came across this article that states China is depleting Carribean waters (among others) by over fishing but also by building so many new ports.
Abinader should be cautious making any infrastructure deals with China. They take zero care for the environment.
Ocean temps won't matter when all the fish are gone from seine fish boats.