Overstay/Exit fine went up last week?!?!?!


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Vacationing somewhere else bc of 2500 pesos OVERSTAY fine, seriously?!

Sure why not, it speaks volumes as to the lack of respect they accord the folks who visit and enhance the economy. I do not need a visa to visit which puts you in a weird category, yes come visit us but only for 30 days? Why not sell me a permit or something that is good for longer than 30 days at a decent rate. I am just glad I found out about it now rather than when I leave in March 2015. I just have to remember to have 5000 pesos on hand for the exit tax for the wife and I when we leave. Thank god rental rates are stable as vacancy rates are high but airfare is still a killer from Canada. How is it an OVERSTAY that is my point the system is flawed in that you should be able to get a visitors permit for 1, 2, 3 etc months I mean the longer I stay the more I will be spending. I worked very hard for my money I get grouchy when people try to take it away from me by increasing a fee by 300%.


Oct 9, 2007
Govt can increase the exit fees all they want, however the only ones that are laughing are those working at the airport immigration counters. Some two months ago at POP I again asked for a receipt, and this time was told that the printer doesn't work on Sundays:laugh: Meanwhile the immigration lady was searching for my change in her purse which contained at least RD10-15,000 in it:speechles, and to think that was just at her counter. And don't get me started on the arrival tourist card system in POP, that's even a bigger joke.:bandit:


Dec 27, 2010
I only come for winter vacation and rent a condo and I had no trouble paying the 800 peso "overstay" but now they are jacking it up to 2500 pesos? I spend a lot of money on rent, food, entertainment etc. I do not live in the DR I am a vacationer so if they want to rob me like this I will just have to research other places to go to for two or three month each winter. to go from 42CD bucks for the wife and I to 130CD bucks is not that bad but what a scam. Yes lets fien people who come to spend lots of money so they will not return again.

Ghettoized culture running a Country. Stunted. But the weather is great and the Beaches are nice. Keeps us coming back.


Feb 9, 2014

Ghettoized culture running a Country. Stunted. But the weather is great and the Beaches are nice. Keeps us coming back.

hey! I'd like to see things in perspective... I am three days back in my native country and got fined 170 euro for using a cellular in a car while driving... so it's not that bad in DR, is it?


Apr 29, 2014
Why not sell me a permit or something that is good for longer than 30 days at a decent rate.

You will eventually get lumped into the snowbird plan. There is a bunch of dedicated bureaucrats locked away in the basement at immigration right now trying figure out how all this is going to work in the future. There will be a provision for people who wish to stay more than 30 days but less than 6 months. It's the people who stay longer than that who are the focus of all this unwanted attention.
All exit fees will continue to rise at regular intervals for the appearance of fairness. The fees for six months or less will rise in substantially smaller increments than the fees for longer than 6 months.


Feb 9, 2014
You will eventually get lumped into the snowbird plan. There is a bunch of dedicated bureaucrats locked away in the basement at immigration right now trying figure out how all this is going to work in the future. There will be a provision for people who wish to stay more than 30 days but less than 6 months. It's the people who stay longer than that who are the focus of all this unwanted attention.
All exit fees will continue to rise at regular intervals for the appearance of fairness. The fees for six months or less will rise in substantially smaller increments than the fees for longer than 6 months.

well, in fact... for now the rate of 3-9 months went up 4 times and the rates for longer stay went up much less, in fact the rate that increased the most of all is the rate of 3-9 months overstat, so what you're saying doesn't make any sense (which makes it truely dominican)


Feb 9, 2014
You will eventually get lumped into the snowbird plan. There is a bunch of dedicated bureaucrats locked away in the basement at immigration right now trying figure out how all this is going to work in the future. There will be a provision for people who wish to stay more than 30 days but less than 6 months. It's the people who stay longer than that who are the focus of all this unwanted attention.
All exit fees will continue to rise at regular intervals for the appearance of fairness. The fees for six months or less will rise in substantially smaller increments than the fees for longer than 6 months.

well, in fact... for now the rate of 3-9 months went up 4 times and the rates for longer stay went up much less, in fact the rate that increased the most of all is the rate of 3-9 months overstat, so what you're saying doesn't make any sense (which makes it truely dominican)


Oct 13, 2013
Personally I would like to see it increased to $100. USD per day. Those of us that have followed the rules won't get stung but those of you who like to think you are above the local laws will have you hides nailed to the wall.

What about the US$800- $1000 in ITBS I pay every month? You okay losing that?


New member
May 31, 2005
Personally I would like to see it increased to $100. USD per day. Those of us that have followed the rules won't get stung but those of you who like to think you are above the local laws will have you hides nailed to the wall.

Why not give those who want to spend more than 30 days a better option up front. If I want a five week vacation you want me to Pay $1,400.00 us for me and the wife? Who ****ed in your corn flakes?


