Omicron Protection

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Mar 21, 2018
Where, Dominican Republic?

Do you have advance information or just speculation?
Well as of now, past shots don't stop or protect from omicron so when they come up with one I sure it'll be another booster shot
I have 2 morderna and 1 plizter


Active member
Mar 7, 2004
Where, Dominican Republic?

Do you have advance information or just speculation?

"Continued Commitment to Global Vaccination Efforts: Today, the President will reaffirm his commitment to help vaccinate the globe, and call on other countries to do the same to combat this pandemic globally and help prevent the development of new variants.
Donating 1.2 billion doses to the world: To date, the U.S. has committed to donate 1.2 billion doses to the world. For every one shot the Biden Administration has administered in the U.S., we are donating about three doses to people around the world."

Words of president Biden:

"To beat the pandemic, we have to vaccinate the world as well."

The Dominican Republic is part of the world. They will get you, there is no place to hide.


El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic

"Continued Commitment to Global Vaccination Efforts: Today, the President will reaffirm his commitment to help vaccinate the globe, and call on other countries to do the same to combat this pandemic globally and help prevent the development of new variants.
Donating 1.2 billion doses to the world: To date, the U.S. has committed to donate 1.2 billion doses to the world. For every one shot the Biden Administration has administered in the U.S., we are donating about three doses to people around the world."

Words of president Biden:

"To beat the pandemic, we have to vaccinate the world as well."

The Dominican Republic is part of the world. They will get you, there is no place to hide.

1.2 billion doses of Omicron


Active member
Jun 18, 2011
_________________Ave. Age____Ave. Wt. Ibs.
South Africa____27.6_________141.8

South Africa is calling Omicron Mild
Most unvaccinated South Africans had CoViD before. The rest of us... not so much.
Most South Africans are not Vitamin D deficient. The rest of us... not so much.
Unvaccinated (poorer) South Africans are more likely to do manual labour (be fit).
Most of South Africa's older people have been vaccinated once or twice. Same for the rest of us.

So. . . how well do you think our unvaccinated older (40's), couch potatoes will do?

Our populations are not the same.

It will take Britain 2 more weeks to have enough data to say if it is REALLY mild in Britain.
It will take the USA 4-6 more weeks to have enough data to say if it is REALLY mild in the USA.


Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
South Africa’s health minister said Friday that vaccines and past infections could be a key reason that the current wave of coronavirus infections, fueled by the omicron variant, appear to be milder.
“We believe that it might not necessarily just be that omicron is less virulent, but we believe that this coverage of vaccination, also in addition to natural immunity of people who have already had contact with the virus, is also adding to the protection,” Health Minister Joe Phaahla told a news briefing. “That’s why we are seeing mild illness.”
Michelle Groome, an official at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa, told the virtual conference Friday that the country has seen a small uptick in hospital admissions and deaths. But “this level is very much lower even than the baseline period we were seeing between the second and third waves,” she said.

chico bill

May 6, 2016
The Omicron cold symptoms will bring out the usual suspects calling for more jabs of poison.

If you sincerely care about your health read the following article and consider yourself forewarned to be forearmed.

mRNA short and long term will be assaulting your system.
Some of the consequences outlined in this study could be with you long after Covid (which should have been defeated, by now).
And getting jabbed is actually prolonging the virus's transmission.

Jab away if dare.

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Jul 10, 2004
2. Most of the world’s vaccines provide almost no defense against infection from Omicron, studies show.​
All vaccines still seem to provide a significant degree of protection against serious illness from Omicron, which is the most crucial goal. But only the Pfizer and Moderna shots, when reinforced with a booster, appear to have success at stopping infections, and these vaccines are unavailable in most of the world.​
The other shots — including AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and vaccines made in China and Russia — do little to nothing to stop the spread of Omicron, early research shows. The gap could have a profound impact on the course of the pandemic.​
Nations across Europe are tightening restrictions to prevent the spread from Omicron. The Netherlands became the first European country to announce a full lockdown to fight the variant. France is tightening rules for the unvaccinated. London declared a “major incident” — or emergency — for the first time since January.​


Jul 10, 2004
Based on rest of the world reports, what are the odds Omicron will bring back curfews in the DR?

chico bill

May 6, 2016
Based on rest of the world reports, what are the odds Omicron will bring back curfews in the DR?
Zero chance - In the height of tourist season I don't think so scooter.
See anyone falling over in the streets, coughing up blood ?
If that happens sure we could see something, but hopefully the world is smart enough (outside of a few countries in Europe, the US & Canada) to see through the politicians search for crises to make them look magnanimous and frighten people into having savior worship (remember Cuomo).

Omicorn is not much more than a fart in church, annoying sure and maybe you have to cover your nose, but it will fade fast.

Quit groveling at the feat of fear and they will finally quit the scare tactics.

Go to the beach, have a rum drink, enjoy nochebuena, share Christmas with friends or strangers. Live and enjoy your retirement, vacation or time off for the holidays

When you surrender your freedom to the moronic political chimps of the world you become a lesser chimp.
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Active member
Dec 26, 2002
The Omicron cold symptoms will bring out the usual suspects calling for more jabs of poison.

If you sincerely care about your health read the following article and consider yourself forewarned to be forearmed.

mRNA short and long term will be assaulting your system.
Some of the consequences outlined in this study could be with you long after Covid (which should have been defeated, by now).
And getting jabbed is actually prolonging the virus's transmission.

Jab away if dare.
You'd do well for your health to ignore anything well-known huckster Joseph Mercola - an an osteopathic physician - has to say:

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online

Researchers and regulators say Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, creates and profits from misleading claims about Covid-19 vaccines.


Dr. Mercola, 67, an osteopathic physician in Cape Coral, Fla., has long been a subject of criticism and government regulatory actions for his promotion of unproven or unapproved treatments. But most recently, he has become the chief spreader of coronavirus misinformation online, according to researchers.

An internet-savvy entrepreneur who employs dozens, Dr. Mercola has published over 600 articles on Facebook that cast doubt on Covid-19 vaccines since the pandemic began, reaching a far larger audience than other vaccine skeptics, an analysis by The New York Times found. His claims have been widely echoed on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

The activity has earned Dr. Mercola, a natural health proponent with an Everyman demeanor, the dubious distinction of the top spot in the “Disinformation Dozen,” a list of 12 people responsible for sharing 65 percent of all anti-vaccine messaging on social media, said the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. Others on the list include Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime anti-vaccine activist, and Erin Elizabeth, the founder of the website Health Nut News, who is also Dr. Mercola’s girlfriend.

“Mercola is the pioneer of the anti-vaccine movement,” said Kolina Koltai, a researcher at the University of Washington who studies online conspiracy theories. “He’s a master of capitalizing on periods of uncertainty, like the pandemic, to grow his movement.”
Then again, if you're looking for Covid information in sites like NOQ Report, odds are you're already too far gone down the rabbit hole...

Good luck with that.
Jan 9, 2004
he Sinovac seems to have been quite effective against the DSelta variant... the mRNA vex, not so much.

Here's the latest that was sent to me -

Yes, of course.

According to the study done by Si No Vac............for Si No



Jun 16, 2014
Check out the charts for Colombia and Chile where Sinovac was used and compare to UK, France, and Germany. Are you going to believe your lying eyes, or what you hear in the news? They want you to take the mRNA vaccines. Don't do it.



Apr 11, 2004
Anyone living in the Dominican Republic for the past two years knows how efficient Sinovac has been here. Others who have their head up their propanda stations rear end while residing elsewhere have NO clue....................


Feb 9, 2012
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