Police given access to Migration database


Jul 10, 2004
the only people that can define illegal alien are the ones that run this country........
And they did. The laws have been written.

Here is the latest law I could find on Tourist Cards directly from https://dgii.gov.do :

Note the actual legal duration of a tourist card and the difference to the work arounds done today with extra legal practices like exit fines.
Google translated for those that don't read Spanish:

Law No. 199-67, which authorizes the use of the Tourism Card.
Art. 1.- The use of a tourism card is authorized, with which you can enter
to the national territory, for tourist purposes, without the need for a consular visa.
Art. 2.- This card may be used by nationals of countries with which
The Republic maintains diplomatic relations.
Art. 3.- For the purposes of this law, any person who enters
to the country for time.
Paragraph.- The right to this tourism card is lost for dedicating the
beneficiary to lucrative activities in the national territory and the improper use of the
same will be sanctioned by the national immigration authorities with their
Immediate expulsion from the country without any formality.
Art. 4.- A valid passport will be required to enter the country with a credit card.
Art. 5.- The time that a tourist can stay in the country is set at 15 days
when he has entered with this card.
Art. 6.- The tourism card may be purchased at the Dominican consulates, in
shipping or airline agencies represented in the country, or in companies or
travel agencies and tourist institutions recognized in the Republic, at the price
RD$2.00 each.
Art. 7.- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Directorates of
Migration and Tourism are responsible for compliance with this law.
Art. 8.- The Executive Branch may restrict the use of the tourism card to that
This law refers, when the national interest so requires.
Art. 9.- This law repeals or modifies, as necessary, any other
law or legal provision that is contrary to it.
GIVEN AND PROMULGATED in the National Palace, Santo Domingo, National District,
Capital of the Dominican Republic, on the ninth day of the month of May of the year
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six, 123º of Independence and 103º of
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Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
My wife was pulled over while driving her car in the all the more frequent traffic stops in Cabarete.

The officer pulled up her picture on his telephone from a government database to make sure it matched her driver's license.
Since it did, all was good.

Anyone who thinks the linkage of the databases is meaningless....
They have had that for few yrs now…take a picture of plate brings up owner also..
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Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
They have had that for few yrs now…take a picture of plate brings up owner also..
That's going to be interesting for me. I bought my car earlier in the year thru Mike Logan. Part of his fee is registration for the first time. I did not go in person so they could not take my picture although they could extract if from the passport. I may try to renew the marbete tomorrow in San Isidro. We shall see.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2021
And they did. The laws have been written.
Well, what good are a bunch of words in a book, when nobody enforces the laws?

You know there are several traffic laws, such as it's illegal to overtake another vehicle on the right-hand side, however EVERY single day this is the general practice.
It's not permitted to cross a double yellow line, however, even the PN does it ALL THE TIME.
And you know those areas where the line is in a criss-cross pattern you're not permitted to be standing still in the middle of those, and there are several areas, such as by Playero and in Charamicos, and EVERYTIME there's a lot of traffic causing traffic jams there's always someone blocking those areas.
And what does DIGISETT do with all of these offenders of the law? NOTHING!

So yes, there are laws that say that when the 30 days have ended you should leave, but because you can still pay a "fee" when leaving the country and if you want to return nothing is going to stop you, it's quite obvious that even those who made those laws, is openly and loudly saying that they don't care about those laws, unless you're Haitian then those laws have to be followed to the letter....
So no, I wouldn't hope that this "new" thing will change anything.
This country has always been and will always be broken....


Jun 28, 2003
And they did. The laws have been written.

Here is the latest law I could find on Tourist Cards directly from https://dgii.gov.do :

Note the actual legal duration of a tourist card and the difference to the work arounds done today with extra legal practices like exit fines.
Google translated for those that don't read Spanish:

