Salami? Show me a doctor who will recommend eating salami. Everything else is A-OK in my book!Come on now!!! Yuca, plátano, huevo and salami are everywhere there...
Stop eating frozen food and eat fresh!
Salami? Show me a doctor who will recommend eating salami. Everything else is A-OK in my book!Come on now!!! Yuca, plátano, huevo and salami are everywhere there...
Stop eating frozen food and eat fresh!
I know Salami is not a healthy food but I love it. Here in NC I buy Dominican salami every week, Induveca my favorite but sometimes Caserío Higueral or Palenque...Salami? Show me a doctor who will recommend eating salami. Everything else is A-OK in my book!
BRAVO has the smoked cooked bacon that is reaally good. Comes in bars instead of sliced so you cut it the way you like.
Ever visited a factory where salami is made? Never again would you eat it!I know Salami is not a healthy food but I love it. Here in NC I buy Dominican salami every week, Induveca my favorite but sometimes Caserío Higueral or Palenque...
I agree, after touring a hot dog processing plant, nausea was the only take away!Ever visited a factory where salami is made? Never again would you eat it!
Have you ever visited a restaurant's kitchen? You would probably never it at a restaurant again. lolEver visited a factory where salami is made? Never again would you eat it!
What passes for salami in the DR bears no resemblance to good aged dried Italian salami.I' ve been many times in my life in salami plant, I used to work for Nicolas Vargas who was the # 1 provider of pork and beef meat back in the 80s.
I used to go everyday to deliver prime material to salami plants in Santiago City.
No smoked ham, only bacon. They may have smoked ham, but I've never looked for it.Oh really. I have been looking for smoked ham to roast forever. Is this fresh or frozen? On the deli or where?
says who ?Some Salami plants in DR are rated 90% or above in qualify and sanitation standard in an US inspection.
That's why I stick to some brands that I know have fallowed the rules for many years like INDUVECA.
INDUVECA.says who ?
They're owned by GRUPO SID which is owned by the Bonetti family, and has 23 production plants and 11 distribution centers.
They are known for the quality of their products and you probably consume them every day.
Completely agree. If it wasn't labled, I would never have guess what it was. I buy the imported stuff when I'm in the mood.The only salami I can stomach here is the deli sliced Genoa in Playero. All the fat rolls in the refrigerator case are not palatable and yes I've tasted Induveca and it's pitiful.
We can all argue over personal preference but DR salami will not win any awards in the salami world.
Because it doesn't even meet the definition of salami = a cured or air dried spiced or peppered sausage, usually pork that can be stored at room temperature.
The only salami I can stomach here is the deli sliced Genoa in Playero. All the fat rolls in the refrigerator case are not palatable and yes I've tasted Induveca and it's pitiful.
We can all argue over personal preference but DR salami will not win any awards in the salami world.
Because it doesn't even meet the definition of salami = a cured or air dried spiced or peppered sausage, usually pork that can be stored at room temperature.
Not in DR, I believe 70% beef= carne # 7yeah, they call it salami, but it is not.
A salami would be 100% pork where i come from.
Here you are lucky if its 30%.