Not going to happen Mike . there is no forward thinking in this country only give me now place is turning intoHow about pavement that is not like a motocross track. Lights that don't turn green all at the same time. Roads that are not under a foot of water after a 15 minute shower. More than 3 roads to allow movement for more than 150,000 residents, excluding tourists. PC is supposed to be the "model" of what we can become. Show the tourists how we can play at an international level. What we have is a totally neglected destination...Puerto Plata 2.0.
let's not forget about the kids to clean the windows at the traffic light they promise they had a solution that solution that last 7 days now there are more kids out on the street nice site for tourist to see.
but no let's build more community put more hotels and overpopulate the area and forget about the infrastructure
only place that does a great job with the infrastructure is Punta Cana Village he gets it