Law No. 199-67, which authorizes the use of the Tourism Card.
Art. 1.- The use of a tourism card is authorized, with which you can enter
to the national territory, for tourist purposes, without the need for a consular visa.
Art. 2.- This card may be used by nationals of countries with which
The Republic maintains diplomatic relations.
Art. 3.- For the purposes of this law, any person who enters
to the country for time.
Paragraph.- The right to this tourism card is lost for dedicating the
beneficiary to lucrative activities in the national territory and the improper use of the
same will be sanctioned by the national immigration authorities with their
Immediate expulsion from the country without any formality.
Art. 4.- A valid passport will be required to enter the country with a credit card.
Art. 5.- The time that a tourist can stay in the country is set at 15 days
when he has entered with this card.
Art. 6.- The tourism card may be purchased at the Dominican consulates, in
shipping or airline agencies represented in the country, or in companies or
travel agencies and tourist institutions recognized in the Republic, at the price
RD$2.00 each.
Art. 7.- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Directorates of
Migration and Tourism are responsible for compliance with this law.
Art. 8.- The Executive Branch may restrict the use of the tourism card to that
This law refers, when the national interest so requires.
Art. 9.- This law repeals or modifies, as necessary, any other
law or legal provision that is contrary to it.
GIVEN AND PROMULGATED in the National Palace, Santo Domingo, National District,
Capital of the Dominican Republic, on the ninth day of the month of May of the year
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six, 123º of Independence and 103º of
You have a crack in your head.you ned help and fast.Spead love and not the hate.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
That's going to be interesting for me. I bought my car earlier in the year thru Mike Logan. Part of his fee is registration for the first time. I did not go in person so they could not take my picture although they could extract if from the passport. I may try to renew the marbete tomorrow in San Isidro. We shall see.
Let us know how it works out.


Active member
Jul 9, 2015
I do not know about the term "illegal aliens" because they came into the country legally. But their immigration status would be considered "illegal status" due to the overstay. Regardless a better path to a snowbird visa would solve some of the issues.
Like in every country.... If I as an European go as a tourist with an esta to the USA and decide to stay there, it is the same.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2021
Like in every country.... If I as an European go as a tourist with an esta to the USA and decide to stay there, it is the same.
Except, it's different. If you (or I for that matter) decided to stay in the US after our tourist visa has expired, can we just pay a "fee" to leave and then in a couple of months be welcomed back as nothing has happened? No, at the airport when they notice that, you get taken to a backroom and questioned what you were doing and then you probably get banned from entering the country in the next 10 years. Or if you get stopped in the streets by police you'll get deported. That doesn't happen here. So although "technically" you're an "illegal alien" when overstaying, not even the governing authorities considers it like that...
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Except, it's different. If you (or I for that matter) decided to stay in the US after our tourist visa has expired, can we just pay a "fee" to leave and then in a couple of months be welcomed back as nothing has happened? No, at the airport when they notice that, you get taken to a backroom and questioned what you were doing and then you probably get banned from entering the country in the next 10 years. Or if you get stopped in the streets by police you'll get deported. That doesn't happen here. So although "technically" you're an "illegal alien" when overstaying, not even the governing authorities considers it like that...
Lol the EU is though on overstayers but anyone can illegally cross the border and live the life of Riley


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
The PN in this country currently have their hands full. The least of their concerns are a few gringos minding their business, mostly in tourist areas, spending more money in a week on average then they earn a month.

For those of you who disagree with me, the next time the PN hit you up for money, ask them.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Because aliens look like this and illegal immigrants are human beings:
You mean extraterrestrials?

Can anyone take a wild guess why they and illegal immigrants are called aliens? Does not being from a place have something to do with that?

PS. Technically, extraterrestrials would be illegal aliens too. No documents of any kind. Who they think they are coming to earth like they own the place? Breaking migration laws all over the planet. lol


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The PN in this country currently have their hands full. The least of their concerns are a few gringos minding their business, mostly in tourist areas, spending more money in a week on average then they earn a month.

For those of you who disagree with me, the next time the PN hit you up for money, ask them.
Its not even about money. The average person you see driving, walking, in businesses, in hospitals, in restaurants, in parks, etc in most places in the DR are not gringos. Even in many of the tourist areas you will see in the streets more Haitians than gringos, then when you do see a gringo most aren’t living in the country. Within a handful of days they will be as gone as they were a few days before.

The average police officer doesn’t see gringos on a daily basis, what they see and deal with are overwhelmingly Dominicans and a few Haitians. That is guaranteed anywhere they go in the DR.
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Active member
Jul 9, 2015
Except, it's different. If you (or I for that matter) decided to stay in the US after our tourist visa has expired, can we just pay a "fee" to leave and then in a couple of months be welcomed back as nothing has happened? No, at the airport when they notice that, you get taken to a backroom and questioned what you were doing and then you probably get banned from entering the country in the next 10 years. Or if you get stopped in the streets by police you'll get deported. That doesn't happen here. So although "technically" you're an "illegal alien" when overstaying, not even the governing authorities considers it like that...
If I sell drugs in Belgium and I get caught, I only pay a little fine and don't go in jail, If I do that in some other countries, I get put in jail or worse,.... But that doesn't mean that if in one country you can get away with something illegal by paying a little amount and in another country not, that I don't know that I am doing something that is not correct.
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