quality of eye glasses in DR


Jun 13, 2009
Great news for you, and let me know how it worked out. I need my second eye done.

Mind you, you have a month to get in shape to do all of those stairs for the pre-examination, and that without coffee.

Good luck



On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Great news for you, and let me know how it worked out. I need my second eye done.

Mind you, you have a month to get in shape to do all of those stairs for the pre-examination, and that without coffee.

Good luck


LOL. As I mentioned above, two different address' so we asked before we made hotel reservations. Everything will be done at the Calle P. Fantino Falco Laser Clinic. One block west of the Olympic Park. I'm glad that we asked. A little further from the Metro station BUT found a Hotel one block away. Email:

I (Mrs. R) made both reservations. Tarifas It is the $65/night room, all rooms have balcony. We can take our saddlebags and some food, like breakfast and lunch stuff even ? The guy was really nice. No English, no reservation confirmation number, but he said not to worry, we would be fine J No credit cards, cash only. Yikes, lots of cash! I am checking with the hospital to see if they will take a check or credit card so we don?t have to haul all that cash around.

So WHATs wrong with this picture? SHE gets coffee and breakfast while I get to watch. I get to carry "BOB" my 9mm to shoot anyone near us....... HEY.... I'm going in for new eyes..... I can't see, remember?

Anyway. Just a little more information to help others along. :)


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
@DR1ers: What's your experience getting Transition glasses down here?
Dec 24, 2012
Wow, Ringo, that's some great news. I really hope it all works out well for you. I'm also getting eye correction procedure next in January, it looks like I'll have to get an exam from an additional clinic since I'm on the fence of two others. It looks like you'll be paying for close to 3,000USD for everything.

I would hope my procedure will not be as costly since I'm in my 20's and don't have any eye conditions except not reading anything 12 inches away. I'll keep you guys posted from what happens on my end. And Ringo, your surgeon graduated from Duke University, Summa CUm Laude, I think you're in good shape :)
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2010
Example from thailand ... Bought frame and lenses for 20 us bought 5 pairs ( not bifocals ) interest note only


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Wow, Ringo, that's some great news. I really hope it all works out well for you. I'm also getting eye correction procedure next in January, it looks like I'll have to get an exam from an additional clinic since I'm on the fence of two others. It looks like you'll be paying for close to 3,000USD for everything.

I would hope my procedure will not be as costly since I'm in my 20's and don't have any eye conditions except not reading anything 12 inches away. I'll keep you guys posted from what happens on my end. And Ringo, your surgeon graduated from Duke University, Summa CUm Laude, I think you're in good shape :)

I'm glad that we could be of some help. Sorry about your condition... and you being so young. Some days my sight is worse then others. Today I have my puter screen view pretty high so I can read. Let's hope that soon we both can see everything. :)

So your condition is ... just bad eyes? Have you had this from birth? Please provide all the information that you can about your situation, research and everything. This could help others by having real experience and information.

OH.... And thanks for looking into my Doc. Duke U. and top of Class. I can't ask for better then that. :)


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
You got me thinking JesucristoEsREY and thank you. I started to do some Google research on Dr. Juan Batlle.

A rather impressive background. I'm feeling better and better..... And will continue so AFTER I move my BIG SCREEN TV onto my desk, 24" from my face and hook up my puter. :)

(ok... so WHERE is the plug-in for what ever cord I've got in my hand?)
May 29, 2006
There is some investigation now into the cost of frames in the US. They actually cost something like $15-$20 to make. I got tired of having my frames get bent and the lenses scratched and switched to 30-day contacts a long time ago.
Dec 24, 2012
Ringo, I'm glad you're feeling better and better about it. There's nothing like knowing you're in goods hands.

Back in 2009 I looked into eye correction (or LASIK) but it was too expensive. I remember first needing glasses in elementary school, I walked into 4th grade thinking I'm the coolest guy in class since I'm wearing glasses. Then the hot girl in the class was disgusted at my coke bottle glasses... my life was pretty much over since that moment. My vision slowly got worse over the years, going up -.25 every 6 months to a year. Now my prescription is at around -3.75 which isn't really that bad... I don't know the exact numbers in terms of the "20/20" but my research indicates I may be around 20/80. I'm going to start making moves to setup appointments to get consultations and see where that goes. I'll bring updates as things happen.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Ringo, I'm glad you're feeling better and better about it. There's nothing like knowing you're in goods hands.

Back in 2009 I looked into eye correction (or LASIK) but it was too expensive. I remember first needing glasses in elementary school, I walked into 4th grade thinking I'm the coolest guy in class since I'm wearing glasses. Then the hot girl in the class was disgusted at my coke bottle glasses... my life was pretty much over since that moment. My vision slowly got worse over the years, going up -.25 every 6 months to a year. Now my prescription is at around -3.75 which isn't really that bad... I don't know the exact numbers in terms of the "20/20" but my research indicates I may be around 20/80. I'm going to start making moves to setup appointments to get consultations and see where that goes. I'll bring updates as things happen.

