Well, there is that. But I am a heathen capitalist.Why not take a poke at religion?It seems to have it's wires crossed these days and is are preaching capitalism as opposed to true virtuous values.
Yep, stored energy from the sun just waiting to burn, baby, burn.I don't think my creative writing ever assumed that we will cumbaya campfire reminisce about the good old days of Dino fuel.I simply said that exploring renewable energy and expanding upon it would be beneficial,No? Your cat Generator ( which by the way I have made a decent living in my past installing )
would probably be the be all end all if it were reliant on say, something as infinite as a big ball of Natural nuclear energy.
When the power goes out, I still use a gasoline generator if the batteries get below 50%. While that is rare compared to recent years, Edenorte is still incompetent. And so it goes.At least I believe so....Cause believe or not most if not all "tough guys" become softies when there's no light to speak of for long stretches.that! you can take to the bank!!
The world will eventually be save by nuclear power. Fusion, which is always 10 years away.