Read it. That guys a gas bag! He s one of those revisionist who only see what they want to see. Those people brought all those problems here. As though the problems never existed in absence or in presence of their arrival. The problem is this, your insular culture cannot compete with outside influences first hand. Yea, watching them MTV3 is totally different to having it in your face in your house talking to the his abuela, the very same grandmother you have. This is a copout because even the Dominican women in the US, like Nuala and POPNYChic amongst others who use this website whose names I cant recall right now and my niece who presently lives in Atlanta can all be considered the treacherous Dominican Yorks because it is their sole concern is not to stay at home popping out babies and making con-con as an after dinner snack. To have different goals, more expansive ideals is anathema to the insular island culture and can be considered disrespectful or undesirable. But how do you know it is wrong? And what dude can clearly say that ones clothing is more pornographic than the other? I m assuming he must be talking to the prevalence of tattoos. Because other than that, domestically there is an obsession with the exposition of breasts here that is outrageous.
And I still wonder what they did before the hot comb came here. And according to the Centro Leon, it got here around 1950.
Are you one of those Dominican-Yorks (those who are absorbed into the urban ghetto culture and/or lack the most basics of civility) If not, they aren't talking about you so why so offended? I still say you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. My wife has lived in Canada for 11 years, in a culture about as far removed from New York Culture as there is, and even farther from any resemblance of a Latin Culture, especially Dominican. When she goes back, which she does every year she treats people the same, acts the same, and is treated the same as she has been her whole life. Has living outside the country changed her, not really, except her perceptions, which she mainly keeps to herself.