Presidente Beer

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Jul 13, 2007
By the way most people don't really know what a cold bear means until they are served one in DR. I know most of you know what I'm talking about but just for those who might be thinking about going to DR, don't settle for the nasty draft beer served at all inclusive resorts, do yourselves a favor and just eat the food and go out to the nearest bar or colmado and get your presidentes there. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back !

Disclaimer: The money back promise was meant to be in Dominican style, no further disclaimers necessary.


Mar 22, 2006
No Mexican modelo, corona, pacific, dos equis or any Mexican beer tastes anything like Presidente, trust me I live in Texas and travel to DR 3 times a year, I'm Dominican btw, in fact no other beer in Latin America or the world beats an ice cold presidente or presidente light (depending on how strong you like it) even if they are ice cold as well. I've heard people say Stella Artois, Rolling Rock, Labat and many others taste similar to Presidente, trust me they don't and not even close, I am deprived of Presidentes here as they don't yet sell it in Texas, however I'm always on the look out for something at least similar, but haven't come close. That's why I spend half of the year in DR because when I travel I stay for at least 2 months at a time, I own an insurance agency here and can monitor all my stuff online. Quiero una vestida de novia !

I'm Dominican too mi hermano, I'm not saying Modelo tastes the same as Presidente, I only said that is the one which is the closest one to the Regular Presidente (not the light one). I live in Nevada and I have tasted Dos Equis, Bohemia (the mexican one), Corona (whack) and Modelo.

Also mano do you know why Presidente Beer tastes different in Miami than in DR?? Temperature of the beer when served, in the DR they have special beer refrigerators which keeps the beer at exactly 37.3 F, in the US those temperatures are usually higher, in the 42-44F range. That came from the same Eduardo Leon, one of the brothers of the Leon Jimenes family, the owners of the Cervezeria.


Jan 12, 2009
Also mano do you know why Presidente Beer tastes different in Miami than in DR?? Temperature of the beer when served, in the DR they have special beer refrigerators which keeps the beer at exactly 37.3 F, in the US those temperatures are usually higher, in the 42-44F range. That came from the same Eduardo Leon, one of the brothers of the Leon Jimenes family, the owners of the Cervezeria.

In my opinion, the Presidente Beer that is sold in the US tastes different because it has a lower alcohol content. It's definitely NOT the same product. It's sweeter. Presidente is sold in Boston, but it is not a big seller, even to Dominicans, despite recent marketing efforts. Most Dominicans in Boston prefer Heineken. Presidente Light is now sold in Boston. In DR, I do not drink the light version, but up here I prefer it to any other light beer on the market!
According to the digital thermometer on the new Presidente refrigerators, the beer is kept at 32F-33F in most places in the DR. There is NO where, NO where in the US that serves beer as cold as it is served in DR and with the same level of service. There are a few Dominican-run establishments in the Boston area that come close, but they are unable to duplicate the kind of service that you get at even a mediocre establishment in DR. When it feels like liquid ice going down your throat and there's not even a hint of slush in your beer, you've been served a cold beer by a professional. When that beer is about to go empty and another one magically arrives at your table, you've just received good service.


Mar 22, 2006
It is the same product, said by the same Eduardo Leon from his mouth. Put it on the freezer for a little while longer and you'll see;)

And if a beer is served at 32F it will instantly freeze once it touch the warm air. DR's refrigerators runs at 36-37F, maybe la cerveza ceniza is served at 35F, but you'll have to sexually molest it so it doesn't freeze into a frio frio.


Also mano do you know why Presidente Beer tastes different in Miami than in DR?? Temperature of the beer when served, in the DR they have special beer refrigerators which keeps the beer at exactly 37.3 F, in the US those temperatures are usually higher, in the 42-44F range. That came from the same Eduardo Leon, one of the brothers of the Leon Jimenes family, the owners of the Cervezeria.


Tisk tisk. The P for export to the US undergoes a "few" different processes than the stuff for internal consumption (thus, the difference in taste). As with most brews imported to the US. Someone who is referencing Eddie boy should be aware of this.

And, btw, who doesn't love Amsterdam, but sorry to opine that Heineken and Amstel are two of the worst beers I have ever tasted.

No worries, I still enjoy [some of] your posts


Dec 20, 2009
i found the presidente beer to be in between canadaian(strong) and american (weak)
like any beer drunk around the depends upon your taste of preferred flavour :)
Mar 2, 2008
[COLOR=[I]"DarkRed"][/I]It usually quite a quick process to adjust to the local brew - wherever one finds ones self[/COLOR]

No problem whatsoever!
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