On October 27, 2005 in NYC: The Rights of Haitian-Dominicans


Mar 23, 2004
Dialogue on Integrating a Nation:
The Impact of the Recent Decision of the Inter-American Court
on the Rights of Haitian-Dominicans

Sonia Pierre, Director, Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitiana (MUDHA), Leading Organization for Haitian-Dominican Rights

David Baluarte, Centro Por La Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL), Attorney Representing MUDHA before the Inter-American Court

Eduardo Paulino, City University of New York, Professor of History

Thursday, October 27
Columbia University - The Irving Cancer Research Center
1130 St. Nicholas Avenue, Near 168th St., Room 114 - First Floor
Washington Heights, New York City

For further information please contact Julissa Reynoso at 646 228 8610
or Radhames Rodriguez at 718 543 0410

Dialogo Sobre la Integracion de una Nacion:
El Impacto de la Reciente Decision de La Corte Inter-Americana a los Derechos de los Haitiano-Dominicanos

Sonia Pierre, Directora, Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitiana (MUDHA), Organizacion para la Defensa de los Derechos de los Haitiano-Dominicanos

David Baluarte, Centro Por La Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL), Abogado Representando a MUDHA Ante la Corte Inter-Americana

Eduardo Paulino, City University of New York, Profesor de Historia

Jueves, 27 de Octubre
Columbia University - The Irving Cancer Research Center
1130 St. Nicholas Avenue, Near 168th St., Room 114 - First Floor
Washington Heights, New York City

Para mas informacion llame a Julissa Reynoso al 646 228 8610
o a Radhames Rodriguez al 718 543 0410


New member
Oct 30, 2004
Thanks for Posting Event

I was just about to post this and you saved me the trouble. Thank you. By the way, are you going???


Mar 23, 2004
Nope. The job's probably shipping me South to help with Katrina Victims.
Go to the event and bring back a report....start a thread w/ the report so people can flesh out the points made. I also asked one of the organizers to send a briefing to DR1.com once it's all said and done.

I hope you have a great time. Julissa is amazing people. I'm sure everyone can all learn something from attending.


AZUA said:
I was just about to post this and you saved me the trouble. Thank you. By the way, are you going???
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Nov 10, 2003
Thanks for posting Deelt,

I will try to make it...hope something good come out of this event...


Mar 23, 2004
Press Release Of Event

Community Forum on the Rights of Haitian-Dominicans

and the Role of the Dominican Community in Promoting Democracy

October 27.- On October 7, 2005, the Inter-American Court for Human Rights, in a historic decision, recognized the right of Dominican-born children of Haitian ancestry to nationality and education. After a seven year legal battle, the ruling requires the Dominican government to reform public policy to address historic discrimination in its birth registration and education systems. The Dominican government has condemned the decision as a violation of state sovereignty.

In light of the decision and the controversy surrounding it, the Dominican community is holding a public forum to discuss the impact of the decision on the state of human rights in the Dominican Republic ? and what role the Dominican immigrant community can play in promoting human rights and democratic principles in the Dominican Republic.

The public forum will be held on Thursday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m. Columbia University, The Irving Cancer Research Center, 1130 St. Nicholas Avenue, Near 168th St., Room 114 - First Floor, Washington Heights, New York City.

Panelists include Sonia Pierre, Director of the Movement of Dominican-Haitian Women (MUDHA), one of the leading advocates for Haitian-Dominican rights; David Baluarte of the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), attorney for MUDHA before the Inter-American Court; and Eduardo Paulino, History Professor at the City University of New York.

The forum is being organized and sponsored by the Dominican Women?s Development Center, Grassroots Haiti Solidarity, San Romero de las Americas, Coalition of Dominicans in Solidarity with the Haitian Community, La Aurora, and the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights (list in information).

For further information please contact Julissa Reynoso at 646 228 8610 or Hortensia Gonzalez at 212 740 1929.


Foro Comunitario sobre los Derechos de los Haitianos-Dominicanos y el Rol de la Comunidad Dominicana en la Promoci?n de la Democracia

27 de octubre.- El 7 de octubre de 2005 la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en una decisi?n hist?rica, reconoci? el derecho de los ni?os nativos Dominicanos de ancestros Haitianos a la nacionalidad y educaci?n. Luego de una batalla legal de siete a?os, la sentencia exige al Gobierno Dominicano reformar su orden p?blico a los efectos de atender la hist?rica discriminaci?n en el registro de nacimientos y sistemas educativos. El Gobierno Dominicano ha condenado la decisi?n como violatoria de la soberan?a estatal.

A la luz de la decisi?n y la controversia que la rodea, la comunidad Dominicana celebrar? un foro p?blico a los fines de debatir sobre el impacto de la sentencia en el estado de los derechos humanos en la Rep?blica Dominicana ? y qu? rol puede desarrollar la comunidad inmigrante Dominicana en la promoci?n de los derechos humanos y principios democr?ticos en la Rep?blica Dominicana.

El foro p?blico se celebrar? el jueves 27 de octubre a las 6:30 p.m. en la Universidad de Columbia, en ?The Irving Cancer Research Center?, 1130 St. Nicholas Avenue, cerca de 168 St., Aula 114 ? Primer Piso, Washington Heights, Ciudad de Nueva York.

Los panelistas incluyen a Sonia Pierre, Directora del Movimiento de Mujeres Haitiana-Dominicana (MUDHA), una de las principales defensoras de los derechos de los Haitianos-Dominicanos; David Baluarte del Centro para la Justicia y Ley Internacional (CEJIL), abogado representante de MUDHA ante la Corte Interamericana; y Eduardo Paulino, Profesor de Historia de la ?City University? de Nueva York.

El foro es organizado y patrocinado por el Centro de Desarrollo de la Mujer Dominicana, Grassroots Haiti Solidarity, San Romero de las Americas, Coalici?n de Dominicanos en Solidaridad con la Comunidad Haitiana, La Aurora y la Coalici?n del Norte Manhattan por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes (listado en informaci?n).

Para mayor informaci?n por favor cont?ctese con Julissa Reynoso al 646 228 8610 o con Hortensia Gonz?lez al 212 740 1929.