Apr 1, 2009
I only come for winter vacation and rent a condo and I had no trouble paying the 800 peso "overstay" but now they are jacking it up to 2500 pesos? I spend a lot of money on rent, food, entertainment etc. I do not live in the DR I am a vacationer so if they want to rob me like this I will just have to research other places to go to for two or three month each winter. to go from 42CD bucks for the wife and I to 130CD bucks is not that bad but what a scam. Yes lets fien people who come to spend lots of money so they will not return again.

"SCAM"? Are you kidding me? A country is trying to secure their borders and it's a scam?. Canada and the USA have some of the most restrictive immigration laws....And yet you call what the Dominican Republic is doing a scam? Answer this question. Can a Dominican go to Canada and enter for $10.00? .......So who is the real scam artist. I assure you that the Dominican Republic's economy will not suffer from the "FEW" who choose not to return. FYI change is coming to every country the IMF will see to that. Soon all people like you will have left is the old Canadian winter.......Good luck with that.


Apr 1, 2009
Well I know that you all well brake my eggs again but I still can come and stay 4 or 5 times a year for 3 to 9 mounths for less then getting a

For now you are correct. But the pending changes will make you choose either to get your residency or stay away. It's just a matter of time at this point. These changes were talked about in so many post but so many opt o keep their heads in the sand. Wise up people this is not going away. Stop wasting time talking about the problem and resolve the issue. Either get legal or leave, you have a choice.......For now


Apr 1, 2009
well, in fact... for now the rate of 3-9 months went up 4 times and the rates for longer stay went up much less, in fact the rate that increased the most of all is the rate of 3-9 months overstat, so what you're saying doesn't make any sense (which makes it truely dominican)

It does make sense. Thing about it in this way. Who are the biggest offenders of overstaying?......The snowbirds. Apart from trying to secure their borders they see it as a way to make money. Please the IMF and make money a win win situation. Most illegals are not in a position to return to their countries for a variety of reasons so becoming legal is their only option. Or at least the more inexpensive choice. Do the math and BTW it's very simple. Between a plane ticket and restarting you old life in your home country which is more cost effective? Pay the monies to become legal or return to your home country and start over again?...........The latter not a option for most. Do any of you really think the Dominican Gov't wanted this? No they were backed into a corner to play ball with the powers that be.


Apr 1, 2009
Why not give those who want to spend more than 30 days a better option up front. If I want a five week vacation you want me to Pay $1,400.00 us for me and the wife? Who ****ed in your corn flakes?

World events and the powers that be pi$$ed in everyone's Corn Flakes. It's only going to get worse and not just in the DR. Get ready for it.


Feb 3, 2009
Wrong. Those of u who followed the rules, were done over because u paid much more to follow the rules than us that have regulaly paid the salida.......... travelling back and forth......... residencia + residency = much more than salida fee.

Now things are more logical.

Thankfully I am awaiting my residency ( should have come through last month, but still waiting), so hopefully I will never pay the new fees.

The best of both worlds.:laugh:

P.S. we have not heard from CCCCCcC for a long time........ now we know why.......:laugh: could someone please check the back room in las americas ???

I don't think you are correct. Not for the first 4 years anyway. Although I might be wrong.
So say you have your cedula/residency, ok, you paid whatever, done.

First year renewal comes around, how much does this cost you?
Second year renewal, how much does this cost?

So how much are you paying on the first four years to renew your residency?

It's not cheap in the end.

And how much time spent in the country = fees on overstay?
Feb 7, 2007
I don't think you are correct. Not for the first 4 years anyway. Although I might be wrong.
So say you have your cedula/residency, ok, you paid whatever, done.

First year renewal comes around, how much does this cost you?
Second year renewal, how much does this cost?

So how much are you paying on the first four years to renew your residency?

It's not cheap in the end.

And how much time spent in the country = fees on overstay?

You are forgetting some other perks the residency gives you:

- You are able to work, even for your own company, legally
- You can get inexpensive medical insurance (offered by the same private insurance companies) same as every employee, which covers pre-existing conditions and pregnancy for you and all your family at one single inexpensive cost!
- You can get a Dominican driver's license and drive legally without always having Sword of Damocles hanging over your head with "what-if"?
- You can sue in Dominican court without having to pay deposits and guarantees
- You can just move around more freely without having to think some *** cop will try to get money from you based on your illegal status
- Can transact in general life much easier
- You can build your credit history, which is only possible with cedula number

And many other things


Apr 1, 2009
What does IMF have to do with that?

I just used one example. In securing their borders many agencies have placed conditions for the DR to do so. Take your pick. Loans as well other needs of the Dominican Republic are tied to it. What is the real story here? The solution should be get legal and stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Apr 11, 2004
The solution is not Residency, but Citizenship. They can always **** with you on Residency requirements to renew. Once you are a DR Citizen, end of ballgame. You have the same rights as anyone born here. They can never take it away.