Thanks for your posting. I understand and I hope others do also. Keep us informed please.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Dr. Juan F. Batlle, Sr.
L?ser Center
Fantino Falco No.3, Naco
Santo Domingo. Rep. Dom.
809-563-1324 ext 422 y 424

The two ladies I spoke with that speak good English are Tirsa (ext 422) and Maria (probably ext 424)

(I just copied and pasted from Mrs R email and see that the is a different address. Hummmm?)

Arrived S.D. on Monday afternoon via the Metro from Sosua. Took a taxi to apt/hotel Turey that is a short block from the clinic so walking was easy. Stores and restuarants in the area. The Clinic and hotel are very near the Olympic park.

Tues. AM.: No food, coffee, water or anything. An easy physical and pin prick blood sample. Then eye exam and meeting with Dr. Batlle. Then be fitted for the new eye lens implants. Took about 4 hours with most of that waiting.

Weds AM.: No food, coffee or anything again. Check in at 7:30 am. Taken into the prep. area and fitted with over cloths gown, hair net and shoe covers. Right into surgery and IV put in, draped and readied. A relaxer is administered and my head covered only my right eye exposed. Drops and ointments put in. BRIGHT light so I could not see anything but the bright blue light. Dr. tells me more then I want to know so he laughs and stops telling me what he is doing. NO pain, no blood and just a little discomfort. No stitches.

I'm up off the table in 15 minutes. NO eye patch. I'm given more eye drops, pills, dark glasses and a night time eye cover. Walk back to the hotel by 10:30. A little blurry, as expected, but NO glasses even though my left eye I still needs to be done next week.

1 hour check up this morning and we are off to the buss to go home soon.

DR. BATLLE AND HIS STAFF ARE GREAT. Many/most speak english and went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable and to ask anything I wanted to. They ALL went over what I can expect in the next day or so and what to do and NOT to do.

While in S.D., Mrs. Ringo had talked with CMC clinic in Sosua about something else. They asked us to bring Dr. Batlle cards so they will have them.

We don't know the final costs but should be less then half of what U.S. prices would have been and our insurance covers most of it.

I'm writing this with NO glasses and normal page/print size.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Glad to hear the good results.

My father had one eye done and couldn't wait to get the second one replaced.... said it was like a miracle.
He was so bad that he was going through red lights (in No America that is considered a big deal - unlike here)

Sadly, he didn't make it to the second appointment......

So Ringo,..... you'llbe changing your screen name............. to HawkEye ??:D


May 13, 2006
Also glad to hear of your good results. Be sure to let the doctor know you are a horse rider. A jarring ride too soon might undo your success.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Also glad to hear of your good results. Be sure to let the doctor know you are a horse rider. A jarring ride too soon might undo your success.

Very correct you are and thanks for adding that very important post-op care Abuela.

6 weeks of no riding, no diving or anything strenuous. The Dr. has a ranch in Jarabaco with Paso's and Quarter horses and we know many of the same "horse people". He has invited us to bring our Paso's up for some riding with him. He knows all the trails and has stall space for our horses. So not only do I have a great eye Doc/person to ride with and can see but we get to go riding in one of the nicest areas in the D.R. and a place for the horses.

It doesn't get much better then that!


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Eye care for Infants.

Copied from a flyer. They see 500 FREE patients a week overall. This is one part of what they do. Perhaps you have a child or know of one and didn't know how to help:

Especialistas en Vision Infantil
Tiny Eyes
Optica Infantil

Problemas an el aprendizaje y en el omportamiento pueden estar asociados a deficiencias visuales.

*Evaluaciaones por Optometras calificados
*Oftalmologos Pediatricos a tu disposician
*Especialistas en Ambliopia y Contactologia infantil
*La mayor variedad de monturas y parches para ni?os
*Descuentos al presentar este volante.

Plaza Cataluna, Gustavo Mejia Ricart No. 116
Local 10-B, 2do. Nivel, Plantini, Sto. Dgo., R.D.
Tel.: 809-541-2469
E-mail: opticatinyeyes@gmail.com

The leading cause of blindness in the D.R. is caused by diabetes. The increase in the last 10 years has been incredible. In part due to all the "new" fast foods and processed foods. Dominicans also tend to use a large amount of sugar can can lead to diabetes. I'm told that most are in denial until it is to late and the blindness is from detached retinas.

While I was waiting for various tests and consultations I was amazed at the SIZE of 90% others in the waiting rooms with me.
Dec 24, 2012
Ringo, I'm glad to hear about your success thus far. Since I'm a foreigner with no insurance, I was quoted $8000 DOP just for an eye exam... I'm looking to get insured before moving further. Otherwise it's too expensive paying in cash... looks like I'll have to wait until later this year to get everything situated.
Dec 24, 2012

Hope you are doing well! Could you provide us with how the second eye went and how you are doing after almost a year of post op?
Dec 24, 2012

Hope you are doing well! Thanks for sharing. Please tell us how your second eye went and how both eyes are doing after almost a year of post op, final costs, overall experience, etc.

Thanks again,