I agree with you, I don’t see major changes coming. As someone who owned a home on a small barrier island for 36 years, I personally saw the water level vary. I’m convinced that island will be under water one day, maybe not in my lifetime, but my grandchildren’s.
Sure it is possible it will be underwater, but no amount of electric car sales will save one molecule of CO2, in fact, given the shorter prospective life of an electric car likely it will create more.
People have to stop believing the scare tactics of the "governments" or the "elites", because they have a goal -
• To perpetrate propaganda on the world to feed their agendas
• To control your mind, thoughts, desires, behavior, and beliefs
• To control your finances and your function in the world
A couple years ago it was Covid for an election lockdown, before that it was Russiagate, then there was the Haitian relief funds which stole millions, 23 years ago it was Y2K and you must update to the Windows latest version and then they sold Europe on the signing the
Treaty of Munich with Hilter - which would guarantee "Peace in Our Time".
I'm sure you can remember many other examples.
Everyday we get bombarded with phony info on Climate Change, and 95% of is made up or 'filtered' data, often by those who stand most to benefit from us believing it.