Home and business for sale, a low class neighborhood of Santiago city.
My Friend Welvin Jimenez chief of Apolo Taxi Santiago posted this pic. in his facebook, I delete the phone number because I know Robert will move it to DR1 classifies and will charge me for that.Quaint starter home, with artfully painted fence at property entrance, security fence, lemon trees in backyard, carport, windows situated to take advantage of tropical breeze, advantages of this property too numerous to list, please call 809-xxx-xxxx!
not a picture but a story:
a guy walks into the pharmacy, buys a pack of condoms, rips of the carton pacakage, takes condoms out. nothing surprising so far, people do it all the time - the box is harder to hide. THEN he proceeds to take off his shoe, stuffs condoms inside, puts the shoe back on. stunned, i ask why on earth would he do that. he replies "i don't want my wife to know i have another girlfriend".